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Freemasons' Quarterlyadvertiser. No.Xxvi...
Freemasonry. Asylum For The Worthy Aged ...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM FOR THE WORTHY AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASON . A GKNERAL MEETING of this Institution will be holden at the Freemasons ' A Tavern , on Wednesday , Sth July , 1840 , at Three o ' clock , when ONE CANDIDATE be taken at Three 'dock punctuall
will be elected . The Chair wiU o y . 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington . ROBERT FIELD , SEC . The attention of the Governors is called to the mode of Voting , viz .-That each Subscriber shall be entitled to as many Votes as there are vacancies to be fil ed up for every single subscription , and so in proportion for every Vote allowed , which Votes may be given to one Candidate , or divided at pleasure The Eallot to commence at Three and close attive oclock precisely . Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received at the time and place of
Election . VOTES AND MODE OF VOTING FOR ANNUITANTS . That every Donor or Subscriber of One Guinea be entitled to One Vote during a year , and so on in proportion for every additional Guinea . That an Annual Governor ( or regular Subscriber of Two Guineas per annum ) be CT TS eveiT ' lTfe-Subs ' criber ( or Donor of Ten Guineas ) be entitled to Two Votes That every Life-Governor ( or Donor of Twenty Guineas ) be entitled to Four Votes , and Two Votes for every additional Ten Guineas . That Ten Guineas from a Lodge shall entitle it to the privilege of a Subscriber for
F ° ThT TwZy Guineas h'om a Lodge shall entitle it to the like privilege for Twenty-five ^ Tlfat every Fifty Guineas from a Lodge shall entitle it to the privilege of a Life-Governor so long as the Lodge shall exist . . . That for every Ten Guineas subscribed by a Steward at the time of serving the office , or vithin twelve months of that time , an additional vote shall be grantea That in order to give time for the accumulation of Tife-Suoscnptions and Luebe deferredfor declaration by the respective
Goveinorships , such qualifications may , Subscribers or Lodges , until the Festival or Election m 1841 . Tha every Governor , Subscriber , or Toner , or as faster of a Lodge , may vote by Proxy such Proxy being a Subscriber ; and that for every sing le vote the Subscriber may te entitled to , he shall have as many votes as there are vacancies , which may be given to one Candidate , or distributed at pleasure . That all Proxy Papers be numbered , signed by the Secretary , and forwarded by post ; and that no second Proxy Paper be issued without the concurrence of the Chairman on
% h * SuEp tfons declared and paid on the day of Election shall entitle tlie parties to y ° Tliat no Subscriber in arrear shall be entitled to vote at any Election , until such "'' That ' ilf cits of equality of Votes , at any General Meeting , the Chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote . ^ Subscribers are earnestly request *! to mark any change of residence in their lists , and to report the same to the Secretary . The annual business of the Institution will be transacted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasons' Quarterlyadvertiser. No.Xxvi...
Freemasonry. Asylum For The Worthy Aged ...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM FOR THE WORTHY AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASON . A GKNERAL MEETING of this Institution will be holden at the Freemasons ' A Tavern , on Wednesday , Sth July , 1840 , at Three o ' clock , when ONE CANDIDATE be taken at Three 'dock punctuall
will be elected . The Chair wiU o y . 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington . ROBERT FIELD , SEC . The attention of the Governors is called to the mode of Voting , viz .-That each Subscriber shall be entitled to as many Votes as there are vacancies to be fil ed up for every single subscription , and so in proportion for every Vote allowed , which Votes may be given to one Candidate , or divided at pleasure The Eallot to commence at Three and close attive oclock precisely . Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received at the time and place of
Election . VOTES AND MODE OF VOTING FOR ANNUITANTS . That every Donor or Subscriber of One Guinea be entitled to One Vote during a year , and so on in proportion for every additional Guinea . That an Annual Governor ( or regular Subscriber of Two Guineas per annum ) be CT TS eveiT ' lTfe-Subs ' criber ( or Donor of Ten Guineas ) be entitled to Two Votes That every Life-Governor ( or Donor of Twenty Guineas ) be entitled to Four Votes , and Two Votes for every additional Ten Guineas . That Ten Guineas from a Lodge shall entitle it to the privilege of a Subscriber for
F ° ThT TwZy Guineas h'om a Lodge shall entitle it to the like privilege for Twenty-five ^ Tlfat every Fifty Guineas from a Lodge shall entitle it to the privilege of a Life-Governor so long as the Lodge shall exist . . . That for every Ten Guineas subscribed by a Steward at the time of serving the office , or vithin twelve months of that time , an additional vote shall be grantea That in order to give time for the accumulation of Tife-Suoscnptions and Luebe deferredfor declaration by the respective
Goveinorships , such qualifications may , Subscribers or Lodges , until the Festival or Election m 1841 . Tha every Governor , Subscriber , or Toner , or as faster of a Lodge , may vote by Proxy such Proxy being a Subscriber ; and that for every sing le vote the Subscriber may te entitled to , he shall have as many votes as there are vacancies , which may be given to one Candidate , or distributed at pleasure . That all Proxy Papers be numbered , signed by the Secretary , and forwarded by post ; and that no second Proxy Paper be issued without the concurrence of the Chairman on
% h * SuEp tfons declared and paid on the day of Election shall entitle tlie parties to y ° Tliat no Subscriber in arrear shall be entitled to vote at any Election , until such "'' That ' ilf cits of equality of Votes , at any General Meeting , the Chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote . ^ Subscribers are earnestly request *! to mark any change of residence in their lists , and to report the same to the Secretary . The annual business of the Institution will be transacted .