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mind . For a series of years he fought and struggled manfully , supported by a few , yet staunch advocates ; and combated opposition of the most fearful nature , of which I can only say , that I believe it to have been offered in a sincere yet mistaken consciousness . Success has at length most justly crowned the efforts of Brother Crucefix . By slow , yet sure degrees , he has by his exertions accumulated a fund of nearly three thousand pounds , and on July last annuitants on the fund were elected —( loud applause ) .
Brethren , I am confident I need add no comment to this narrative , it speaks for itself , and I therefore call upon you to drink the health of Dr . R . T . Crucefix , the leading founder of the Asylum for Aged ancl Decayed Freemasons —( loud cheering ) . Brother Macdonald , as a personal friend of the Doctor , returned thanks . To hear him thus spoken of in this distant clime by a Brother so competent to do him justice , gave him ( Major M . ) the highest delig ht ; He wished the Doctor was then amongst them .
Various other toasts followed , which were eloquently replied to by Bros . Wemyss , Eclgeworth , Porter , & c . ; the Companions then separated , having past a most delightful evening . Brother Neave , who had been the guest of Brother Macdonald , was obliged to leave on the following evening for Allygurh . It is out of our power to do justice to the exertions of the Major . Distance appears to be no obstacle to him . Next month he will travel 12 S miles to attend a Chapter at Allahabad ; ancl as Brother Neave will not be able to reach Chunar , it is the Major's intention , if possible , to go there , to give official explanations as to duty , & c .
MADRAS . —THE MASONIC LODGES . —The Masonic Lodges at the Presidency walked in procession to the Cathedral yesterday , when a sermon was preached to the Fraternity by the venerable the Archdeacon , ancl a handsome collection afterwards made in aid of the Funds of the Friend in Need Society . We understand that James Ouchterlony , Esq ., has been elected W . M . of the Lodge of Perfect Unanimity , No . t , for the ensuing year . —
Spectator , December 28 . Already we are profiting by the re-action in Bengal , and anticipate some important advantages on the return of Brother Barrow , who is expected to arrive shortly .
BOMBAY . — " It is rumoured that we are to have Two Deputy Provincial Grand Masters sent out from England . If so , we sincerely hope they will assist Dr . Burnes , in carrying out his beneficent and valuable suggestions . " MASONIC TOKEN . —A meeting of Brethren of the Lodge Perseverance , No . 506 " , ( the R . W . Brother VV . 0 . Harris in the Chair ) , was held in the Lodge Rooms at Bombay , on the 1 st February , 1840 , for the
purpose of carrying into effect the following resolution , which was unanimously passed by the Loclge on last St . John ' s day . " That on the present occasion the Officers ancl Members of the Lodge Perseverance feel it their cluty to acknowledge , with sentiments of deepfelt gratitude , the numerous claims which the R . W . Brother Dr . James Burnes , K . H ., P . G . M . for the Westren Provinces of India , has upon them for the warm interest , and the kind and brotherly consideration whicli have , in a most peculiar manner marked his conduct towards the Lodge since his connexion with it : and , although conscious that any
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
mind . For a series of years he fought and struggled manfully , supported by a few , yet staunch advocates ; and combated opposition of the most fearful nature , of which I can only say , that I believe it to have been offered in a sincere yet mistaken consciousness . Success has at length most justly crowned the efforts of Brother Crucefix . By slow , yet sure degrees , he has by his exertions accumulated a fund of nearly three thousand pounds , and on July last annuitants on the fund were elected —( loud applause ) .
Brethren , I am confident I need add no comment to this narrative , it speaks for itself , and I therefore call upon you to drink the health of Dr . R . T . Crucefix , the leading founder of the Asylum for Aged ancl Decayed Freemasons —( loud cheering ) . Brother Macdonald , as a personal friend of the Doctor , returned thanks . To hear him thus spoken of in this distant clime by a Brother so competent to do him justice , gave him ( Major M . ) the highest delig ht ; He wished the Doctor was then amongst them .
Various other toasts followed , which were eloquently replied to by Bros . Wemyss , Eclgeworth , Porter , & c . ; the Companions then separated , having past a most delightful evening . Brother Neave , who had been the guest of Brother Macdonald , was obliged to leave on the following evening for Allygurh . It is out of our power to do justice to the exertions of the Major . Distance appears to be no obstacle to him . Next month he will travel 12 S miles to attend a Chapter at Allahabad ; ancl as Brother Neave will not be able to reach Chunar , it is the Major's intention , if possible , to go there , to give official explanations as to duty , & c .
MADRAS . —THE MASONIC LODGES . —The Masonic Lodges at the Presidency walked in procession to the Cathedral yesterday , when a sermon was preached to the Fraternity by the venerable the Archdeacon , ancl a handsome collection afterwards made in aid of the Funds of the Friend in Need Society . We understand that James Ouchterlony , Esq ., has been elected W . M . of the Lodge of Perfect Unanimity , No . t , for the ensuing year . —
Spectator , December 28 . Already we are profiting by the re-action in Bengal , and anticipate some important advantages on the return of Brother Barrow , who is expected to arrive shortly .
BOMBAY . — " It is rumoured that we are to have Two Deputy Provincial Grand Masters sent out from England . If so , we sincerely hope they will assist Dr . Burnes , in carrying out his beneficent and valuable suggestions . " MASONIC TOKEN . —A meeting of Brethren of the Lodge Perseverance , No . 506 " , ( the R . W . Brother VV . 0 . Harris in the Chair ) , was held in the Lodge Rooms at Bombay , on the 1 st February , 1840 , for the
purpose of carrying into effect the following resolution , which was unanimously passed by the Loclge on last St . John ' s day . " That on the present occasion the Officers ancl Members of the Lodge Perseverance feel it their cluty to acknowledge , with sentiments of deepfelt gratitude , the numerous claims which the R . W . Brother Dr . James Burnes , K . H ., P . G . M . for the Westren Provinces of India , has upon them for the warm interest , and the kind and brotherly consideration whicli have , in a most peculiar manner marked his conduct towards the Lodge since his connexion with it : and , although conscious that any