Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 15 →
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butions from each member of the various Lodges within the province , whereby they would be enabled to grant assistance to deserving applicants . Brotlier Drinkwater concluded amidst tbe warmest plaudits . Glee— " Life ' s a Bumper . " LE GENDRE N . STARKIE , Esq ., proposed the next toast . He remarked that there was one near him upon whose venerable head the winter of years had restedand whose name in connexion with Freemasonry would
, be always revered . He would give the health of " Brotlier Finchett Maclclockj R . AV . D . P . G . M ., for Cheshire . " Brother MADKOCK returned thanks . He was sensible of the honour they had conferred , which he should remember the longest clay he lived . ( Cries of hear , hear . ) He should never forget the kindness of the Freemasons of Liverpool , and which he had met with more particularly iii that room . The acquaintanceit is truehad been shortbut it had
, , , excited the most lively feeling of regard—( cheers ) . Allusion had been made to his grey hairs ; he had been thirty years a Mason ; he had had the honour of arriving at the highest point a Freemason could arrive at , ancl this was the mark of regard they had been pleased to show towards him—( great cheering ) . He remarked when they last met , that allusion had been made by their excellent friend and Brother , Drinkwater , to the
key-stone at AVarrington Bridge , that it might be emblematical of the union that existed between tbe two counties—( cheers ) . He thanked them cordially for the manner in which they had received his name—( great cheering ) . Glee— " How happily we meet . " The R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Brother Drinkwater , then rose and said , that bypermission of the R . AV . P . G . M , he would propose the health of a distinguished individual who had been recently initiated into Freemasonry
, and whose name , but for that circumstance , could not have been mentioned in that Lodge ; a gentleman who , by his assiduity , perseverance , and talent , had been raised to the highest station in that town , he meant his worthy and esteemed friend and Brother , Joshua AValmsley , Esq ., Mayor of Liverpool —( loud cheers ) . And he had no doubt but that if he ( the mayor ) used the same diligence ancl attention in his Masonic pursuits as he bad in other mattersand carried into effect the princiles
, p thereby inculcated , they would soon see him invested with the highest honours which the Order could confer—( great applause ) . Further preface to the toast was useless , he would therefore propose the health of " Joshua AValmsley , Esq , Mayor of Liverpool . " Glee— " Let Masonry from pole to pole . " The R . AV . P . G . M . then gave " The Provincial Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . "
The V . AV . P . S . G . Ar . returned thanks in a very neat speech . Song by J . Molineux . The R . AV . P . G M . then observed that he had sincere gratification in proposing to their notice the name of a very distinguished Brother . He would propose " The V . W . Provincial Grand Chanlain . " Glee— " The Red-Cross Knight . "
The Provincial Grand Chaplain returned thanks . Although labouring under indisposition , which materially affected his voice and hearing , it did not affect his heart . The Rev . gentleman sat down amidst tlie most enthusiastic applause . The R . AV . P . G . M . remarked , that a treasure was a very good thing ,
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butions from each member of the various Lodges within the province , whereby they would be enabled to grant assistance to deserving applicants . Brotlier Drinkwater concluded amidst tbe warmest plaudits . Glee— " Life ' s a Bumper . " LE GENDRE N . STARKIE , Esq ., proposed the next toast . He remarked that there was one near him upon whose venerable head the winter of years had restedand whose name in connexion with Freemasonry would
, be always revered . He would give the health of " Brotlier Finchett Maclclockj R . AV . D . P . G . M ., for Cheshire . " Brother MADKOCK returned thanks . He was sensible of the honour they had conferred , which he should remember the longest clay he lived . ( Cries of hear , hear . ) He should never forget the kindness of the Freemasons of Liverpool , and which he had met with more particularly iii that room . The acquaintanceit is truehad been shortbut it had
, , , excited the most lively feeling of regard—( cheers ) . Allusion had been made to his grey hairs ; he had been thirty years a Mason ; he had had the honour of arriving at the highest point a Freemason could arrive at , ancl this was the mark of regard they had been pleased to show towards him—( great cheering ) . He remarked when they last met , that allusion had been made by their excellent friend and Brother , Drinkwater , to the
key-stone at AVarrington Bridge , that it might be emblematical of the union that existed between tbe two counties—( cheers ) . He thanked them cordially for the manner in which they had received his name—( great cheering ) . Glee— " How happily we meet . " The R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Brother Drinkwater , then rose and said , that bypermission of the R . AV . P . G . M , he would propose the health of a distinguished individual who had been recently initiated into Freemasonry
, and whose name , but for that circumstance , could not have been mentioned in that Lodge ; a gentleman who , by his assiduity , perseverance , and talent , had been raised to the highest station in that town , he meant his worthy and esteemed friend and Brother , Joshua AValmsley , Esq ., Mayor of Liverpool —( loud cheers ) . And he had no doubt but that if he ( the mayor ) used the same diligence ancl attention in his Masonic pursuits as he bad in other mattersand carried into effect the princiles
, p thereby inculcated , they would soon see him invested with the highest honours which the Order could confer—( great applause ) . Further preface to the toast was useless , he would therefore propose the health of " Joshua AValmsley , Esq , Mayor of Liverpool . " Glee— " Let Masonry from pole to pole . " The R . AV . P . G . M . then gave " The Provincial Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . "
The V . AV . P . S . G . Ar . returned thanks in a very neat speech . Song by J . Molineux . The R . AV . P . G M . then observed that he had sincere gratification in proposing to their notice the name of a very distinguished Brother . He would propose " The V . W . Provincial Grand Chanlain . " Glee— " The Red-Cross Knight . "
The Provincial Grand Chaplain returned thanks . Although labouring under indisposition , which materially affected his voice and hearing , it did not affect his heart . The Rev . gentleman sat down amidst tlie most enthusiastic applause . The R . AV . P . G . M . remarked , that a treasure was a very good thing ,