Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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To Correspondents.
BRO . J . NORRIS . —We have been compelled greatly to curtail the proceedings , BRO , BAJXNETT ISAACS . —The circular has not only not received the sanction of Grand Lodge , but it is IMPOSSIBLE that it ever should . A FRREMASOX . — " The Lover of Truth !"—'' A soi-disant Honorary Member of a Lodge , " — thc " Excluded from a Lodge "—tlie " Non-resident Prov . G . Warden "—and the " Printer of Libels / ' are one and tlie same party ; perfectly willing to continue his several honourable vocations , for which he is equally adapted by nature and art . K . —The Grand Registrar , aud the are thc parties alluded to .
A BEWILDERED LIGHT . —The letter to the Grand Registrar must stand over . It contains hard hits , but not less true because hard . A BRO . OF BRECHIN . —The " Fox-Mauling" should be sent to a sporting paper . BRO . SIMMONS We hope to do more justice in our next . AV . E . A . —The raising of the Beauseant " too late . " PILGRIM ' S third letter . & c too late . —Notitiee Templariae in our next . A GRAND OFFICER OF THE Y . . — " The Brotlier on the floor , " was a needless rudeness ; but yet there was some fun in it— " the prisoner at the bar" would have sounded tremendous —Rhadamanthus himself must have felt vain-glorious .
G . B . 's letter relative to the G . S . L . is received . THE NEW RULE . —The threat to throw discord into " Peace and Harmony " is not quite Masonic ; we decline thc article altogether . Our opinion is that such paper is not constitutional , neither the Board nor the Grand Master have the power , Grand Lodge alone can issue such edicts . " Ymt mv $ t sign that paper , or you shall not enter . ' Bravo ! This to a country Brother ! Fie I There is no good rule without an exception . BRO . STEBBING . —Too late .
A LYRIST . —The parody on " John Anderson my Jo , " is too persona ) . " When we were first acquaint , " has a moral . A VISITOR IN JUNE . — " Nascitur a sociis , " the ( ) and his brother-in-law were the honoured guests . Shade of M'Gillivray , alas ! BROTHER GEORGE WATSON . —We shall gladly avail ourselves of his MSS . at the earliest moment . The MSS . shall be returned when compiled-W . H . —The Grand Secretary has been so mercilessly occupied by the " Persecution , " that
he has not had time to attend to the certificate and warrant department . We do not think with W . H ., that the alteration from fees to salary , has had any weight . You can have nothing more of a cat than her skin \ and we can vouch that the Grand Secretary has enough on his hands . We submit , that a Secretary for correspondence with the Provincial Grand Masters and their Deputies , and another for the Colonies , are becoming necessary as we get older ; or a private Secretary for the G . M . paid by G . L . ?
BRO . NATHAN . —The ofier is a startling one . We hope not to be forced to accept it . We thank our Correspondent for the sentiments expressed . BRO . A . HOWARD . —Now that our address > s known , wc hope for something original . G . A . W . jocularly hints that the initials W , R . on the ballotting paper for General Purposes , means William Rex , in accordance with King Craft and its subordinations ; but we understand these letters to be the initials of Brother William Rule , which become more coincident with the opinion .
AN ATHOL MASON . —Surely Peter Thomson is not dead . We cannot publish the obituary of one who is alive and kicking—nay , some say fighting . MONOS . —The stanzas on the Siamese Twins—Tlie King and his Bond—can wait . They are rather coarse , but we will endeavour to make them read respectably .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
BRO . J . NORRIS . —We have been compelled greatly to curtail the proceedings , BRO , BAJXNETT ISAACS . —The circular has not only not received the sanction of Grand Lodge , but it is IMPOSSIBLE that it ever should . A FRREMASOX . — " The Lover of Truth !"—'' A soi-disant Honorary Member of a Lodge , " — thc " Excluded from a Lodge "—tlie " Non-resident Prov . G . Warden "—and the " Printer of Libels / ' are one and tlie same party ; perfectly willing to continue his several honourable vocations , for which he is equally adapted by nature and art . K . —The Grand Registrar , aud the are thc parties alluded to .
A BEWILDERED LIGHT . —The letter to the Grand Registrar must stand over . It contains hard hits , but not less true because hard . A BRO . OF BRECHIN . —The " Fox-Mauling" should be sent to a sporting paper . BRO . SIMMONS We hope to do more justice in our next . AV . E . A . —The raising of the Beauseant " too late . " PILGRIM ' S third letter . & c too late . —Notitiee Templariae in our next . A GRAND OFFICER OF THE Y . . — " The Brotlier on the floor , " was a needless rudeness ; but yet there was some fun in it— " the prisoner at the bar" would have sounded tremendous —Rhadamanthus himself must have felt vain-glorious .
G . B . 's letter relative to the G . S . L . is received . THE NEW RULE . —The threat to throw discord into " Peace and Harmony " is not quite Masonic ; we decline thc article altogether . Our opinion is that such paper is not constitutional , neither the Board nor the Grand Master have the power , Grand Lodge alone can issue such edicts . " Ymt mv $ t sign that paper , or you shall not enter . ' Bravo ! This to a country Brother ! Fie I There is no good rule without an exception . BRO . STEBBING . —Too late .
A LYRIST . —The parody on " John Anderson my Jo , " is too persona ) . " When we were first acquaint , " has a moral . A VISITOR IN JUNE . — " Nascitur a sociis , " the ( ) and his brother-in-law were the honoured guests . Shade of M'Gillivray , alas ! BROTHER GEORGE WATSON . —We shall gladly avail ourselves of his MSS . at the earliest moment . The MSS . shall be returned when compiled-W . H . —The Grand Secretary has been so mercilessly occupied by the " Persecution , " that
he has not had time to attend to the certificate and warrant department . We do not think with W . H ., that the alteration from fees to salary , has had any weight . You can have nothing more of a cat than her skin \ and we can vouch that the Grand Secretary has enough on his hands . We submit , that a Secretary for correspondence with the Provincial Grand Masters and their Deputies , and another for the Colonies , are becoming necessary as we get older ; or a private Secretary for the G . M . paid by G . L . ?
BRO . NATHAN . —The ofier is a startling one . We hope not to be forced to accept it . We thank our Correspondent for the sentiments expressed . BRO . A . HOWARD . —Now that our address > s known , wc hope for something original . G . A . W . jocularly hints that the initials W , R . on the ballotting paper for General Purposes , means William Rex , in accordance with King Craft and its subordinations ; but we understand these letters to be the initials of Brother William Rule , which become more coincident with the opinion .
AN ATHOL MASON . —Surely Peter Thomson is not dead . We cannot publish the obituary of one who is alive and kicking—nay , some say fighting . MONOS . —The stanzas on the Siamese Twins—Tlie King and his Bond—can wait . They are rather coarse , but we will endeavour to make them read respectably .