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Glvnch J P . * . and Brother Moorehead , of Annamaking House , J . P ., m their proper positions as Wardens ; P . M . Thos . Tenison , of Portnelhgan , and Captain Stopford , Acting Deacons . In addition to the members mentioned , there were present , P . M . Alex . Dudgeon , Stirling Cottage ; the Rev W P . Moore , Principal of Cavan College ; Ihomas Coote , Deputy-Lieutenant and J . P ., Fortwilliam ; Bros . Kearney , Clones Eyne Coote , Bellament Forest , Thomas Phillips , Dumbrain House , J . P ., the Rev T H Montgomery , Killevan Glebe , Secretary and Treasurer , J . I . Hurst , M . D ., Clones , Captain Cottnam , Mynore , J . P . ; the visitors being Bros the Rev . Henry Winder and Armstrong , of Lodge 565 ,
Bel-The Master on taking the chair , read the permission of the Grand Lod ° e of Ireland , authorising the removal of Warrant No . 790 , from the Daerc Arms , Clones , to Kerr ' s Hotel , Newbliss ; he afterwards offered some explanatory observations , as an opinion prevailed that the D G S of Ireland would be present and assist at the Consecration , and concluded by reading a letter from Brother Fowler , regretting that his official dutiespreparatory to the General Ball on the 24 thwould
pre-, , vent him from acceding to the earnest and unanimous invitation ot the Fraternity to partake of their hospitalities . The customary preparation heing made , and the order of procession arranged under the direction of P . M . Dudgeon , the Brethren taking the places assigned to them in the programme of Consecration , moved forward , and making the circuit of the room , performed all the ceremonies according to immemorial us . ,,,,.. „ i vi Brother acting Chaplain in the unavoidable
The Rev Moore , as absence of the Rev . Allen Mitchell , Incumbent of Drumsnat , delivered the Exordium and read the Consecration Service ; at the conclusion ot which the Rev . Bros . Walsh , Montgomery , and Winder responded ^ " Glory be to God on high , on earth peace and goodwill towards man . The Rev and Worshipful Master then , in the name of the Supreme and Eternal Architect of heaven and earth , dedicated the apartment « To F REEMASONRY , RELIGION , VIRTUE , SCIENCE , UNIVERSAL
The Chaplain made the Invocation : response by the Brethren , 1 he Lord he is gracious , and his mercy endureth for ever . After which the blessing was intreated in an appropriate and beautiful prayer . _ The ceremony having concluded , and truly it was an interesting spec-„ j » m-esentinsr a scene of moral instruction and sincere supplication ,
the Brethren adiourned to the salle a manger , where a repast , consisting of two courses , was served , to which was added Brother Snow s port and claret When the cloth was drawn , the usual Masonic toasts were prefaced ' and replied to , in addresses expressive of the more honourabe sentiments of the human mind , and quaffed m
» Cups that cheer , but do not inebriate . At eleven o'clock , the Brethren , after an evening of unusual gratification , separated having previously made such customary collection for chantable purposes as is commensurate with the array of intelligence and respectability enrolled in No . 790 . 8 STH , C ONNAUGHT IUNGERS . -Sir Michael Cusack Smith Bart son to the late distinguished Irish Judge , has been entered past an raised to the degree of a Master Mason , m the Military Lodge held in this regiment .
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Glvnch J P . * . and Brother Moorehead , of Annamaking House , J . P ., m their proper positions as Wardens ; P . M . Thos . Tenison , of Portnelhgan , and Captain Stopford , Acting Deacons . In addition to the members mentioned , there were present , P . M . Alex . Dudgeon , Stirling Cottage ; the Rev W P . Moore , Principal of Cavan College ; Ihomas Coote , Deputy-Lieutenant and J . P ., Fortwilliam ; Bros . Kearney , Clones Eyne Coote , Bellament Forest , Thomas Phillips , Dumbrain House , J . P ., the Rev T H Montgomery , Killevan Glebe , Secretary and Treasurer , J . I . Hurst , M . D ., Clones , Captain Cottnam , Mynore , J . P . ; the visitors being Bros the Rev . Henry Winder and Armstrong , of Lodge 565 ,
Bel-The Master on taking the chair , read the permission of the Grand Lod ° e of Ireland , authorising the removal of Warrant No . 790 , from the Daerc Arms , Clones , to Kerr ' s Hotel , Newbliss ; he afterwards offered some explanatory observations , as an opinion prevailed that the D G S of Ireland would be present and assist at the Consecration , and concluded by reading a letter from Brother Fowler , regretting that his official dutiespreparatory to the General Ball on the 24 thwould
pre-, , vent him from acceding to the earnest and unanimous invitation ot the Fraternity to partake of their hospitalities . The customary preparation heing made , and the order of procession arranged under the direction of P . M . Dudgeon , the Brethren taking the places assigned to them in the programme of Consecration , moved forward , and making the circuit of the room , performed all the ceremonies according to immemorial us . ,,,,.. „ i vi Brother acting Chaplain in the unavoidable
The Rev Moore , as absence of the Rev . Allen Mitchell , Incumbent of Drumsnat , delivered the Exordium and read the Consecration Service ; at the conclusion ot which the Rev . Bros . Walsh , Montgomery , and Winder responded ^ " Glory be to God on high , on earth peace and goodwill towards man . The Rev and Worshipful Master then , in the name of the Supreme and Eternal Architect of heaven and earth , dedicated the apartment « To F REEMASONRY , RELIGION , VIRTUE , SCIENCE , UNIVERSAL
The Chaplain made the Invocation : response by the Brethren , 1 he Lord he is gracious , and his mercy endureth for ever . After which the blessing was intreated in an appropriate and beautiful prayer . _ The ceremony having concluded , and truly it was an interesting spec-„ j » m-esentinsr a scene of moral instruction and sincere supplication ,
the Brethren adiourned to the salle a manger , where a repast , consisting of two courses , was served , to which was added Brother Snow s port and claret When the cloth was drawn , the usual Masonic toasts were prefaced ' and replied to , in addresses expressive of the more honourabe sentiments of the human mind , and quaffed m
» Cups that cheer , but do not inebriate . At eleven o'clock , the Brethren , after an evening of unusual gratification , separated having previously made such customary collection for chantable purposes as is commensurate with the array of intelligence and respectability enrolled in No . 790 . 8 STH , C ONNAUGHT IUNGERS . -Sir Michael Cusack Smith Bart son to the late distinguished Irish Judge , has been entered past an raised to the degree of a Master Mason , m the Military Lodge held in this regiment .