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SUMMER. To the custom of periodical visits to the SEA COAST , in situations usuall y exposed to the sun's most fervid rays , and destitute of the cool ancl delicious shadows of the sylvan retreat , we frequently trace many cases of Cutaneous Malady . SOLAR , HEAT produces upon the delicate Skin a species of inflammation which , upon subsiding , leaves a . permanent stain of inveterate tan , or sprinkles of freckle ; in other instance .- * , a discolouration . inclining to redness and swelling , afterwards easily excited to assume some one of the multitudinous , forms of eruption . There exists no doubt that these evils are materially aggravated by SALINE VAPOUR , or by SEA-BATHING , which latter , though salubrious as a tonic , cannot be otherwise than unfavourable to the susceptibility of the Female Complexion to injury from stimulating and acrid causes—The only efficient PREVENTIVE against these unpleasant liabilities of the SKIN and COMPLEXION , is l &mMJhAs&m^i^. An Auxiliary of Vital Importance to tlie support of Feminine Beauty ! By its use , the effects of atmospheric influence upon the Skin are entirely neutralized , and that constant health y action of the minute vessels promoted—on which depend continued delicacy of texture and tint ; thus the great characteristics of early BEAUTY are protracted to a period which could not otherwise be considered as within the limits of possibility . The distressing and unsightly varieties of Cutaneous Eruptions are also promptly eradicated by the JIALYDOR . ispots , Pimples , Freckles , Discolouration , and Sallowness , yield to its SPECIFIC QUALITIES , and are succeeded by a smoothness and transparency of the skin , giving rise to the most pleasurable sensations . ° ' ¦ iV ^ ?^^ TRAVELLING , or temporarily subjected to any deviation of equable temperature , will find in the KALYDOB . a renovating anal refreshing auxiliary , dispelling the cloud of languor from the complexion , and immediatel y affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity ofthe skin . THE ARMS , NECK , AND HAIDS , also partake largel y of the advantages derived from its use , exhibiting a delicacy of appearance heretofore scarcely attainable-even with the most sedulous care and attention . c if , 1 c , ' YDOR , infallible in removing all harshness and irritability , will also he found highly useful to Gentlemen who suffer from those causes after SHAVING . In feet , whether as an appendage to the elegant Toilet , the Dressing-room , or the Travelling Equipment , ROWLAND ' S ivAL \ DOR will be found to realize the most sanguine expectation that can be formed of its refreshinq , purifying , and restorative powers . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . per bottle . IMMM^MPii iM^&fAZ&Mlk zs <® zs , ?? S 2 S 3 s ^ as Ensures a luxuriance of growth , and restores the Hair when lost during protracted illness , or subsequent debility . Its nourishing qualities are also evident in preventing the Hair from becoming Grey ; thus demonstrating renovation of vitality in the roots as a prominent result of its use . It is the most elegant , agreeable , and efficacious application , both for realizing and sustaining , in the utmos perfection , a Beautiful Head of Hair . s . . e > t NOTICE . —Each Bottle is ( with a TREATISE ON THE HAIR , 31 st edition ) inclosed in a wrapper , on which are engraved the words " ROWLAND ' S MACASSAR OIL , " and the Name and ' . Address , ia Sed , on Lace-work , thus— A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , HATTON GARDEN , T ,. r _ . „ „ , , Counter .. Signed ALEX . ROWLAND / Ihe LOWEST PRICE is 3 s . 6 d . ; the next 7 s ., or Famil y Bottles ( containing 4 small ) at 10 s . 6 d ., or Double that size , £ 1 . Is . v ¦ ' . ¦¦ OK , PEAKL PEIR ! lTDF ( RD © Eo The great esteem in which the Public have long held this delightful powder precludes the necessity ' here of entering into a minute detail of its merits , and the singular advantages it so eminently possesses over most of the common powders sold for the Teeth . It is sufficient to observe , that Rowland ' s Odonto is a pure preparation of the most efficient Vegetable matter , which not only has the _ property of rendering the above beautiful organs of the mouth dazzlingly white , but strengthening their organic structure , ad fulfilling the delightful object of giving fragrancy to the breath . NOTICE . —The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , Hatton Garden , London , are engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the lirst and last Articles ; and also printed in red , on the Wrapper in which each is enclosed . —Price 2 s . 9 d . perboXj
