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upon her recent providential escape from the treasonable attempt upon her Majesty ' s life , —the Right Hon . the Lord Provost , Grancl Master , in the chair . On proposing the address his lordshi p stated , that while ' all classes were vieing with each other in expressing their sentiments of loyalty and esteem upon the present occasion , he was sure tbe Freemasons of Scotland , whose bond was that of Brotherly love to all men would not be behind in showing their attachment to our beloved Soverei at time which loudl
gn , especially a y called for the sympathy of all her subjects , and their gratitude to Providence for saving her Majesty from the hands of au assassin . He had therefore lost no time in callinothe Brethren together , to submit the propriety of forwarding the address ' whicli was unanimously agreed to , ancl was directed to be forwarded to the Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master , for presentation . Thanks were voted to his lordship for thus anticipating the wishes of the Brethren , by affording them an opportunity of expressing their regard ancl devotion to our youthful Queen .
CELTIC MASONIC LODGE . —On Tuesday , the 31 st of March , the Celtic Masonic Loclge held their annual ball in the Calton Rooms , which were tastefull y decorated with Masonic devices . The Brethren were dressed in their full highland costume , and the ladies wore tartan scarfs , out of compliment to the Lodge . The dancing was kept up till an earl y hour , under the spirited music of M * Kenzie ' s band ; and rarely have we witnessed such a display of beauty , brilliancy , and happy festivity .
LEITH . —Amid the increasing trade of tbe port , both as regards shi pping and buildings , we are glad to notice a spirit of revival in the Masonic department . Since the foundation-stone of the Mariner ' s Church here was laid , under the auspices of the Lord Provost and Grancl Lodge of Scotland , the Canongate and Leith , Leith and Canongate Lodge , has added considerably to its numbers , by admitting members , comprehending some of the oldest and most influential merchants of the town ancl not few of the mariners who
a occasionally visit our port . In keeping with this spirit of improvement , a convivial meeting was ' announced for Tuesday evening , April 7 th , whicli came off in the Lodge-room Constitution Street , with great eclat . Besides a full attendance of the Brethren of the Lodge , deputations from six of the Edinburgh Lodges attended the meeting , viz . the St . David ' s , headed b y Brother Dou-das * St . Andrew ' s , headed b y Brother Simpson ; St . James ' s , headed by St hen '
R . AV . M . Ramage ; . Step s , headed by R . AV . M . Reid ; Defensive Band , beaded by R . W . M . Colquboun ; ancl the Edinburgh and Leith Celtic , headed by R . AV . M . Donaldson . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M . of the Lodge , Brother Gaylor , who performed the duties with true Masonic zeal ; and although the toasts were chiefly of a Masonic nature , " The City of Edinburgh and its Improvements , " with " Success to the Port of Leith , " were not forgotten . A number of excellent songs added much to the harmony of the evening . The company , which was above a hundred , separated at twelve o ' clock , after an evening of high festive enjoyment . ¦ s-
LEVEN—LAYING THE FOUNDATION -STONE OP THE NEW BRIDGE The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new bridge across the river Leven , took place upon Friday the 1 st of May , with the usual Masonic solemnities . The Earl of Rothes , R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master of Fife , officiated on the occasion , assisted b y a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , by the Elgin Lodge of Leven , and by depu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
upon her recent providential escape from the treasonable attempt upon her Majesty ' s life , —the Right Hon . the Lord Provost , Grancl Master , in the chair . On proposing the address his lordshi p stated , that while ' all classes were vieing with each other in expressing their sentiments of loyalty and esteem upon the present occasion , he was sure tbe Freemasons of Scotland , whose bond was that of Brotherly love to all men would not be behind in showing their attachment to our beloved Soverei at time which loudl
gn , especially a y called for the sympathy of all her subjects , and their gratitude to Providence for saving her Majesty from the hands of au assassin . He had therefore lost no time in callinothe Brethren together , to submit the propriety of forwarding the address ' whicli was unanimously agreed to , ancl was directed to be forwarded to the Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master , for presentation . Thanks were voted to his lordship for thus anticipating the wishes of the Brethren , by affording them an opportunity of expressing their regard ancl devotion to our youthful Queen .
CELTIC MASONIC LODGE . —On Tuesday , the 31 st of March , the Celtic Masonic Loclge held their annual ball in the Calton Rooms , which were tastefull y decorated with Masonic devices . The Brethren were dressed in their full highland costume , and the ladies wore tartan scarfs , out of compliment to the Lodge . The dancing was kept up till an earl y hour , under the spirited music of M * Kenzie ' s band ; and rarely have we witnessed such a display of beauty , brilliancy , and happy festivity .
LEITH . —Amid the increasing trade of tbe port , both as regards shi pping and buildings , we are glad to notice a spirit of revival in the Masonic department . Since the foundation-stone of the Mariner ' s Church here was laid , under the auspices of the Lord Provost and Grancl Lodge of Scotland , the Canongate and Leith , Leith and Canongate Lodge , has added considerably to its numbers , by admitting members , comprehending some of the oldest and most influential merchants of the town ancl not few of the mariners who
a occasionally visit our port . In keeping with this spirit of improvement , a convivial meeting was ' announced for Tuesday evening , April 7 th , whicli came off in the Lodge-room Constitution Street , with great eclat . Besides a full attendance of the Brethren of the Lodge , deputations from six of the Edinburgh Lodges attended the meeting , viz . the St . David ' s , headed b y Brother Dou-das * St . Andrew ' s , headed b y Brother Simpson ; St . James ' s , headed by St hen '
R . AV . M . Ramage ; . Step s , headed by R . AV . M . Reid ; Defensive Band , beaded by R . W . M . Colquboun ; ancl the Edinburgh and Leith Celtic , headed by R . AV . M . Donaldson . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M . of the Lodge , Brother Gaylor , who performed the duties with true Masonic zeal ; and although the toasts were chiefly of a Masonic nature , " The City of Edinburgh and its Improvements , " with " Success to the Port of Leith , " were not forgotten . A number of excellent songs added much to the harmony of the evening . The company , which was above a hundred , separated at twelve o ' clock , after an evening of high festive enjoyment . ¦ s-
LEVEN—LAYING THE FOUNDATION -STONE OP THE NEW BRIDGE The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new bridge across the river Leven , took place upon Friday the 1 st of May , with the usual Masonic solemnities . The Earl of Rothes , R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master of Fife , officiated on the occasion , assisted b y a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , by the Elgin Lodge of Leven , and by depu-