Article GRAND FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER. ← Page 13 of 18 →
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
satisfaction to their benefactors ; and beautiful as their outward person appeared , he could assure the Brethren that their inward mind received equal attention . Their education was in every way worthy of the Mason ' s child . Much credit was due to the Committee for their judicious management , and too much praise could not be awarded to their governesses , Mrs . Crook and Mrs . Jackson , for the watchful solicitude and maternal kindnesswhich they on all occasions were accustomed to
, evince in the care of those " little ones . " It afforded him much pleasure in bearing his testimony to the strong interest which many of the ladies , by whose presence they were honoured that evening , took in the institution . They had a reward already , much more precious than that which he or his Brethren could afford them , the consciousness of having done good ; the feelings of their own hearts—hearts surcharged with goodness , and overflowing with the tenderest emotions that ever did
honour to human nature ( cheers ) . He trusted that the Great Architect of the Universe , and the heavenly " Father of the poor , " would remember them in another ancl a better world . Pie was sorry that His Royal Highness , the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , was unable to be present on such an interesting occasion ; bis heart , however , as it always had been , so it then was , with them . " Brethren , " said Brother Ramsbottomin conclusion" heart is fullas I feel one is which
, , my , every throbs around me to-night , in the cause of charity ; I hope the subscription list will be equally so ( cheers ) . Brother Ramsbottom again rose , and having asked permission of the Rt . AA'brshipful Deputy Grand Master to make a few observations , said — " Brethren , I am sure you will join me in the truth of the assertion ,
that in no other society than in our own , is more justice done to the merits , or more homage done to the character of the fair sex . I have great pleasure in announcing to you the subscription of a lady , a relative to our late lamented Brother Lindley . In mentioning the name of our deceased Brother , it is but justice to his memory to say , that whether we look to bis character by his own fireside , or mixing abroad with his fellow-citizens , there lived not a better man . As a Mason , his name mentioned without
was never calling forth in the bosoms of those who heard it the liveliest feelings of love ancl esteem . He not only was with us during his life , but is anxious in spirit to remain with us after death ( cheers ) . Brethren , I have been requested by the excellent neice of our late Brother Lindley to present you with twenty pounds subscription , and also three pounds , the proceeds of a jewel which he had received from the Lod of Antiquitymaking together a present of
ge , twenty-three pounds to the Female School ( loud cheers ) . The noble Chairman , after some laudatory observations on their merits and services , proposed the health of " The Medical Officers . " Doctor Granville rose to acknowledge the compliment , and said" For the fifteenth time , Brethren , I present myself to your notice , to return thanks for the kind tribute of your regard , and , I may add , of approbation for those serviceswhich it is but truth to have
your , say , ever been sincerely and warmly given in the cause which assembles us here to-night . It has ever been a matter of consolation to those who took a part in the affairs of the institution , that their exertions were equalled , if not surpassed , by the liberal feelings of the Masonic Brethren who were interested in its prosperity . I have no doubt of the ultimate prosperity of the Female School . I have no doubt of the result of this evening ' s subscriptions . Our honourable and worthy
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
satisfaction to their benefactors ; and beautiful as their outward person appeared , he could assure the Brethren that their inward mind received equal attention . Their education was in every way worthy of the Mason ' s child . Much credit was due to the Committee for their judicious management , and too much praise could not be awarded to their governesses , Mrs . Crook and Mrs . Jackson , for the watchful solicitude and maternal kindnesswhich they on all occasions were accustomed to
, evince in the care of those " little ones . " It afforded him much pleasure in bearing his testimony to the strong interest which many of the ladies , by whose presence they were honoured that evening , took in the institution . They had a reward already , much more precious than that which he or his Brethren could afford them , the consciousness of having done good ; the feelings of their own hearts—hearts surcharged with goodness , and overflowing with the tenderest emotions that ever did
honour to human nature ( cheers ) . He trusted that the Great Architect of the Universe , and the heavenly " Father of the poor , " would remember them in another ancl a better world . Pie was sorry that His Royal Highness , the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , was unable to be present on such an interesting occasion ; bis heart , however , as it always had been , so it then was , with them . " Brethren , " said Brother Ramsbottomin conclusion" heart is fullas I feel one is which
, , my , every throbs around me to-night , in the cause of charity ; I hope the subscription list will be equally so ( cheers ) . Brother Ramsbottom again rose , and having asked permission of the Rt . AA'brshipful Deputy Grand Master to make a few observations , said — " Brethren , I am sure you will join me in the truth of the assertion ,
that in no other society than in our own , is more justice done to the merits , or more homage done to the character of the fair sex . I have great pleasure in announcing to you the subscription of a lady , a relative to our late lamented Brother Lindley . In mentioning the name of our deceased Brother , it is but justice to his memory to say , that whether we look to bis character by his own fireside , or mixing abroad with his fellow-citizens , there lived not a better man . As a Mason , his name mentioned without
was never calling forth in the bosoms of those who heard it the liveliest feelings of love ancl esteem . He not only was with us during his life , but is anxious in spirit to remain with us after death ( cheers ) . Brethren , I have been requested by the excellent neice of our late Brother Lindley to present you with twenty pounds subscription , and also three pounds , the proceeds of a jewel which he had received from the Lod of Antiquitymaking together a present of
ge , twenty-three pounds to the Female School ( loud cheers ) . The noble Chairman , after some laudatory observations on their merits and services , proposed the health of " The Medical Officers . " Doctor Granville rose to acknowledge the compliment , and said" For the fifteenth time , Brethren , I present myself to your notice , to return thanks for the kind tribute of your regard , and , I may add , of approbation for those serviceswhich it is but truth to have
your , say , ever been sincerely and warmly given in the cause which assembles us here to-night . It has ever been a matter of consolation to those who took a part in the affairs of the institution , that their exertions were equalled , if not surpassed , by the liberal feelings of the Masonic Brethren who were interested in its prosperity . I have no doubt of the ultimate prosperity of the Female School . I have no doubt of the result of this evening ' s subscriptions . Our honourable and worthy