Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE . —A PRIL 27 . PRESENT , The Rt . Hon . ancl M . AV . Lord Dundas , Pro .-G . M . on the Throne . The Most Noble and M . W . the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . Rt . Hon . Lord II . J . S . ChurchillD . G . M .
, R . AV . Hon . Thomas Dundas , Prov . G . M . Yorkshire . " Simon M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . Canada . R . AV .: R . Alston , M . P . S . G . AV . E . A . Sanford , M . P ., J . G , AV . R . AV . Brothers , AV . AV . Prescott . —AV . AA ilIett . —D . Pollock . —B . B . Cabbell .
V . AV . Brothers , AV . H . AVhite . —E . Harper . —Rev . AV . Fallowfield . — AV . C . Clarkson . AV . Brothers , Silvester . —Salomons . — -Mestayer . —B . Lawrence . —Shadbolt . — Cuthbert . —J . J . Moore . —Savory . —Henderson . —Zachary . — Heath . —Dr . Granville . —J . S . Gascolgne . —Buckhardt- — -Masson . —• Simpson . — -Laurie . —Sir Geo . Smart , & c .
Also , Moolvee Mahommed Ishmael Kahn , Ambassador from the King of Oude . —Rt . Hon . Lord Monson , P . M . Riegate Lodge .- —Lord Albert Conyngham . — Hon . F . Saville . —Hon . Col . Anson . —Capt . Grinlay , late of the H . E . I . C . S ., and a very numerous assemblage of other Metropolitan and Provincial Brethren . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form by the M . W . tbe Pro-G . Blaster , assisted by the Grand Chaplain , Brother Fallowfield .
After the minutes referring to the election of the M . AV . G . Master were read , the high Masonic honours were respectfully given in salutation of his Royal Hig hness . The compliment was acknowledged by his Lordship on the part of the Grand Master , from whom a letter had been received that morning , and which was read by the Grand Secretary , Brother AVhite . It stated , in very affectionate terms , the regret of the illustrious Duke at being still compelled to be absent from the Brethren ,
and directed his Lordship to invest the Brethren whom he appointed as Grand Officers for the ensuing year . In his letter , the Grand Master was graciously pleased to express his intention to remove the restriction which be had some time since laid upon the Stewards , interdicting the admission of musical Brethren into the Glee Room , which kind message Brother Lythgoe briefly noticed . The message was received by the Grand Lodge with grateful respect .
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Masonic Intelligence.
ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE . —A PRIL 27 . PRESENT , The Rt . Hon . ancl M . AV . Lord Dundas , Pro .-G . M . on the Throne . The Most Noble and M . W . the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . Rt . Hon . Lord II . J . S . ChurchillD . G . M .
, R . AV . Hon . Thomas Dundas , Prov . G . M . Yorkshire . " Simon M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . Canada . R . AV .: R . Alston , M . P . S . G . AV . E . A . Sanford , M . P ., J . G , AV . R . AV . Brothers , AV . AV . Prescott . —AV . AA ilIett . —D . Pollock . —B . B . Cabbell .
V . AV . Brothers , AV . H . AVhite . —E . Harper . —Rev . AV . Fallowfield . — AV . C . Clarkson . AV . Brothers , Silvester . —Salomons . — -Mestayer . —B . Lawrence . —Shadbolt . — Cuthbert . —J . J . Moore . —Savory . —Henderson . —Zachary . — Heath . —Dr . Granville . —J . S . Gascolgne . —Buckhardt- — -Masson . —• Simpson . — -Laurie . —Sir Geo . Smart , & c .
Also , Moolvee Mahommed Ishmael Kahn , Ambassador from the King of Oude . —Rt . Hon . Lord Monson , P . M . Riegate Lodge .- —Lord Albert Conyngham . — Hon . F . Saville . —Hon . Col . Anson . —Capt . Grinlay , late of the H . E . I . C . S ., and a very numerous assemblage of other Metropolitan and Provincial Brethren . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form by the M . W . tbe Pro-G . Blaster , assisted by the Grand Chaplain , Brother Fallowfield .
After the minutes referring to the election of the M . AV . G . Master were read , the high Masonic honours were respectfully given in salutation of his Royal Hig hness . The compliment was acknowledged by his Lordship on the part of the Grand Master , from whom a letter had been received that morning , and which was read by the Grand Secretary , Brother AVhite . It stated , in very affectionate terms , the regret of the illustrious Duke at being still compelled to be absent from the Brethren ,
and directed his Lordship to invest the Brethren whom he appointed as Grand Officers for the ensuing year . In his letter , the Grand Master was graciously pleased to express his intention to remove the restriction which be had some time since laid upon the Stewards , interdicting the admission of musical Brethren into the Glee Room , which kind message Brother Lythgoe briefly noticed . The message was received by the Grand Lodge with grateful respect .