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUMMER. To the custom of periodical visits to the SEA COAST , in situations usuall y exposed to the sun's most fervid rays , and destitute of the cool ancl delicious shadows of the sylvan retreat , we frequently trace many cases of Cutaneous Malady . SOLAR , HEAT produces upon the delicate Skin a species of inflammation which , upon subsiding , leaves a . permanent stain of inveterate tan , or sprinkles of freckle ; in other instance .- * , a discolouration . inclining to redness and swelling , afterwards easily excited to assume some one of the multitudinous , forms of eruption . There exists no doubt that these evils are materially aggravated by SALINE VAPOUR , or by SEA-BATHING , which latter , though salubrious as a tonic , cannot be otherwise than unfavourable to the susceptibility of the Female Complexion to injury from stimulating and acrid causes—The only efficient PREVENTIVE against these unpleasant liabilities of the SKIN and COMPLEXION , is l &mMJhAs&m^i^. An Auxiliary of Vital Importance to tlie support of Feminine Beauty ! By its use , the effects of atmospheric influence upon the Skin are entirely neutralized , and that constant health y action of the minute vessels promoted—on which depend continued delicacy of texture and tint ; thus the great characteristics of early BEAUTY are protracted to a period which could not otherwise be considered as within the limits of possibility . The distressing and unsightly varieties of Cutaneous Eruptions are also promptly eradicated by the JIALYDOR . ispots , Pimples , Freckles , Discolouration , and Sallowness , yield to its SPECIFIC QUALITIES , and are succeeded by a smoothness and transparency of the skin , giving rise to the most pleasurable sensations . ° ' ¦ iV ^ ?^^ TRAVELLING , or temporarily subjected to any deviation of equable temperature , will find in the KALYDOB . a renovating anal refreshing auxiliary , dispelling the cloud of languor from the complexion , and immediatel y affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity ofthe skin . THE ARMS , NECK , AND HAIDS , also partake largel y of the advantages derived from its use , exhibiting a delicacy of appearance heretofore scarcely attainable-even with the most sedulous care and attention . c if , 1 c , ' YDOR , infallible in removing all harshness and irritability , will also he found highly useful to Gentlemen who suffer from those causes after SHAVING . In feet , whether as an appendage to the elegant Toilet , the Dressing-room , or the Travelling Equipment , ROWLAND ' S ivAL \ DOR will be found to realize the most sanguine expectation that can be formed of its refreshinq , purifying , and restorative powers . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . per bottle . IMMM^MPii iM^&fAZ&Mlk zs <® zs , ?? S 2 S 3 s ^ as Ensures a luxuriance of growth , and restores the Hair when lost during protracted illness , or subsequent debility . Its nourishing qualities are also evident in preventing the Hair from becoming Grey ; thus demonstrating renovation of vitality in the roots as a prominent result of its use . It is the most elegant , agreeable , and efficacious application , both for realizing and sustaining , in the utmos perfection , a Beautiful Head of Hair . s . . e > t NOTICE . —Each Bottle is ( with a TREATISE ON THE HAIR , 31 st edition ) inclosed in a wrapper , on which are engraved the words " ROWLAND ' S MACASSAR OIL , " and the Name and ' . Address , ia Sed , on Lace-work , thus— A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , HATTON GARDEN , T ,. r _ . „ „ , , Counter .. Signed ALEX . ROWLAND / Ihe LOWEST PRICE is 3 s . 6 d . ; the next 7 s ., or Famil y Bottles ( containing 4 small ) at 10 s . 6 d ., or Double that size , £ 1 . Is . v ¦ ' . ¦¦ OK , PEAKL PEIR ! lTDF ( RD © Eo The great esteem in which the Public have long held this delightful powder precludes the necessity ' here of entering into a minute detail of its merits , and the singular advantages it so eminently possesses over most of the common powders sold for the Teeth . It is sufficient to observe , that Rowland ' s Odonto is a pure preparation of the most efficient Vegetable matter , which not only has the _ property of rendering the above beautiful organs of the mouth dazzlingly white , but strengthening their organic structure , ad fulfilling the delightful object of giving fragrancy to the breath . NOTICE . —The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , Hatton Garden , London , are engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the lirst and last Articles ; and also printed in red , on the Wrapper in which each is enclosed . —Price 2 s . 9 d . perboXj