Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 15 →
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The procession to return to the Town Hall , and afterwards to proceed to dinner at the Puncheon Tavern . —Dinner ancl desert 6 . s . 6 d . JOSEPH ASHBY , Esq ., of Chatham , has been appointed Deputy Provincial Grancl Master of this province .
CAMBRIDGE—ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . —The annual meeting of the Companions of this Ancient Order of Freemasonry was held on AVednesday , the 13 th of May , when a highly respectable assemblage of the members of this , the hig hest degree in Craft Masonry , congregated in the Chapter Rooms , at the Lion Hotel , Petty Cury , at twelve o ' clock , in order to receive the Provincial Grand Superintendant , the Rev . George Adam Browne , M-A ., who was specially invited to preside on this intesincere
resting occasion . We cannot refrain from expressing our regret that in this province , more particularly where we have ready access to such powerful advantages , the meetings of the Companions of this particular branch of Freemasonry are not more frequently convened . AVe feel confidently assured , that if the Brethren generally were fully alive to the importance of prosecuting their studies in Masonry , with the same efficient zeal that we have so gratefully experienced in Craft Masonry , that they would not refrain from taking advantage of the
earliest opportunity of acquainting themselves most fully with the details of this highest acknowledged degree under the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of England . As it was , however , the meeting was very respectably , though not so numerously attended as could have been wished . AVe were , however , much gratified to witness an accession , in point of numbers , of five novitiates , who expressed themselves highly pleased in having the opportunity held out to them , and which they found themhtfull
selves most happy to embrace . The day passed off most delig y . AVe are not aware that we ever witnessed a higher display of eloquence on any occasion in the cause of Masonry than that evinced by the Provincial Grand Superintendant at this particular meeting . AVe were also much gratified by the exertions of the more subordinate members . Our very worthy , and most justly esteemed friend ancl townsman , John Richard Barker was elected to tbe First Principal's chair , which
, Esq ., had that morning been vacated by Brother II . F . Rowe . The other elections were unanimously agreed to , and the Brethren afterwards dined together , ancl the evening was spent hi that true spirit of Christian charity , which is one of the brightest ornaments of the Masonic profession . — Cambridge Chronicle , May 16 .
EDGBASTON , April 30 . —The petition to establish a new Loclge of the Fraternity at Edgbaston , near Birmingham , has been laid before His Royal Highness , " the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ., who has been pleased to grant the prayer of the same ; ancl a dispensation has been obtained by the members to meet accordingly for Masonic business . We understand that the new Loclge is named the Lodge of Light , ancl bears in the records of the G . L ., the number 689 . The meetings , we believe , are held monthly , at tbe Plough ancl Harrow .
LIVERPOOL , April 27 . —One of the most brilliant meetings was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on the occasion of initiating into the mysteries our highly respected chief magistrate , Joshua AA almsley , Esq . Since the Provincial Grancl Meeting , which took p lace in December last at Liverpool , at which Lord Combermere attended , it has been our pleasing task to record the initiation of the son of that nobleman in an von . VII "
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The procession to return to the Town Hall , and afterwards to proceed to dinner at the Puncheon Tavern . —Dinner ancl desert 6 . s . 6 d . JOSEPH ASHBY , Esq ., of Chatham , has been appointed Deputy Provincial Grancl Master of this province .
CAMBRIDGE—ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . —The annual meeting of the Companions of this Ancient Order of Freemasonry was held on AVednesday , the 13 th of May , when a highly respectable assemblage of the members of this , the hig hest degree in Craft Masonry , congregated in the Chapter Rooms , at the Lion Hotel , Petty Cury , at twelve o ' clock , in order to receive the Provincial Grand Superintendant , the Rev . George Adam Browne , M-A ., who was specially invited to preside on this intesincere
resting occasion . We cannot refrain from expressing our regret that in this province , more particularly where we have ready access to such powerful advantages , the meetings of the Companions of this particular branch of Freemasonry are not more frequently convened . AVe feel confidently assured , that if the Brethren generally were fully alive to the importance of prosecuting their studies in Masonry , with the same efficient zeal that we have so gratefully experienced in Craft Masonry , that they would not refrain from taking advantage of the
earliest opportunity of acquainting themselves most fully with the details of this highest acknowledged degree under the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of England . As it was , however , the meeting was very respectably , though not so numerously attended as could have been wished . AVe were , however , much gratified to witness an accession , in point of numbers , of five novitiates , who expressed themselves highly pleased in having the opportunity held out to them , and which they found themhtfull
selves most happy to embrace . The day passed off most delig y . AVe are not aware that we ever witnessed a higher display of eloquence on any occasion in the cause of Masonry than that evinced by the Provincial Grand Superintendant at this particular meeting . AVe were also much gratified by the exertions of the more subordinate members . Our very worthy , and most justly esteemed friend ancl townsman , John Richard Barker was elected to tbe First Principal's chair , which
, Esq ., had that morning been vacated by Brother II . F . Rowe . The other elections were unanimously agreed to , and the Brethren afterwards dined together , ancl the evening was spent hi that true spirit of Christian charity , which is one of the brightest ornaments of the Masonic profession . — Cambridge Chronicle , May 16 .
EDGBASTON , April 30 . —The petition to establish a new Loclge of the Fraternity at Edgbaston , near Birmingham , has been laid before His Royal Highness , " the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ., who has been pleased to grant the prayer of the same ; ancl a dispensation has been obtained by the members to meet accordingly for Masonic business . We understand that the new Loclge is named the Lodge of Light , ancl bears in the records of the G . L ., the number 689 . The meetings , we believe , are held monthly , at tbe Plough ancl Harrow .
LIVERPOOL , April 27 . —One of the most brilliant meetings was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on the occasion of initiating into the mysteries our highly respected chief magistrate , Joshua AA almsley , Esq . Since the Provincial Grancl Meeting , which took p lace in December last at Liverpool , at which Lord Combermere attended , it has been our pleasing task to record the initiation of the son of that nobleman in an von . VII "