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EDINBURGH , CANONGATE KILWINNING LODGE . —1 he sessional labours of this Loclge closed in the beginning of May , after a season of considerable interest and improvement , with at least the average accession of new members admitted into Masonry , besides joining Brethren of British ancl foreign Lodges . During no season has the zeal ancl attendance of the principal office-bearers been more exemplary ; and those who regretted , deeply the loss of their late lamented Master , Bro . Henry
Jardine , have reason to congratulate themselves ancl tbe Craft that they have found one so worthy to fill his place . Of Brother Aytoun , the Loclge Canongate Kilwinning may be justly proud . After a year ' s probation , he has more than fulfilled the highest expectations which could have been formed of him or any Brother . Judgment , gentleness , decision , and ingenuousness , in all his doings and sayings , have rendered him alike esteemed ancl respectedboth as a man and as a Mason . It
, is possible , indeed , that his disinterested devotion is not sufficiently appreciated by the many , or rjasses unobserved ; for , with the characteristic unobtrusiveness of true talent and worth , he is as slow to display his Masonic merits , as his individual accomplishments . Much good may vet be anticipated by the continuance of Brother Avtoim ' s rule .
Brother Deans having resigned the Secretaryship of the Loclge Canongate Kilwinning , the R . AV . Master Brother Aytoun appointed Brother Gibson ( nephew of Sir James Gibson Craig ) to act in his stead until a general election . The thanks of the Brethren ivere at the same time voted to Brother Deans , for the able , excellent , and worthy manner in which he had discharged the duties of his situation , during the course of several not un-eventful years in the annals of the Lodge . AA'ithout
disparagement to any former functionaries , it may be justly affirmed , that the accession of Brother Deans to the Secretaryship gave a new ancl important impulse to Masonic discipline and practice ST . DAVID ' LODGE . —On Tuesday , February IS , the members of this Lodge held a festive meeting , at which deputations from different Lodges attended . Brother Thomas Miller , Past Master , presided . The dormant Masonic grade called the Royal Order , it may be observed , has recently
been renewed by the admission into its body of a number of the members of St . David's Lodge . This Order or degree has long continued in high esteem on the Continent , where the Lodges originally received it from Scotland .
ROVAL Ancn CHAPTER , NO . 1 . —T his Chapter held some time ago a convivial assembly , Companion Alexander Deuchar on the throne , as First Principal . A visiting deputation from the Canongate Kilwinning Chapter were present . It was remarked that there has not been a single social meeting of the Templar Priory for years ; owing to the want of a proper esprit de corps . Brother W . ii . Aytoun has lately accepted the office of Prior of the Canongate Kilwinning Templars . Hopes may therefore be entertained
of a revival in this department , under the auspices of the historian of the chivalrous Cceur-de-Lion GRAND LODGE or SCOTLAND . —On "Wednesday , June 17 , the Grand Lodge of Scotland assembled for the purpose of addressing her Majesty
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EDINBURGH , CANONGATE KILWINNING LODGE . —1 he sessional labours of this Loclge closed in the beginning of May , after a season of considerable interest and improvement , with at least the average accession of new members admitted into Masonry , besides joining Brethren of British ancl foreign Lodges . During no season has the zeal ancl attendance of the principal office-bearers been more exemplary ; and those who regretted , deeply the loss of their late lamented Master , Bro . Henry
Jardine , have reason to congratulate themselves ancl tbe Craft that they have found one so worthy to fill his place . Of Brother Aytoun , the Loclge Canongate Kilwinning may be justly proud . After a year ' s probation , he has more than fulfilled the highest expectations which could have been formed of him or any Brother . Judgment , gentleness , decision , and ingenuousness , in all his doings and sayings , have rendered him alike esteemed ancl respectedboth as a man and as a Mason . It
, is possible , indeed , that his disinterested devotion is not sufficiently appreciated by the many , or rjasses unobserved ; for , with the characteristic unobtrusiveness of true talent and worth , he is as slow to display his Masonic merits , as his individual accomplishments . Much good may vet be anticipated by the continuance of Brother Avtoim ' s rule .
Brother Deans having resigned the Secretaryship of the Loclge Canongate Kilwinning , the R . AV . Master Brother Aytoun appointed Brother Gibson ( nephew of Sir James Gibson Craig ) to act in his stead until a general election . The thanks of the Brethren ivere at the same time voted to Brother Deans , for the able , excellent , and worthy manner in which he had discharged the duties of his situation , during the course of several not un-eventful years in the annals of the Lodge . AA'ithout
disparagement to any former functionaries , it may be justly affirmed , that the accession of Brother Deans to the Secretaryship gave a new ancl important impulse to Masonic discipline and practice ST . DAVID ' LODGE . —On Tuesday , February IS , the members of this Lodge held a festive meeting , at which deputations from different Lodges attended . Brother Thomas Miller , Past Master , presided . The dormant Masonic grade called the Royal Order , it may be observed , has recently
been renewed by the admission into its body of a number of the members of St . David's Lodge . This Order or degree has long continued in high esteem on the Continent , where the Lodges originally received it from Scotland .
ROVAL Ancn CHAPTER , NO . 1 . —T his Chapter held some time ago a convivial assembly , Companion Alexander Deuchar on the throne , as First Principal . A visiting deputation from the Canongate Kilwinning Chapter were present . It was remarked that there has not been a single social meeting of the Templar Priory for years ; owing to the want of a proper esprit de corps . Brother W . ii . Aytoun has lately accepted the office of Prior of the Canongate Kilwinning Templars . Hopes may therefore be entertained
of a revival in this department , under the auspices of the historian of the chivalrous Cceur-de-Lion GRAND LODGE or SCOTLAND . —On "Wednesday , June 17 , the Grand Lodge of Scotland assembled for the purpose of addressing her Majesty