Article GLOBE INSURANCE, PALL-MALL, AND CORNHILL... Page 1 of 1 Article TTPWARDS OF FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED.—No.... Page 1 of 1 Article POST OFFICE STAMPS.—As the new regulatio... Page 1 of 1
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Globe Insurance, Pall-Mall, And Cornhill...
GLOBE INSURANCE , PALL-MALL , AND CORNHILL , LONDON . —ESTABLISHED 1803 . directors . EDWARD GOLDSMID . Esq ., Chairman . HENRY BOWLES , Esq ., Deputy Chairman .
Flenry Alexander , Esq . [ Sheffield Neave , Esq . Richard Alsager , Esq ., M . P . ' Fowler Newsam , Esq . Jonathan Birch , Esq . ; William Phillimore , Esq . J . S . Brownrigg , Esq ., M . P . Wm . H . C . Plowden , Esq . Jonathan Chapman , Esq . John Poynder , Esq . Thomas Collier , Esq . Robert Saunders , Esq . Boyce Combe , Esq . Emanuel SilvaEsq .
, George Carr Glyn , Esq . i Sir Walter G . Stirling , Bart . Isaac L . Goldsmid , Esq ., F . R . S . W . Thompson , Esq ., Aid ., M . P . Robert Hawthorn , Esq . j William Tite , Esq ., F . R . S . John Hodgson , Esq . ' Edward Vaux , Esq . Benjamin G . Windus , Esq . For FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE , and ANNUITIES , and the Purchase of Reversions and Life Contingencies .
CAPITAL ONE MILLION STERLING . The whole paid up and invested , and entirely independent of the amount of premiums received : thereby affording to persons assured an immediate available fund for the payment of the most extensive losses , without liability of partnership , and free from uncertainty as to the result of their engagements—matters which the Directors consider to be highly important to those who effect Insurances in the capacity of Trustees , or otherwise in the performance of a specific trust or duty . Insurances may be effected with this Company to the extent of 10000 / on a single life
, . , if approved . By order of the Board , JOHN CHARLES DENHAM , Secretary . Rates and Conditions of Fire and Life Insurance , or other information , may be obtained at the offices in London , and of the Company ' s Agents in the country ; and where agents are not appointed , persons in active life , and desirous of the appointment , may apply to the Secretary . Insurances due Michaelmas-day must be paid on or before the Oth of July .
Ttpwards Of Forty Years Established.—No....
TTPWARDS OF FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED . —No . 4 , BLOOMSBURY-^ SQUARE ( Holborn side ) . Observe—Parlour Windows-No Shop Front—IRISH SHIRTING CLOTH , made , without any admixture , from pure Flax . Sold in any quantity . Whole pieces at the Factor ' s prices , cheaper than any other house , being manufactured from the best material . The purchase money will be returned should any fault appear . IRISHENGLISHSCOTCHand RUSSIA SHEETINGof all widths and prices .
, , , , Household and Table Linen . Families furnishing will find it much to their interest to apply to this establishment . Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country ancl Town Orders punctually attended to by JOHN DONOVAN , No . 4 , Bloomsbury-square . N . B . —No connexion with any other house .
Post Office Stamps.—As The New Regulatio...
POST OFFICE STAMPS . —As the new regulations impose on writers of letters tbe necessity of affixing proper stamps according to weight , a LETTER BALANCE now becomes altogether indispensable . A newly-invented instrument called "DAMPIER'S PATENT GEOMETRIC BALANCE , " is submitted to the public by J . G . PIUGHES , 158 , Strand , which most accurately and instantaneously accomplishes that object without the change of weights ; and the principle of the invention being adapted to mechanics for shipping use , Trade , and Domestic purposes , Apothecaries , & c , & c . J . G . II . feels assured this instrument will be found worthy the attention of every class of persons , as being more simple and in every respect superior to any self-adjusting weighing machine hitherto introduced . 1 . 58 , Strand , ( adjoining King ' s College . )
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Globe Insurance, Pall-Mall, And Cornhill...
GLOBE INSURANCE , PALL-MALL , AND CORNHILL , LONDON . —ESTABLISHED 1803 . directors . EDWARD GOLDSMID . Esq ., Chairman . HENRY BOWLES , Esq ., Deputy Chairman .
Flenry Alexander , Esq . [ Sheffield Neave , Esq . Richard Alsager , Esq ., M . P . ' Fowler Newsam , Esq . Jonathan Birch , Esq . ; William Phillimore , Esq . J . S . Brownrigg , Esq ., M . P . Wm . H . C . Plowden , Esq . Jonathan Chapman , Esq . John Poynder , Esq . Thomas Collier , Esq . Robert Saunders , Esq . Boyce Combe , Esq . Emanuel SilvaEsq .
, George Carr Glyn , Esq . i Sir Walter G . Stirling , Bart . Isaac L . Goldsmid , Esq ., F . R . S . W . Thompson , Esq ., Aid ., M . P . Robert Hawthorn , Esq . j William Tite , Esq ., F . R . S . John Hodgson , Esq . ' Edward Vaux , Esq . Benjamin G . Windus , Esq . For FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE , and ANNUITIES , and the Purchase of Reversions and Life Contingencies .
CAPITAL ONE MILLION STERLING . The whole paid up and invested , and entirely independent of the amount of premiums received : thereby affording to persons assured an immediate available fund for the payment of the most extensive losses , without liability of partnership , and free from uncertainty as to the result of their engagements—matters which the Directors consider to be highly important to those who effect Insurances in the capacity of Trustees , or otherwise in the performance of a specific trust or duty . Insurances may be effected with this Company to the extent of 10000 / on a single life
, . , if approved . By order of the Board , JOHN CHARLES DENHAM , Secretary . Rates and Conditions of Fire and Life Insurance , or other information , may be obtained at the offices in London , and of the Company ' s Agents in the country ; and where agents are not appointed , persons in active life , and desirous of the appointment , may apply to the Secretary . Insurances due Michaelmas-day must be paid on or before the Oth of July .
Ttpwards Of Forty Years Established.—No....
TTPWARDS OF FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED . —No . 4 , BLOOMSBURY-^ SQUARE ( Holborn side ) . Observe—Parlour Windows-No Shop Front—IRISH SHIRTING CLOTH , made , without any admixture , from pure Flax . Sold in any quantity . Whole pieces at the Factor ' s prices , cheaper than any other house , being manufactured from the best material . The purchase money will be returned should any fault appear . IRISHENGLISHSCOTCHand RUSSIA SHEETINGof all widths and prices .
, , , , Household and Table Linen . Families furnishing will find it much to their interest to apply to this establishment . Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country ancl Town Orders punctually attended to by JOHN DONOVAN , No . 4 , Bloomsbury-square . N . B . —No connexion with any other house .
Post Office Stamps.—As The New Regulatio...
POST OFFICE STAMPS . —As the new regulations impose on writers of letters tbe necessity of affixing proper stamps according to weight , a LETTER BALANCE now becomes altogether indispensable . A newly-invented instrument called "DAMPIER'S PATENT GEOMETRIC BALANCE , " is submitted to the public by J . G . PIUGHES , 158 , Strand , which most accurately and instantaneously accomplishes that object without the change of weights ; and the principle of the invention being adapted to mechanics for shipping use , Trade , and Domestic purposes , Apothecaries , & c , & c . J . G . II . feels assured this instrument will be found worthy the attention of every class of persons , as being more simple and in every respect superior to any self-adjusting weighing machine hitherto introduced . 1 . 58 , Strand , ( adjoining King ' s College . )