Article MASONIC BAPTISM. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Baptism.
The sponsors were Brother David Barber , Provincial Grand I . G ., and Secretary to the above Lodge ; Brother Matthew Blunt ; and Mrs . Mary Thorp , consort of Brother William Thorp , of the Legs of Man Inn , at which the above Lodge is held . The child was invested with a handsome Masonic apron , made for the occasion , together with other valuable emblems of the Royal Order , the whole of which were presented to the young Nehemiah by the
godfather ancl godmother , as a memento of the sacred and solemn rite , the ceremonial performance of which , from the peculiar circumstances attending it , was very impressive . In felicitating the young Nehemiah , and also his brother Ezra , who is about two years his senior , upon being thus earl y brought to the notice of the Masonic public , we beg to express a fervent hope , that they may live to reward their parents and friendsby affectionate ancl
vir-, tuous conduct , such as becomes all men , but is especially to be expected from the science of the Royal Order , whose cluty it is to exercise the noblest affections of the heait ; and when , at a future day , they may peruse this memorial , may some kindred spirit teach them why they were called Ezra ancl Nehemiah .
Masonic Obituary.
Masonic Obituary .
April . —Brother THOMAS BIRD was initiated in 1814 , in the Pailadean Lodge , No . 141 , Hereford , for which county he was also clerk of the peace . He was appointecl Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire in 1831 , and continued a subscribing member to the time of his decease . May . —Brother RICHARD CARPENTER , P . M ., 87 ; the particulars of his Masonic career will be found detailed at some length in another part of this number .
Brother CHARLES DOYNE SILLERY , late of the Bank of England , and poet laureate of St . David's Lodge , Edinburgh . He was the son of the late Captain Sillery , of the H . E . 1 . C . S . He was the author of the " Royal Mariner , " and other poetical works , which , if they could not stand the severe test of criticism , prove that he had a warm imagination and a feeling heart ; kindness and benevolence were his prominent qualities .
15 . —Brother JOHN GURR , retat 78 , at St . Margaret ' s , Rochester . Our lamented Brother ' s Masonic career was marked by philanthropy ; with the means to act in charity , he practised his profession by heart . Active and zealous , during fifty years of a Masonic service , he has left behind him the untainted character of a good man and an excellent Mason . Bro . Gurr was Prov . Grand Treasurer for the county of Kent for forty years , and a member of the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 .
His remains were followed to the grave by a great number of friends , many of them of the first rank in society . As a private individual he was highly esteemed , and as a banker , at Chatham , he possessed the unbounded confidence of the town and neighbourhood . Brother JOHN SOULTHORPE , aged 65 . The deceased Brother was registered in No . 12 , Sth Oct ., 1804 ; joined 212 in 1 S 0 . 5 ; joined 194 in 1817 ; joined late 349 in 1 S 19 ; joined 87 in 1824 ; and afterwards joined 33 , of whicli he was a member at the time of'his death .
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Masonic Baptism.
The sponsors were Brother David Barber , Provincial Grand I . G ., and Secretary to the above Lodge ; Brother Matthew Blunt ; and Mrs . Mary Thorp , consort of Brother William Thorp , of the Legs of Man Inn , at which the above Lodge is held . The child was invested with a handsome Masonic apron , made for the occasion , together with other valuable emblems of the Royal Order , the whole of which were presented to the young Nehemiah by the
godfather ancl godmother , as a memento of the sacred and solemn rite , the ceremonial performance of which , from the peculiar circumstances attending it , was very impressive . In felicitating the young Nehemiah , and also his brother Ezra , who is about two years his senior , upon being thus earl y brought to the notice of the Masonic public , we beg to express a fervent hope , that they may live to reward their parents and friendsby affectionate ancl
vir-, tuous conduct , such as becomes all men , but is especially to be expected from the science of the Royal Order , whose cluty it is to exercise the noblest affections of the heait ; and when , at a future day , they may peruse this memorial , may some kindred spirit teach them why they were called Ezra ancl Nehemiah .
Masonic Obituary.
Masonic Obituary .
April . —Brother THOMAS BIRD was initiated in 1814 , in the Pailadean Lodge , No . 141 , Hereford , for which county he was also clerk of the peace . He was appointecl Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire in 1831 , and continued a subscribing member to the time of his decease . May . —Brother RICHARD CARPENTER , P . M ., 87 ; the particulars of his Masonic career will be found detailed at some length in another part of this number .
Brother CHARLES DOYNE SILLERY , late of the Bank of England , and poet laureate of St . David's Lodge , Edinburgh . He was the son of the late Captain Sillery , of the H . E . 1 . C . S . He was the author of the " Royal Mariner , " and other poetical works , which , if they could not stand the severe test of criticism , prove that he had a warm imagination and a feeling heart ; kindness and benevolence were his prominent qualities .
15 . —Brother JOHN GURR , retat 78 , at St . Margaret ' s , Rochester . Our lamented Brother ' s Masonic career was marked by philanthropy ; with the means to act in charity , he practised his profession by heart . Active and zealous , during fifty years of a Masonic service , he has left behind him the untainted character of a good man and an excellent Mason . Bro . Gurr was Prov . Grand Treasurer for the county of Kent for forty years , and a member of the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 .
His remains were followed to the grave by a great number of friends , many of them of the first rank in society . As a private individual he was highly esteemed , and as a banker , at Chatham , he possessed the unbounded confidence of the town and neighbourhood . Brother JOHN SOULTHORPE , aged 65 . The deceased Brother was registered in No . 12 , Sth Oct ., 1804 ; joined 212 in 1 S 0 . 5 ; joined 194 in 1817 ; joined late 349 in 1 S 19 ; joined 87 in 1824 ; and afterwards joined 33 , of whicli he was a member at the time of'his death .