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spacious apartment , which was tastefully and beautifull y decorated with festoons and wreaths of evergreens . Some well executed oil paintino's were conspicuously exhibited , illustrative of Scripture , such as our first parents in their primeval simplicity , ranging through Eden ' s peaceful bowers—the general deluge-the Jewish Temple with its porches , & c , and a handsome representation of the venerable Fortification of Charlemont . Immediatelbehind the chair was transparency of the at
y a sun high meridian . At eight o ' clock dinner was on the table , and was served up in the most sumptuous manner , and reflected infinite credit on Mrs Ihompson ' s skill and taste . The Chair was taken by Brother Lieutenant _ Charles Harpur , and Brother James M'Farlane acted as Vice-President . When the cloth was removed , the followine toasts were given : — °
" The Queen , the illustrious Monarch of these Realms . " " His Royal Highness Prince Albert . " ' ¦ His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , " "His Grace the Duke of Leinster , Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ireland . "
" Our Brethren round the globe . " " Brother Crucefix , the talented and indefatigable Editor of The Masonic Quarterly Review , and may the Fraternity duly appreciate his eminent services in their cause . " The charter toast of the evening : — " Our guest , Brother George Wilford . " c This toast was drank with loud cheering . After the cheering had subsided ,
Brother WILFORD rose to tender his sincere thanks to the Worshipful Master and Brethren for the warm and affectionate manner in which his health had been drank , and expressed his deep concern at his intended removal from amongst them : and when he saw himself encircled by many with whom , in early life , he was warmly associated , he felt himself animated by their presence , and gladdened by their fraternal and affectionate councilhe felt proud in being a member of their venerable
, society ; and although he had not much experience in their sublime mysteries , his feeble attainments were received with admiration and respect . B y them he had learned to avoid the follies and vices of youth as the wary mariner did the rocks of Scylla and Charybdis of old ; by the wisdom of their well-regulated laws he had learned to reduce rude matter into due form , and rude manners into the more polished shape of
moral and religious rectitude , becoming thereb y a more harmonious corner-stone of symmetry in the structure of human society , until he would be made a glorified cornerstone in the temple of GOD , " made without hands , eternal in the heavens . " When he gazed upon the transparency behind the Gallant Worshipful Master , representing the bright orb of day in his meredian splendour , it reminded him that a few more setting suns and he must say ' * farewell Brethren , " and bid , perhaps for ever adieu to the and fertile soil that
genial gave him birth . But a few days and the lovely green hills oi Erin must recede from his view ; but he could sincerely tell them that when he should have crossed the dark blue wave , or , to use the words of the illustrious Wesley , that " huge monster the Atlantic ocean , " and in safety landed on the shores of the western world , he would think of the land of the harp , and of his affectionate Brethren who had on that evening conferred such a distinguished honour
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
spacious apartment , which was tastefully and beautifull y decorated with festoons and wreaths of evergreens . Some well executed oil paintino's were conspicuously exhibited , illustrative of Scripture , such as our first parents in their primeval simplicity , ranging through Eden ' s peaceful bowers—the general deluge-the Jewish Temple with its porches , & c , and a handsome representation of the venerable Fortification of Charlemont . Immediatelbehind the chair was transparency of the at
y a sun high meridian . At eight o ' clock dinner was on the table , and was served up in the most sumptuous manner , and reflected infinite credit on Mrs Ihompson ' s skill and taste . The Chair was taken by Brother Lieutenant _ Charles Harpur , and Brother James M'Farlane acted as Vice-President . When the cloth was removed , the followine toasts were given : — °
" The Queen , the illustrious Monarch of these Realms . " " His Royal Highness Prince Albert . " ' ¦ His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , " "His Grace the Duke of Leinster , Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ireland . "
" Our Brethren round the globe . " " Brother Crucefix , the talented and indefatigable Editor of The Masonic Quarterly Review , and may the Fraternity duly appreciate his eminent services in their cause . " The charter toast of the evening : — " Our guest , Brother George Wilford . " c This toast was drank with loud cheering . After the cheering had subsided ,
Brother WILFORD rose to tender his sincere thanks to the Worshipful Master and Brethren for the warm and affectionate manner in which his health had been drank , and expressed his deep concern at his intended removal from amongst them : and when he saw himself encircled by many with whom , in early life , he was warmly associated , he felt himself animated by their presence , and gladdened by their fraternal and affectionate councilhe felt proud in being a member of their venerable
, society ; and although he had not much experience in their sublime mysteries , his feeble attainments were received with admiration and respect . B y them he had learned to avoid the follies and vices of youth as the wary mariner did the rocks of Scylla and Charybdis of old ; by the wisdom of their well-regulated laws he had learned to reduce rude matter into due form , and rude manners into the more polished shape of
moral and religious rectitude , becoming thereb y a more harmonious corner-stone of symmetry in the structure of human society , until he would be made a glorified cornerstone in the temple of GOD , " made without hands , eternal in the heavens . " When he gazed upon the transparency behind the Gallant Worshipful Master , representing the bright orb of day in his meredian splendour , it reminded him that a few more setting suns and he must say ' * farewell Brethren , " and bid , perhaps for ever adieu to the and fertile soil that
genial gave him birth . But a few days and the lovely green hills oi Erin must recede from his view ; but he could sincerely tell them that when he should have crossed the dark blue wave , or , to use the words of the illustrious Wesley , that " huge monster the Atlantic ocean , " and in safety landed on the shores of the western world , he would think of the land of the harp , and of his affectionate Brethren who had on that evening conferred such a distinguished honour