Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Quarterly Communication.
liberality whicli it is our duty to acknowledge . During the evening , some very pleasing addresses were offered , and that of Brother Henderson was very warmly welcomed . ST . PAUL ' LODGE . —A very appropriate medal has been presented to Brother Leonard Chandler , P . M . ancl Treasurer . AA e know not what words have been inscribed thereon but we can , from 35 years' intimate knowledge of Brother Chandlercongratulate the Lodge in having among
, them one whose end ancl aim is " charity . " IONIC LODGE , NO . 275 . —This Loclge , the warrant of which was , until lately , in action at Charlton in Kent , but which , by the secession of its members , had become nearly dormant , lias been removed to London , under the auspices of some late members of the " Burlington , " who seem determined to emulate their parent Loclge . AVe cordially wish them success , and hope the example of the Loclge in which they first imbibed
the precepts of Masonry may prove the means of a noble rivalry . The Ionic has given an earnest of its early discipline by having associated a Lodge of Instruction , which is held weekly at the George and Vulture , in Cornhill . A member of the Lodge requests us to bring the subject of the Freemasons' Asylum before the Brethren : we so far comply , and leave the cause itself to their kindest consideration .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS . CHAPTER OF OBSERVANCE . —The proceedings of this Encampment have been most admirably conducted by Mr . Hall , the E . Commander . The solemnities have in particular been observed with the propriety they demand , ancl in the recent ceremony of the Rosicrucian , wo were deeply impressed by the manner in which it was performed . CROSS OF CHRIST ENCAMPMENT . —This Encampment is a powerful
rival in discipline to the preceding , while in numbers and in the character of its members it is attaining an eminence that will soon place it upon a par , if it does not take the lead of any other . On the 17 th instant seven candidates were installed . The bye-laws , as newly revised , were read for the first time . The intelligence of the happy result of the operation on the eyes of His Royal Highness the M . E . C . was received with the most lively interest , and an address of congratulation to him unanimously passed , which was referred to the council to prepare and present forthwith .
MONUMENT TO BRO . HENRY O'BRIEN . —The memory of our departed friend ancl Brother , Henry O'Brien , whose career in Freemasonry has so speedily terminated , is hallowed in the pleasing vocation of a sister in the Order , with an earnestness that woman only can feel , and with an effect resistless when she reall y takes up a cause . Mrs . J . S . AVood ( a Freemason ' s widow ) has enlisted her friends in the laudable object of raising a monument to perpetuate the name of Henry O'Brien . AA e ,
who knew him well , who watched with intentness the almost bursting emotion with which he dwelt on the happiness he received in Masonic pursuits , and the means it would afford him to prosecute his great views in regard to the universal science , can bear witness to the propriety ancl kindness of our patroness ( if we may be allowed so to acknowledge Mrs . AVood ) , and we request most earnestl y of tlie Fraternity to support the noble purport of her wishes , alike so honourable to herself as a lady , and to the Craft , which thus derives a moral aid through the kindness of
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Quarterly Communication.
liberality whicli it is our duty to acknowledge . During the evening , some very pleasing addresses were offered , and that of Brother Henderson was very warmly welcomed . ST . PAUL ' LODGE . —A very appropriate medal has been presented to Brother Leonard Chandler , P . M . ancl Treasurer . AA e know not what words have been inscribed thereon but we can , from 35 years' intimate knowledge of Brother Chandlercongratulate the Lodge in having among
, them one whose end ancl aim is " charity . " IONIC LODGE , NO . 275 . —This Loclge , the warrant of which was , until lately , in action at Charlton in Kent , but which , by the secession of its members , had become nearly dormant , lias been removed to London , under the auspices of some late members of the " Burlington , " who seem determined to emulate their parent Loclge . AVe cordially wish them success , and hope the example of the Loclge in which they first imbibed
the precepts of Masonry may prove the means of a noble rivalry . The Ionic has given an earnest of its early discipline by having associated a Lodge of Instruction , which is held weekly at the George and Vulture , in Cornhill . A member of the Lodge requests us to bring the subject of the Freemasons' Asylum before the Brethren : we so far comply , and leave the cause itself to their kindest consideration .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS . CHAPTER OF OBSERVANCE . —The proceedings of this Encampment have been most admirably conducted by Mr . Hall , the E . Commander . The solemnities have in particular been observed with the propriety they demand , ancl in the recent ceremony of the Rosicrucian , wo were deeply impressed by the manner in which it was performed . CROSS OF CHRIST ENCAMPMENT . —This Encampment is a powerful
rival in discipline to the preceding , while in numbers and in the character of its members it is attaining an eminence that will soon place it upon a par , if it does not take the lead of any other . On the 17 th instant seven candidates were installed . The bye-laws , as newly revised , were read for the first time . The intelligence of the happy result of the operation on the eyes of His Royal Highness the M . E . C . was received with the most lively interest , and an address of congratulation to him unanimously passed , which was referred to the council to prepare and present forthwith .
MONUMENT TO BRO . HENRY O'BRIEN . —The memory of our departed friend ancl Brother , Henry O'Brien , whose career in Freemasonry has so speedily terminated , is hallowed in the pleasing vocation of a sister in the Order , with an earnestness that woman only can feel , and with an effect resistless when she reall y takes up a cause . Mrs . J . S . AVood ( a Freemason ' s widow ) has enlisted her friends in the laudable object of raising a monument to perpetuate the name of Henry O'Brien . AA e ,
who knew him well , who watched with intentness the almost bursting emotion with which he dwelt on the happiness he received in Masonic pursuits , and the means it would afford him to prosecute his great views in regard to the universal science , can bear witness to the propriety ancl kindness of our patroness ( if we may be allowed so to acknowledge Mrs . AVood ) , and we request most earnestl y of tlie Fraternity to support the noble purport of her wishes , alike so honourable to herself as a lady , and to the Craft , which thus derives a moral aid through the kindness of