Article THE ASYLUM. ← Page 12 of 12 Article THE REPORTER. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Asylum.
The C HAIRMAN was then introduced to the ladies , and remained with them enjoying the concert for some time . The musical department , by Messrs . Hawes ancl Negri , gave much satisfaction—indeed we were never more gratified ; Mrs . H . Seguin , ancl Miss Turner were in excellent voice , and evidently took delight in the scene which they animated . Are we to pass by Signor Coletti , if we did , what would the ladies say ? Above , below , he volunteered , ancl and his tones
accompanied himself ; he was in excellent spirits , powerful were electrical . The Stewards were fortunate in having invited Brother Coletti , who as a gentleman is an acquisition , as a singer unrivalled . As a farewell to this happy clay , we have only to observe that it was unclouded . In the Hall , order prevailed , there was no necessity to call on the Stewards , —whence this charm—that is a secret of the Asylum , known only to those who have the pass-word . The ladies received every courtesy from Brs . Powis , Mountain , and Breillat ; to whom , in their name , we thus return thanks .
The Reporter.
THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT ( 318)—Advances toward perfection , is always to be admired , and we therefore remind the Masonic public , ancl especially our provincial readers , who should never fail to visit this Loclge of Instruction , that it meets regularly every Friday evening at the Freemasons' Tavern . On the 28 th of March last , there was a very numerous attendance . The Lodge was opened ancl closed in the three degrees , and the whole of the first lecture worked in a truly Craftsmanlike style by Brothers Robb , Houlding , AVatson , Honey , Key , Brown , ancl Savage .
The Loclge called off at the fourth section , ancl took a glass of wine , resumed their labours , and concluded a most delightful task under the able guidance of Brother S . B . AVilson . April 29 . —Our reporter having been attacked with that very severe complaint the " suspension fever , " sent us a note of apology . Thus circumstanced , we looked into the papers of the next day , and cut from the Morning Herald the following account : —
GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL . —The annual festival was celebrated at the Freemasons' Tavern yesterday . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master , presided . Among those present were Mr . Senior , Mr . M'Gilvray , Mr . B . B . Cabbell , Mr . Lewis , Mr . Charles Simpson , Mr . Hobson , Mr . Jennings , Sir George Smart , Mr . T . F . Savory , Mr . T . Moore , Mr . Baring , Mr . Dobie , Mr . J . Bell , & c .
There was a very numerous attendance ot the Cratt , nearly 300 having sat clown to dinner , which has not been surpassed in excellence or abundance at any of the Masonic festivals for the last twenty years . After the usual loyal toasts , which were responded to with all that enthusiastic devotion to the powers that be , for which the Craft are distinguished , Mr . LEWIS , Prov . Grancl Master for Sumatra , proposed " The health of the Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . "
His ROYAL HIGHNESS briefly returned thanks ; but such was the noise consequent upon the too early introduction ofthe dessert , that the Grand Master was quite inaudible . The same observation will apply to the whole of the speakers (!) .
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The Asylum.
The C HAIRMAN was then introduced to the ladies , and remained with them enjoying the concert for some time . The musical department , by Messrs . Hawes ancl Negri , gave much satisfaction—indeed we were never more gratified ; Mrs . H . Seguin , ancl Miss Turner were in excellent voice , and evidently took delight in the scene which they animated . Are we to pass by Signor Coletti , if we did , what would the ladies say ? Above , below , he volunteered , ancl and his tones
accompanied himself ; he was in excellent spirits , powerful were electrical . The Stewards were fortunate in having invited Brother Coletti , who as a gentleman is an acquisition , as a singer unrivalled . As a farewell to this happy clay , we have only to observe that it was unclouded . In the Hall , order prevailed , there was no necessity to call on the Stewards , —whence this charm—that is a secret of the Asylum , known only to those who have the pass-word . The ladies received every courtesy from Brs . Powis , Mountain , and Breillat ; to whom , in their name , we thus return thanks .
The Reporter.
THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT ( 318)—Advances toward perfection , is always to be admired , and we therefore remind the Masonic public , ancl especially our provincial readers , who should never fail to visit this Loclge of Instruction , that it meets regularly every Friday evening at the Freemasons' Tavern . On the 28 th of March last , there was a very numerous attendance . The Lodge was opened ancl closed in the three degrees , and the whole of the first lecture worked in a truly Craftsmanlike style by Brothers Robb , Houlding , AVatson , Honey , Key , Brown , ancl Savage .
The Loclge called off at the fourth section , ancl took a glass of wine , resumed their labours , and concluded a most delightful task under the able guidance of Brother S . B . AVilson . April 29 . —Our reporter having been attacked with that very severe complaint the " suspension fever , " sent us a note of apology . Thus circumstanced , we looked into the papers of the next day , and cut from the Morning Herald the following account : —
GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL . —The annual festival was celebrated at the Freemasons' Tavern yesterday . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master , presided . Among those present were Mr . Senior , Mr . M'Gilvray , Mr . B . B . Cabbell , Mr . Lewis , Mr . Charles Simpson , Mr . Hobson , Mr . Jennings , Sir George Smart , Mr . T . F . Savory , Mr . T . Moore , Mr . Baring , Mr . Dobie , Mr . J . Bell , & c .
There was a very numerous attendance ot the Cratt , nearly 300 having sat clown to dinner , which has not been surpassed in excellence or abundance at any of the Masonic festivals for the last twenty years . After the usual loyal toasts , which were responded to with all that enthusiastic devotion to the powers that be , for which the Craft are distinguished , Mr . LEWIS , Prov . Grancl Master for Sumatra , proposed " The health of the Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . "
His ROYAL HIGHNESS briefly returned thanks ; but such was the noise consequent upon the too early introduction ofthe dessert , that the Grand Master was quite inaudible . The same observation will apply to the whole of the speakers (!) .