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Friseemasonry. Royal Freemasons' Scfiool...
FrisEEMASONRY . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCFIOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A GENERAL COURT of this Institution ivill be holden at the School House in - ^* - Westminster Road , St . George ' s , Southwark , on the 9 th of July next , at Twelve o ' clock . J . B . GORE , SEC . Rolls Chambers , 89 , Chancery Lane .
Freemasonry. The Royal Masonic Instituti...
FREEMASONRY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . H . R . H . the DUKE of SUSSEX , K . G , PRESIDENT . A QUARTERLY GENERAL MEETING of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIrl
- BERS , will be held at tlie Office of the Institution , No . 7 , Bloomsbury Place , Bloorasbury Square , on Monday , the 13 th of July 18-10 , at Seven o'Clock in the Evening ' , when SIX Children will be elected on the Institution . Tlie Ballot ivill commence at Seven aud close at Nine o ' clock precisely . The Committee for the ensuing twelve months will be elected at this Meeting . The following Notices of Motion will be submitted : — " That additional Articles of Clothing be supplied to the Children on the Institution . " " That the Salary of the Secretary to the Institution be increased 201 . " AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .
To The Governors And Subscribers Of The ...
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SCHOOL . qPHE VOTE and INTEREST of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS of the A LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SCHOOL is earnestly solicited on behalf of JOHN FRANCIS BEGBIE , aged nine Years and six Months , Son of Brother JOHN BEGBJE , Past Master of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , Jateof the Sir Ralph Abercrombie , Charies-streetHatton Gardenbut formerly of the King of PrussiaCartwright-street
, , , , Rosemary-lane , who died on the llth of May , 1840 , surviving his Wife only five Months , leaving his ORPHAN SON totally destitute . The Governors and Subscribers being Members of the Craft , are earnestly solicited to form themselves into a Committee , to secure the Election of the Child of this worthy and late active Mason . Several Brethren have volunteered their aid , aud the Address of any one joining their efforts , will be thankfully received by HENRY ROWE , 64 , Great Tower-street .
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. T>Ro...
MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HiGH HOLBORN . T > RO . RICHARD SPENCER informs the Craft , he has still on sale a few of the - WORKS on FREEMASONRY , advertised in this Review for January last ; also , a Set of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , fiom the commencement in 1834 , handsomely half-bound , in 6 vols ., with Masonic Embellishments , price 3 / . 18 s ., or any year separate at IS * . 6 "d-, any of the back numbers supplied to complete Sets .
R . S . has constantly on sale a large Assortment of CHU , DREN ' S , and handsomelybound Books , for presents ; also , a great variety of Bibles , Prayers , Church Services , and with or without Cases , in Plain and Elegant Binding , Stationery , and Bookbinding . Orders punctually attended to . Brother R . S . has an extensive Circulating Library of several Thousand Volumes , and will be most happy in forwarding ( by post or otherwise ) his last Supplementary Catalogue , containing the Terms of Subscription , & c-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Friseemasonry. Royal Freemasons' Scfiool...
FrisEEMASONRY . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCFIOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A GENERAL COURT of this Institution ivill be holden at the School House in - ^* - Westminster Road , St . George ' s , Southwark , on the 9 th of July next , at Twelve o ' clock . J . B . GORE , SEC . Rolls Chambers , 89 , Chancery Lane .
Freemasonry. The Royal Masonic Instituti...
FREEMASONRY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . H . R . H . the DUKE of SUSSEX , K . G , PRESIDENT . A QUARTERLY GENERAL MEETING of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIrl
- BERS , will be held at tlie Office of the Institution , No . 7 , Bloomsbury Place , Bloorasbury Square , on Monday , the 13 th of July 18-10 , at Seven o'Clock in the Evening ' , when SIX Children will be elected on the Institution . Tlie Ballot ivill commence at Seven aud close at Nine o ' clock precisely . The Committee for the ensuing twelve months will be elected at this Meeting . The following Notices of Motion will be submitted : — " That additional Articles of Clothing be supplied to the Children on the Institution . " " That the Salary of the Secretary to the Institution be increased 201 . " AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .
To The Governors And Subscribers Of The ...
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SCHOOL . qPHE VOTE and INTEREST of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS of the A LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SCHOOL is earnestly solicited on behalf of JOHN FRANCIS BEGBIE , aged nine Years and six Months , Son of Brother JOHN BEGBJE , Past Master of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , Jateof the Sir Ralph Abercrombie , Charies-streetHatton Gardenbut formerly of the King of PrussiaCartwright-street
, , , , Rosemary-lane , who died on the llth of May , 1840 , surviving his Wife only five Months , leaving his ORPHAN SON totally destitute . The Governors and Subscribers being Members of the Craft , are earnestly solicited to form themselves into a Committee , to secure the Election of the Child of this worthy and late active Mason . Several Brethren have volunteered their aid , aud the Address of any one joining their efforts , will be thankfully received by HENRY ROWE , 64 , Great Tower-street .
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. T>Ro...
MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HiGH HOLBORN . T > RO . RICHARD SPENCER informs the Craft , he has still on sale a few of the - WORKS on FREEMASONRY , advertised in this Review for January last ; also , a Set of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , fiom the commencement in 1834 , handsomely half-bound , in 6 vols ., with Masonic Embellishments , price 3 / . 18 s ., or any year separate at IS * . 6 "d-, any of the back numbers supplied to complete Sets .
R . S . has constantly on sale a large Assortment of CHU , DREN ' S , and handsomelybound Books , for presents ; also , a great variety of Bibles , Prayers , Church Services , and with or without Cases , in Plain and Elegant Binding , Stationery , and Bookbinding . Orders punctually attended to . Brother R . S . has an extensive Circulating Library of several Thousand Volumes , and will be most happy in forwarding ( by post or otherwise ) his last Supplementary Catalogue , containing the Terms of Subscription , & c-