Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 44 →
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R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , tlie Marquess of Salisbury , attended b y bis Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master , Brother Davies , and many visiting Brethren were present ; among them the following : _ _ Brother E . Harper , G . S . ; Dr . Crucefix , J . G . D . ; Charles Hawley , Grand Steward ; Brothers Acklam , Hawley , and Key , of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , ancl Brother H . Rowe , Past Grand Steward ; G . R .
Rowe , AA ' . M . 18 ; E . Daniel , AV . M . 70 ; W . R , Kemp , AV . M . 229 ; Thos . Smith , No . 1 . ; Grimstone , 7 ; Spencer , 329 . About three o ' clock the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Brother Davies , took the Chair , and , having read the Warrant of Constitution , lie offered up a prayer to the Throne of Grace , beseeching protection for the Order , and favour for the Lodge . He then duly installed Brother William Lloyd Thomasas Master of the Lod who then initiated
, ge , four Brethren into the mysteries , among whom was a clergyman of the Church of England , who , on the appointment of officers , received the chaplain ' s coliai . Brothers Crewe and Philipe , as the AVardens , by coming forward in support of an infant Lodge , evince a becoming spirit , and give earnest of its future strength . Few Masons are better qualified to impart instruction— -none are better acquainted with the proper courtesies to be observed .
The Provincial Grancl Master was received on his entrance with high Masonic honours , and occasionally made suggestions respecting the bylaws , and on other matters . Tlie Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which Brother Thomas presided , supported on his right hand by tha Noble Marquess . After the King ' s health had been givenand received with loyal and
, fraternal respect , the health of the Queen , as the patroness of the Girls ' School , was appropriately premised by the Chairman , as a toast not very usual in Masonry ; but the present meeting being rather of a public nature , he thought the breach of strict rule might with propriety be agreeably permitted . The health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex was received with great enthusiasm .
Lord Dundas , as Pro .-Grand Master , and Lord John Churchill , were separately given , and received with the most cordial approbation . The next toast was to the health of the most honorable the Marquess of Salisbury , the Prov . G . M . of the province , —" who , " observed Brother Lloyd , " is amongst us the boast and the pride of Freemasonry . He has espoused , ivith other nobles of tlie land , its interests in time of difficulty , and , on a recent occasion , our Provincial chief boldly stated ,
in the House of Peers , his opinion of the Order , and he backed that opinion by his moral support . " ( Loud cheers rewarded the sentiment . ) The noble Marquess , in reply , stated how much he was flattered b y the manner in which the toast had been received : " I have endeavoured , as far as in my pow & r , to promote Freemasonry , but regret I have not been enabled to perform my duty in the province as I could wish ; but it is gratifying to my feelings , and flattering to my official
character , to know that Masonry is advancing in the county . Another new Lodge has this day been started : may it prosper , and extend the usefulness of our Craft ; and may I never disgrace the province whicli so nobly supports our principles ! An omission in a recent Bill permitted me the happy opportunity of giving my support , as a Peer of Parliament—in surety that the absence of politics is the proof of the inestimable value of the Order . "
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R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , tlie Marquess of Salisbury , attended b y bis Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master , Brother Davies , and many visiting Brethren were present ; among them the following : _ _ Brother E . Harper , G . S . ; Dr . Crucefix , J . G . D . ; Charles Hawley , Grand Steward ; Brothers Acklam , Hawley , and Key , of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , ancl Brother H . Rowe , Past Grand Steward ; G . R .
Rowe , AA ' . M . 18 ; E . Daniel , AV . M . 70 ; W . R , Kemp , AV . M . 229 ; Thos . Smith , No . 1 . ; Grimstone , 7 ; Spencer , 329 . About three o ' clock the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Brother Davies , took the Chair , and , having read the Warrant of Constitution , lie offered up a prayer to the Throne of Grace , beseeching protection for the Order , and favour for the Lodge . He then duly installed Brother William Lloyd Thomasas Master of the Lod who then initiated
, ge , four Brethren into the mysteries , among whom was a clergyman of the Church of England , who , on the appointment of officers , received the chaplain ' s coliai . Brothers Crewe and Philipe , as the AVardens , by coming forward in support of an infant Lodge , evince a becoming spirit , and give earnest of its future strength . Few Masons are better qualified to impart instruction— -none are better acquainted with the proper courtesies to be observed .
The Provincial Grancl Master was received on his entrance with high Masonic honours , and occasionally made suggestions respecting the bylaws , and on other matters . Tlie Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which Brother Thomas presided , supported on his right hand by tha Noble Marquess . After the King ' s health had been givenand received with loyal and
, fraternal respect , the health of the Queen , as the patroness of the Girls ' School , was appropriately premised by the Chairman , as a toast not very usual in Masonry ; but the present meeting being rather of a public nature , he thought the breach of strict rule might with propriety be agreeably permitted . The health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex was received with great enthusiasm .
Lord Dundas , as Pro .-Grand Master , and Lord John Churchill , were separately given , and received with the most cordial approbation . The next toast was to the health of the most honorable the Marquess of Salisbury , the Prov . G . M . of the province , —" who , " observed Brother Lloyd , " is amongst us the boast and the pride of Freemasonry . He has espoused , ivith other nobles of tlie land , its interests in time of difficulty , and , on a recent occasion , our Provincial chief boldly stated ,
in the House of Peers , his opinion of the Order , and he backed that opinion by his moral support . " ( Loud cheers rewarded the sentiment . ) The noble Marquess , in reply , stated how much he was flattered b y the manner in which the toast had been received : " I have endeavoured , as far as in my pow & r , to promote Freemasonry , but regret I have not been enabled to perform my duty in the province as I could wish ; but it is gratifying to my feelings , and flattering to my official
character , to know that Masonry is advancing in the county . Another new Lodge has this day been started : may it prosper , and extend the usefulness of our Craft ; and may I never disgrace the province whicli so nobly supports our principles ! An omission in a recent Bill permitted me the happy opportunity of giving my support , as a Peer of Parliament—in surety that the absence of politics is the proof of the inestimable value of the Order . "