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DUBLIN , April . —AVe regret that , owing to some inadvertence , the account of the meeting of Grand Lodge has not reached us . Should it come in time , it will appear in a postscript . To the Members ofthe Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland . BRETHREN—Having received a requisition numerously and
respect-, ably signed , requesting of me to convene a meeting of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland , in order to prepare ancl present an Address to our Most Gracious Sovereign the Queen , ancl her Royal Consort Prince Albert , congratulating them on their providential escape from the late attempt at assassination , Pursuant to such Requisition , I do hereby require all and every one of the Members of the Grancl Masonic Loclge of Irelandto assemble and
, meet together at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , College Green , on Friday next , the 19 th instant , at the hour of three o ' clock in the afternoon , for the purpose stated in said Requisition mentioned . AVILLIAM AVHYTB , 17 th of June , 1840 . Deputy Grancl Master .
MASONIC CHARITY SERMON . —There was a tolerably full attendance at St . Mark's church , on Sunday , the 18 th of May , when the annual appeal in aid of the Masonic Female Orphan School , was made by the Rev . Daniel Flynn , A . M . The Masonic ancl civic functionaries acted as collectors , ancl his Grace the Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master , with his accustomed liberality , placed his annual donation of 50 / . upon the plate .
ST . PATRICK ' LODGE . —The Brethren enrolled under AVarrant No . 50 , assembled at four o ' clock , on Thursday , the 21 st of May , to the number of sixty-four . After the admission and initiation of three apprentices , Messrs . Kenny , Spait , and Studdart , the immediate object ofthe meeting was proceeded with , viz , the selection of a Brother to serve the office of Junior Deacon for the next six months , when , after a ballot , the Worshipful MasterJames NixonEsq . barrister-at-lawdeclared
, , , , Captain Knox , late of the 5 th Dragoons , the successful candidate . At 7 o ' clock the Brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The dinner , which consisted of three courses , was tlie criterion of good taste and prime cookery , and the wines travelled with the conversation , which was enlivened by
" Humout ' s chaste sallies , judgment ' s solid worth . " The AV . M . was supported by the Chaplain , the Rev . Doctor Wall , Sir W . Betham , Lieutenant Burdett , 17 th Lancers , Colonel Kenny , Major Brownrig ; Past Master Tenison was also present . During the evening " Enchanting harmony cssay'd its art . " Several songs , duets , ancl glees , heing given by Bros . M'Grath , Magee , AA elsb , Clements , Cronin , ancl Captain Stevens . Mons . Rudersdorf also performed on the violin a concerto , which afforded ample scope for his astonishing powers . We must also mention the amusing exercise of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DUBLIN , April . —AVe regret that , owing to some inadvertence , the account of the meeting of Grand Lodge has not reached us . Should it come in time , it will appear in a postscript . To the Members ofthe Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland . BRETHREN—Having received a requisition numerously and
respect-, ably signed , requesting of me to convene a meeting of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland , in order to prepare ancl present an Address to our Most Gracious Sovereign the Queen , ancl her Royal Consort Prince Albert , congratulating them on their providential escape from the late attempt at assassination , Pursuant to such Requisition , I do hereby require all and every one of the Members of the Grancl Masonic Loclge of Irelandto assemble and
, meet together at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , College Green , on Friday next , the 19 th instant , at the hour of three o ' clock in the afternoon , for the purpose stated in said Requisition mentioned . AVILLIAM AVHYTB , 17 th of June , 1840 . Deputy Grancl Master .
MASONIC CHARITY SERMON . —There was a tolerably full attendance at St . Mark's church , on Sunday , the 18 th of May , when the annual appeal in aid of the Masonic Female Orphan School , was made by the Rev . Daniel Flynn , A . M . The Masonic ancl civic functionaries acted as collectors , ancl his Grace the Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master , with his accustomed liberality , placed his annual donation of 50 / . upon the plate .
ST . PATRICK ' LODGE . —The Brethren enrolled under AVarrant No . 50 , assembled at four o ' clock , on Thursday , the 21 st of May , to the number of sixty-four . After the admission and initiation of three apprentices , Messrs . Kenny , Spait , and Studdart , the immediate object ofthe meeting was proceeded with , viz , the selection of a Brother to serve the office of Junior Deacon for the next six months , when , after a ballot , the Worshipful MasterJames NixonEsq . barrister-at-lawdeclared
, , , , Captain Knox , late of the 5 th Dragoons , the successful candidate . At 7 o ' clock the Brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The dinner , which consisted of three courses , was tlie criterion of good taste and prime cookery , and the wines travelled with the conversation , which was enlivened by
" Humout ' s chaste sallies , judgment ' s solid worth . " The AV . M . was supported by the Chaplain , the Rev . Doctor Wall , Sir W . Betham , Lieutenant Burdett , 17 th Lancers , Colonel Kenny , Major Brownrig ; Past Master Tenison was also present . During the evening " Enchanting harmony cssay'd its art . " Several songs , duets , ancl glees , heing given by Bros . M'Grath , Magee , AA elsb , Clements , Cronin , ancl Captain Stevens . Mons . Rudersdorf also performed on the violin a concerto , which afforded ample scope for his astonishing powers . We must also mention the amusing exercise of