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the East , No . 80 ; W . M . Loclge Industry and Perseverance , No . 1-26 ¦ W M . Lodge True Friendship , No . 265 ; W . M . Lodge Humility with latitude , No . 279 ; AV . M . Marine Lodge , No . 282 ; W . M . Lodge Courage with Humanity , No . 551 . ° Friday the 28 th of February was a day for Masonry in Bengal , and must have filled with heartfelt satisfaction tlie breasts of every Brother present at the formal opening of the Provincial Grand Lod
ge , which took place at the Town Hall on that day . The spectacle which was there exhibited was affecting in the extreme , and almost beyond the power of the pen to describe . There are many of the community , who can recollect the palmy days of Masonry in Calcutta , when ten Lodges enrolled themselves under the provincial
oanner , wliereas now there are but six . The same cause which affects all other human institutions has had a baneful effect on Freemasonry here , —neglect . The want of any local government in the shape of a Grand Lodge has superinduced a degree of supineness , very detrimental to the true interests of the Craft . This detriment , however , has been more in degree than in kind , —for faint though the traces may be , the true land-marks of the Order have been carefully preserved by those who have , despite all discouragements maintained the repute and honour of
, the Craft . The fault of this decadence in Masonry is mainly to be attributed to the head authorities in England , who knowing that Bengal had no Grand Master , have for a long time taken no steps to remedy the defect ; nor indeed does it seem , that any steps have been taken had not some zealous ancl worthy Brethren seen the slough of despond in which the Craft was fast sinking , strongly urged the matter on the
attention of the Grand Lodge in England , through representations made on the spot , and , indeed , where alone they were likely to be effectual . The exertions of Brother Alexander Grant , aided by the Freemasons ' Quarterly Review , —a work never to be mentioned by Masons without gratitude to its worth y conductor—and the presence in England of other Brothers , who took a strong interest in the matter , formed a concurrence of felicitous events which resulted in the happy meeting which witnessed
was on Friday last . The just claims of the Masons of Bengal were duly acknowledged ; the Grand Master Larkins retired from a chair which he had worthily filled here , but the duties of which it was impossible that he , at such a distance from the scene of his former labours could perform , and the Grand Master of Masons honoured himself and the Craft in the selection of our esteemed fellow-citizen , Dr . John Grant—a name which is eulogium in itself . Of that gentleman it safelbe affirmed
may y , that had search been made from one end of India to the other , there cound have been found none so fit and worthy in every way to fill the chair of the Grand Lod ge ; none to whom Masons , as well as the world at large , more look up and reverence , none under whom they would so readily , so cheerfully , so gratefull y have rallied . In fact , much as Masons have to rejoice that the Grand ' Lodge has been restored , they have a greater cause for gratulation that it has been re-established in Dr . Grant ' s person , and that he may long enjoy his elevation is the ardent wish of every Mason .
I he Grand Lodge assembled at six o ' clock in ample form , and it was a goodly sight to see the display of purple , the pink , and though last not least—the blue aprons . The last indeed was most gratifying as shewing the kindl y feeling existing among the Craft at large towards the new authorities , and their readiness to join in the regenerating of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the East , No . 80 ; W . M . Loclge Industry and Perseverance , No . 1-26 ¦ W M . Lodge True Friendship , No . 265 ; W . M . Lodge Humility with latitude , No . 279 ; AV . M . Marine Lodge , No . 282 ; W . M . Lodge Courage with Humanity , No . 551 . ° Friday the 28 th of February was a day for Masonry in Bengal , and must have filled with heartfelt satisfaction tlie breasts of every Brother present at the formal opening of the Provincial Grand Lod
ge , which took place at the Town Hall on that day . The spectacle which was there exhibited was affecting in the extreme , and almost beyond the power of the pen to describe . There are many of the community , who can recollect the palmy days of Masonry in Calcutta , when ten Lodges enrolled themselves under the provincial
oanner , wliereas now there are but six . The same cause which affects all other human institutions has had a baneful effect on Freemasonry here , —neglect . The want of any local government in the shape of a Grand Lodge has superinduced a degree of supineness , very detrimental to the true interests of the Craft . This detriment , however , has been more in degree than in kind , —for faint though the traces may be , the true land-marks of the Order have been carefully preserved by those who have , despite all discouragements maintained the repute and honour of
, the Craft . The fault of this decadence in Masonry is mainly to be attributed to the head authorities in England , who knowing that Bengal had no Grand Master , have for a long time taken no steps to remedy the defect ; nor indeed does it seem , that any steps have been taken had not some zealous ancl worthy Brethren seen the slough of despond in which the Craft was fast sinking , strongly urged the matter on the
attention of the Grand Lodge in England , through representations made on the spot , and , indeed , where alone they were likely to be effectual . The exertions of Brother Alexander Grant , aided by the Freemasons ' Quarterly Review , —a work never to be mentioned by Masons without gratitude to its worth y conductor—and the presence in England of other Brothers , who took a strong interest in the matter , formed a concurrence of felicitous events which resulted in the happy meeting which witnessed
was on Friday last . The just claims of the Masons of Bengal were duly acknowledged ; the Grand Master Larkins retired from a chair which he had worthily filled here , but the duties of which it was impossible that he , at such a distance from the scene of his former labours could perform , and the Grand Master of Masons honoured himself and the Craft in the selection of our esteemed fellow-citizen , Dr . John Grant—a name which is eulogium in itself . Of that gentleman it safelbe affirmed
may y , that had search been made from one end of India to the other , there cound have been found none so fit and worthy in every way to fill the chair of the Grand Lod ge ; none to whom Masons , as well as the world at large , more look up and reverence , none under whom they would so readily , so cheerfully , so gratefull y have rallied . In fact , much as Masons have to rejoice that the Grand ' Lodge has been restored , they have a greater cause for gratulation that it has been re-established in Dr . Grant ' s person , and that he may long enjoy his elevation is the ardent wish of every Mason .
I he Grand Lodge assembled at six o ' clock in ample form , and it was a goodly sight to see the display of purple , the pink , and though last not least—the blue aprons . The last indeed was most gratifying as shewing the kindl y feeling existing among the Craft at large towards the new authorities , and their readiness to join in the regenerating of