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CARLOW LODGE , March 20 . —A Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , in Dublin Street , by the Master and the Members of Lodge 116 . A deputation from Dublin , consisting ofthe Grand Secretary for Ireland , John Fowler , Esq ., and Dr . Wright , attended by special request . The Chapter was opened at three o ' clock in the afternoon , with the usual solemnities , when several candidates , after due examination , were raised to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Masonry . The
proceedings closed at nine o ' clock , when the Brethren belonging to this high order , twenty in number , adjourned to the club-house , where they entertained the deputation to a sumptuous dinner , consisting of every variety in season , and to abundance of the best champaigne , claret , port , sherry , & c . The chair was taken by the Worshipful Master , Benedict Arthur Yates , Esq ., of Moone Abbey . Brother Thomas Crawford Butler , the Senior Warden , acted as Vice President . After the cloth was removed the following toasts were proposed :
" Her most gracious Majesty the Queen . " The Duke of Sussex , the Grand Master of England . " " Sir James Forrest , the Grand Master , and the Brethren of Scotland . " " The Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master of Ireland . "—Drank with all the honours . The Chairman next proposed the health of a high and distingushed Mason , " Dr . Wright , " who had honoured them with his company on
that evening , a Brother who was not only well known as a Member of their ancient Order , but as a philanthropist in the true sense of the term —( cheers ) . The toast was drank with the honours of Masonry . Brother Wright returned thanks , and after complimenting the
Members of Lodge 116 , for their zeal and exertions to promote the interests of the Order , he concluded by expressing a hope that he would be afforded an opportunity of dining with them on the 24 th of June . The next toast was— " The health of the Grand Secretary for Ireland , " who , for half a century , had shed a lustre on the Order , not merely for his services to promote the good of Masonry , which weie universally acknowledgedbut for his uniform attention to the Lodges throughout
, the kingdom —( cheers ) . Few Members of the Order throughout Europe were more beloved or respected ; and it was truly gratifying to the Members of Lodge 116 that they had merited his respect and approbation —( cheers . ) The toast was received with great cheering , and was drank with all the honours .
Brother Fowler , in an appropriate speech , returned thanks . Dr . Wright next proposed— " The health of the Worshipful Master , '' upon whose zeal and talents as a Mason he passed a high and deserved eulogium . Drank with the accustomed honours . The Chairman returned thanks , and concluded by proposing " the health of the P . M . Brother Simon Clarke , " which was received with cheering , and drank with all the honors . At twelve o ' clock the company separated after spending one of those
social and convivial evenings known to Members of the Fraternity , in peace , love , and harmony . —Carlow Sentinel , March 2 S . GHARLEMONT—DINNER TO GEORGE WILFORD , ESQ . —On Thursday , the 23 rd April , a grand entertainment was given in the large Assembly Room , at Mr . Robert Thompson ' s , in Charlemont , by the Master and members of Masonic Lodge No . 395 , to George Wilford , Esq ., of Moy , upon the occasion of his departure for America . At an early hour in the evening the members began to throng the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CARLOW LODGE , March 20 . —A Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , in Dublin Street , by the Master and the Members of Lodge 116 . A deputation from Dublin , consisting ofthe Grand Secretary for Ireland , John Fowler , Esq ., and Dr . Wright , attended by special request . The Chapter was opened at three o ' clock in the afternoon , with the usual solemnities , when several candidates , after due examination , were raised to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Masonry . The
proceedings closed at nine o ' clock , when the Brethren belonging to this high order , twenty in number , adjourned to the club-house , where they entertained the deputation to a sumptuous dinner , consisting of every variety in season , and to abundance of the best champaigne , claret , port , sherry , & c . The chair was taken by the Worshipful Master , Benedict Arthur Yates , Esq ., of Moone Abbey . Brother Thomas Crawford Butler , the Senior Warden , acted as Vice President . After the cloth was removed the following toasts were proposed :
" Her most gracious Majesty the Queen . " The Duke of Sussex , the Grand Master of England . " " Sir James Forrest , the Grand Master , and the Brethren of Scotland . " " The Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master of Ireland . "—Drank with all the honours . The Chairman next proposed the health of a high and distingushed Mason , " Dr . Wright , " who had honoured them with his company on
that evening , a Brother who was not only well known as a Member of their ancient Order , but as a philanthropist in the true sense of the term —( cheers ) . The toast was drank with the honours of Masonry . Brother Wright returned thanks , and after complimenting the
Members of Lodge 116 , for their zeal and exertions to promote the interests of the Order , he concluded by expressing a hope that he would be afforded an opportunity of dining with them on the 24 th of June . The next toast was— " The health of the Grand Secretary for Ireland , " who , for half a century , had shed a lustre on the Order , not merely for his services to promote the good of Masonry , which weie universally acknowledgedbut for his uniform attention to the Lodges throughout
, the kingdom —( cheers ) . Few Members of the Order throughout Europe were more beloved or respected ; and it was truly gratifying to the Members of Lodge 116 that they had merited his respect and approbation —( cheers . ) The toast was received with great cheering , and was drank with all the honours .
Brother Fowler , in an appropriate speech , returned thanks . Dr . Wright next proposed— " The health of the Worshipful Master , '' upon whose zeal and talents as a Mason he passed a high and deserved eulogium . Drank with the accustomed honours . The Chairman returned thanks , and concluded by proposing " the health of the P . M . Brother Simon Clarke , " which was received with cheering , and drank with all the honors . At twelve o ' clock the company separated after spending one of those
social and convivial evenings known to Members of the Fraternity , in peace , love , and harmony . —Carlow Sentinel , March 2 S . GHARLEMONT—DINNER TO GEORGE WILFORD , ESQ . —On Thursday , the 23 rd April , a grand entertainment was given in the large Assembly Room , at Mr . Robert Thompson ' s , in Charlemont , by the Master and members of Masonic Lodge No . 395 , to George Wilford , Esq ., of Moy , upon the occasion of his departure for America . At an early hour in the evening the members began to throng the