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upon him . To the Grand Lodge of Ireland he felt much indebted for their great kindness and promptness in furnishing him with their certificate ; and when he , in other lands , would look upon the parchment and its appendages , it would enkindle iii his bosom feelings of grateful pride . Having occupied , he feared , too much time , he begged to propose " The health of the Gallant Worshipful Master , Brother Charles Harpur . "
Brother HARPUR returned thanks , and expressed his gratitude to his Brethren of the Lodge for the kind feelings they had uniformly manifested towards him since he had the honour to preside over them as Master . He had always observed their willingness to comply with all his recommendations for the well-being of their society , and their prompt obedience to all his official directions . He must applaud their temperance and regularity , as well as the seriousness of their whole
deportment , and hoped the Lodge would evermore preserve that high character for which it was so eminently distinguished . Brother WILFORD respectfully claimed permission to propose the lx . * dtl > ibf their much-esteemed and talented senior Warderu
" Brother William Jackson . This Brother ' s health was drank with rapturous applause . Brother JACKSON then rose , and said he had felt some embarrasment in addressing them on so momentous an occasion , as he was then labouring under a slight affliction ; but he trusted that they had discovered no lack of oratory after what had fallen from the lips of their Worshipful Master , and their able and distinguished guest , tlie latter of whom he had known from boyhoodand he could bear proud testimony to the
, transcendent merits of their respected guest , Brother Wilford . He remembered him at a period when placed only under the guardianship of his maternal parent , and when his father , their worthy fellow-citizen , bore a commission in the Royal Regiment of Artillery , and with his companions in arms fought side by side with the illustrious hero of Waterloo ,
" When Talavera shudders yetj Vittoria and Almeria ' s plains , And Salamanca ne ' er forgets , But trembles at the conqueror ' s name . " In descanting , however , on the merits of the father of their guest , he felt he was diverging from the subject which ought more immediately to engage their attention . Their guest had pressing claims upon their
regard , for the calmness and serenity of his temper , the gentleness of his manners , the kindness of his heart , and the generosity of his dispositions , were eminently conspicuous through the whole of his deportment ; and wherever Providence mig ht hereafter direct his path , he trusted he would pay a due regard to the sacred duties of religion , and ever bear in mind that the orders with which he had recently been invested were strictly consonant with the injunctions of the Holy Scriptures . The rules and
regulations of the society whose benefits he had embraced did not direct him to the mustv volumes of the fathers , or the dark and abstruse fictions of traditional story , but the blessed Bible , whicli was able to make all wise unto salvation . The beauties of their orders were as the faint glimmerings of the distant beacon to the toil-worn mariner , the nearer he approached its lig hts became the more brilliant , and cheered him in his onward course to the desired haven . The sentiments of an attached Brother here flashed across his mind , and he hoped that , while he quoted , VOL . VII . M M
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upon him . To the Grand Lodge of Ireland he felt much indebted for their great kindness and promptness in furnishing him with their certificate ; and when he , in other lands , would look upon the parchment and its appendages , it would enkindle iii his bosom feelings of grateful pride . Having occupied , he feared , too much time , he begged to propose " The health of the Gallant Worshipful Master , Brother Charles Harpur . "
Brother HARPUR returned thanks , and expressed his gratitude to his Brethren of the Lodge for the kind feelings they had uniformly manifested towards him since he had the honour to preside over them as Master . He had always observed their willingness to comply with all his recommendations for the well-being of their society , and their prompt obedience to all his official directions . He must applaud their temperance and regularity , as well as the seriousness of their whole
deportment , and hoped the Lodge would evermore preserve that high character for which it was so eminently distinguished . Brother WILFORD respectfully claimed permission to propose the lx . * dtl > ibf their much-esteemed and talented senior Warderu
" Brother William Jackson . This Brother ' s health was drank with rapturous applause . Brother JACKSON then rose , and said he had felt some embarrasment in addressing them on so momentous an occasion , as he was then labouring under a slight affliction ; but he trusted that they had discovered no lack of oratory after what had fallen from the lips of their Worshipful Master , and their able and distinguished guest , tlie latter of whom he had known from boyhoodand he could bear proud testimony to the
, transcendent merits of their respected guest , Brother Wilford . He remembered him at a period when placed only under the guardianship of his maternal parent , and when his father , their worthy fellow-citizen , bore a commission in the Royal Regiment of Artillery , and with his companions in arms fought side by side with the illustrious hero of Waterloo ,
" When Talavera shudders yetj Vittoria and Almeria ' s plains , And Salamanca ne ' er forgets , But trembles at the conqueror ' s name . " In descanting , however , on the merits of the father of their guest , he felt he was diverging from the subject which ought more immediately to engage their attention . Their guest had pressing claims upon their
regard , for the calmness and serenity of his temper , the gentleness of his manners , the kindness of his heart , and the generosity of his dispositions , were eminently conspicuous through the whole of his deportment ; and wherever Providence mig ht hereafter direct his path , he trusted he would pay a due regard to the sacred duties of religion , and ever bear in mind that the orders with which he had recently been invested were strictly consonant with the injunctions of the Holy Scriptures . The rules and
regulations of the society whose benefits he had embraced did not direct him to the mustv volumes of the fathers , or the dark and abstruse fictions of traditional story , but the blessed Bible , whicli was able to make all wise unto salvation . The beauties of their orders were as the faint glimmerings of the distant beacon to the toil-worn mariner , the nearer he approached its lig hts became the more brilliant , and cheered him in his onward course to the desired haven . The sentiments of an attached Brother here flashed across his mind , and he hoped that , while he quoted , VOL . VII . M M