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Female Children , twenty copies of his excellent little work entitled " Doctrines and Duties , " the following was agreed upon : — " At a meeting of the Governors ofthe Cork Masonic Orphan Asylum , held on the 6 th of April , 1840 , the Right Worshipful James Lane , Mayor of Cork , in the Chair . " A letter received through Brother James Morton , W . M ., Lodge
No . 1 , from Brotlier F . Bolingbroke Ribbans , of Edgbaston , was this day read , which accompanied a gift of twenty copies of his work entitled " Doctrines and Duties , " for the use of the inmates of this Asylum , the work having been , according to usage , submitted by the House Committee , to the inspection of the spiritual instructor of the Rev . W . Hall , Rector of Saint Nicholas , and Chancellor of the diocese of Cork and Ross , and his report upon its merits proving highly satisfactory , it is
proposed by the Mayor of Cork , and seconded by the Rev . W . HalL and resolved unanimously , " That the warmest thanks of the Governors be tendered to Brother F . Bolingbroke Ribbans , C . C . C ., Cambridge , F . S . A ., for his very kind and acceptable donation of twenty copies of the above-named work , for the use of the inmates of the house , a present which the Governors receive with pleasure , being convinced that , under God ' s blessing , it is eminently calculated , in clear and attractive language , to promote a knowledge of those Holy Scriptures which are able to make wise unto salvation . "
The following letter from the children in connexion with the above subject , was then considered . " ¦ Cork Masonic Asylum , Monday , April 6 , 1840 . " Will our worthy patrons the Governors , gratify us , by allowing us to work a Masonic apron for our Brother Ribbans , as a very small return for his affection and thoughtfuhiess for us ; ancl will they be so good as to ask him to wear it for our sakes , that he may remember our gratitude to him .
" Signed , on behalf of the Masonic orphans , " MARIA BIRD . " Resolved unanimously , that we most cheerfully comply with the above request , and highly approve of it . ( Signed ) JAMES LANE , Lodge No . I , Mayor of Cork , Chairman . THOMAS HEWITT , Sec . F . M . O . A .
Brother Ribbans has received from the hands of these little innocent sisters , one of the handsomest aprons we ever saw ; and we are quite sure that our Brother will never " clothe" himself without calling to mind the genuine gratitude ofthe Freemasons' daughters who proposed and worked this emblem of innocence , and this bond of friendship . May he long live to wear it , in health , and happiness , and ease . And here it may not he amiss to inquire , where is the other Institution that can boast a more dignified or more delightful desire to cultivate fraternal affection for each
other . We congratulate alike the First Lodge of Ireland , and our trustworthy Brother Ribbans , in this new yet enduring friendship , just formed for each other on the solid basis of a rational and laudable spirit , using the indissoluble cement of pure and disinterested regard , to unite for life , the kindest hearts and best of minds , in the unerring centre of that charity which completes the character of man .
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Female Children , twenty copies of his excellent little work entitled " Doctrines and Duties , " the following was agreed upon : — " At a meeting of the Governors ofthe Cork Masonic Orphan Asylum , held on the 6 th of April , 1840 , the Right Worshipful James Lane , Mayor of Cork , in the Chair . " A letter received through Brother James Morton , W . M ., Lodge
No . 1 , from Brotlier F . Bolingbroke Ribbans , of Edgbaston , was this day read , which accompanied a gift of twenty copies of his work entitled " Doctrines and Duties , " for the use of the inmates of this Asylum , the work having been , according to usage , submitted by the House Committee , to the inspection of the spiritual instructor of the Rev . W . Hall , Rector of Saint Nicholas , and Chancellor of the diocese of Cork and Ross , and his report upon its merits proving highly satisfactory , it is
proposed by the Mayor of Cork , and seconded by the Rev . W . HalL and resolved unanimously , " That the warmest thanks of the Governors be tendered to Brother F . Bolingbroke Ribbans , C . C . C ., Cambridge , F . S . A ., for his very kind and acceptable donation of twenty copies of the above-named work , for the use of the inmates of the house , a present which the Governors receive with pleasure , being convinced that , under God ' s blessing , it is eminently calculated , in clear and attractive language , to promote a knowledge of those Holy Scriptures which are able to make wise unto salvation . "
The following letter from the children in connexion with the above subject , was then considered . " ¦ Cork Masonic Asylum , Monday , April 6 , 1840 . " Will our worthy patrons the Governors , gratify us , by allowing us to work a Masonic apron for our Brother Ribbans , as a very small return for his affection and thoughtfuhiess for us ; ancl will they be so good as to ask him to wear it for our sakes , that he may remember our gratitude to him .
" Signed , on behalf of the Masonic orphans , " MARIA BIRD . " Resolved unanimously , that we most cheerfully comply with the above request , and highly approve of it . ( Signed ) JAMES LANE , Lodge No . I , Mayor of Cork , Chairman . THOMAS HEWITT , Sec . F . M . O . A .
Brother Ribbans has received from the hands of these little innocent sisters , one of the handsomest aprons we ever saw ; and we are quite sure that our Brother will never " clothe" himself without calling to mind the genuine gratitude ofthe Freemasons' daughters who proposed and worked this emblem of innocence , and this bond of friendship . May he long live to wear it , in health , and happiness , and ease . And here it may not he amiss to inquire , where is the other Institution that can boast a more dignified or more delightful desire to cultivate fraternal affection for each
other . We congratulate alike the First Lodge of Ireland , and our trustworthy Brother Ribbans , in this new yet enduring friendship , just formed for each other on the solid basis of a rational and laudable spirit , using the indissoluble cement of pure and disinterested regard , to unite for life , the kindest hearts and best of minds , in the unerring centre of that charity which completes the character of man .