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tations from nine different Lodges—from Cupar , Kirkaldy , St . Andrews , Inverkeithing , & c . After the foundation-stone had been laid in the usual manner , thanks were returned to his Lordship by John Peter , jun . Esq . of Kirkland AVorks , in name of the trustees , when the procession returned to the Gardener ' s Lodge ( the Mason Lodge being too small for the occasion ) , where about 140 sat down to a splendid dinner , prepared by Mr . Andrew Webster , merchant . The Lodge broke up at 3 late hour , after having enjoyed a few hours of the greatest conviviality .
THORNHILL , May 19 . —Monday last was a memorable day in the annals of Thornhill , —occasion , laying the foundation-stone of a new church . Some years ago , the Duke of Buccleuch , upon whom the principal expense will fall , not only cheerfully sanctioned the erection of a new church , but personally pointed out a sunny knoll to the south , that will render the structure highly ornamental to the village , when the present badly situated school-house is removed . Mr . Burn , architect , furnished an elegant plan , and so liberal is his employer , that the expense
will not be much under £ 4 , 000 . At an early hour in the forenoon , the streets of Thornhill were crowded with strangers from all quarters ; the Masons mustered in great force ; the St . John ' s Lodge , Thornhill , is of itself a very powerful Craft , and there were deputations from Cumnock , Sanquhar , AVanlockhead , & c , not forgetting the Queeu of the South . At half-past two a procession was formed , and away the party went in lengthened array , preceded or followed b of some two thousand spectatorsA brass band
y a company , from AVanlockhead , did the needful well as regards music , and although the weather was decidedly unfavourable , curiosity appeared unchecked from first to last . After the usual preliminaries—depositation of coins and fragments of local history , with libations of corn , wine , and oil—the Rev . Mr . Murray delivered a highly appropriate and impressive prayer , which was listened to , notwithstanding the crowd , with the greatest attention ; the Master of St . John's then applied the usual insignia of had been
the mystic tie , and announced that the building securely founded amidst the cheering and good wishes of all present . Again the band struck up many a spirit-stirring note , ancl the procession , after being duly formed , returned in much the same order , the Kilwinning leading on account of their antiquity . At four o ' clock the Brethren dined in the Lodge-room , say upwards of a hundred in number , under the auspices of the Right AVorshipful Master and his Senior and Junior ivenand various
AA ardens . The usual public toasts were g , enlivening speeches made , VOL , VII , V
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tations from nine different Lodges—from Cupar , Kirkaldy , St . Andrews , Inverkeithing , & c . After the foundation-stone had been laid in the usual manner , thanks were returned to his Lordship by John Peter , jun . Esq . of Kirkland AVorks , in name of the trustees , when the procession returned to the Gardener ' s Lodge ( the Mason Lodge being too small for the occasion ) , where about 140 sat down to a splendid dinner , prepared by Mr . Andrew Webster , merchant . The Lodge broke up at 3 late hour , after having enjoyed a few hours of the greatest conviviality .
THORNHILL , May 19 . —Monday last was a memorable day in the annals of Thornhill , —occasion , laying the foundation-stone of a new church . Some years ago , the Duke of Buccleuch , upon whom the principal expense will fall , not only cheerfully sanctioned the erection of a new church , but personally pointed out a sunny knoll to the south , that will render the structure highly ornamental to the village , when the present badly situated school-house is removed . Mr . Burn , architect , furnished an elegant plan , and so liberal is his employer , that the expense
will not be much under £ 4 , 000 . At an early hour in the forenoon , the streets of Thornhill were crowded with strangers from all quarters ; the Masons mustered in great force ; the St . John ' s Lodge , Thornhill , is of itself a very powerful Craft , and there were deputations from Cumnock , Sanquhar , AVanlockhead , & c , not forgetting the Queeu of the South . At half-past two a procession was formed , and away the party went in lengthened array , preceded or followed b of some two thousand spectatorsA brass band
y a company , from AVanlockhead , did the needful well as regards music , and although the weather was decidedly unfavourable , curiosity appeared unchecked from first to last . After the usual preliminaries—depositation of coins and fragments of local history , with libations of corn , wine , and oil—the Rev . Mr . Murray delivered a highly appropriate and impressive prayer , which was listened to , notwithstanding the crowd , with the greatest attention ; the Master of St . John's then applied the usual insignia of had been
the mystic tie , and announced that the building securely founded amidst the cheering and good wishes of all present . Again the band struck up many a spirit-stirring note , ancl the procession , after being duly formed , returned in much the same order , the Kilwinning leading on account of their antiquity . At four o ' clock the Brethren dined in the Lodge-room , say upwards of a hundred in number , under the auspices of the Right AVorshipful Master and his Senior and Junior ivenand various
AA ardens . The usual public toasts were g , enlivening speeches made , VOL , VII , V