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Xn Press, And Speedily Loillbe Published...
Xn Press , And speedily loillbe Published , in Demy Octavo , Price 10 s . Gd . Koyal Octavo , Price 16 s ., A NEW EDITION OF THE HISTORYOFINITIATION,
COMPRISING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE RITES AND CEREMONIES , DOCTRINES AND DISCIPLINE OP ALL THE SECRET AND MYSTERIOUS INSTITUTIONS OP THE ANCIENT WORLD . BY THE REV . GEO . OLIVER . D . D . Incumbent of the Collegiate Church , Wolverhampton ; Domestic Chaplain to the Bight Hon . Lord Kensington , D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire-, Corresponding Member ofthe Society of Antiquaries , Scotland . Procul , 6 procul este profani ,
Conclamat vates , totoque absistite luco . —E . v . V . v . 258 . LONDON : Printed and Published by and for Brother R . SPENCER , Bookseller and Librarian , 314 , High Holborn .
BESS to call the attention of the Craft to the republication of the above Work ; which is extremely valuable to tbe Brethren who are desirous of investigating the philosophy of Masonry . It has long been a desideratum to the Fraternity , and its worth has been unequivocally decided by the universal demand which so rapidly exhausted the former Edition . It is a work which is frequently quoted , but has long been out of the reach of the ordinary purchaser . As a specimen of combined talent , learning , and deep research , it has been termed a literary curiosity ; and its disappearance has been deeply regretted .
The information which it embodies is amply sufficient to satiate the curiosity which naturally arises in the intelligent Mason ' s mind , on a subject so curious and interesting as the mysterious institutions of antiquity . In no other work are the ancient initiations so satisfactorily explained . The ceremonies are detailed with a minuteness that could only be acquired by a most laborious research into the metaphysical writings of Greece and Rome , and the entire process in every country , from the first preparation of a candidate , until his final enlightenment , is described with equal spirit and truth . The Notes are very numerous ,
discursive , and entertaining , and add considerably to the value and usefulness of the work . Having been many years out of print , great numbers of Brethren have not had the advantage of perusing its pages ; and copies have been disposed of at very considerable prices .
Under these circumstances , applications have been repeatedly made to the Rev . Author , to allow a new edition to he printed . And Brother Spencer has now the pleasure to inform the Masonic Public , that Dr . Oliver has at length been induced to undertake a thorough revision of the work . The arrangement will be entirely new ; and it will be so modified as to correspond with his former popular volume of Signs and Symbols , and the forthcoming work on the Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry ; and without omitting any important portion of the original , he will so re-model the materials , as to comprise the whole Text and Notes , with
the addition of several sheets of entire new matter ( the results of his extended reading ) in Twelve Lectures , which will tend to illustrate more clearly the nature and design of the ancient initiations . In this edition no expense ivill be spared to render it worthy the acceptance of the Craft . Added to a superior type and paper , the binding will be decorated with Masonic tooling in the first style of the art . And the publisher begs leave to announce that it is his intention to strike off a limited number of copies on royal paper , which may not be unworthy of introduction into the libraries of our noble and wealthy Brethren , who may be desirous of honouring with their patronage , a subject of surpassing interest with the Freemasons of the present day . I TURN OVER-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Xn Press, And Speedily Loillbe Published...
Xn Press , And speedily loillbe Published , in Demy Octavo , Price 10 s . Gd . Koyal Octavo , Price 16 s ., A NEW EDITION OF THE HISTORYOFINITIATION,
COMPRISING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE RITES AND CEREMONIES , DOCTRINES AND DISCIPLINE OP ALL THE SECRET AND MYSTERIOUS INSTITUTIONS OP THE ANCIENT WORLD . BY THE REV . GEO . OLIVER . D . D . Incumbent of the Collegiate Church , Wolverhampton ; Domestic Chaplain to the Bight Hon . Lord Kensington , D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire-, Corresponding Member ofthe Society of Antiquaries , Scotland . Procul , 6 procul este profani ,
Conclamat vates , totoque absistite luco . —E . v . V . v . 258 . LONDON : Printed and Published by and for Brother R . SPENCER , Bookseller and Librarian , 314 , High Holborn .
BESS to call the attention of the Craft to the republication of the above Work ; which is extremely valuable to tbe Brethren who are desirous of investigating the philosophy of Masonry . It has long been a desideratum to the Fraternity , and its worth has been unequivocally decided by the universal demand which so rapidly exhausted the former Edition . It is a work which is frequently quoted , but has long been out of the reach of the ordinary purchaser . As a specimen of combined talent , learning , and deep research , it has been termed a literary curiosity ; and its disappearance has been deeply regretted .
The information which it embodies is amply sufficient to satiate the curiosity which naturally arises in the intelligent Mason ' s mind , on a subject so curious and interesting as the mysterious institutions of antiquity . In no other work are the ancient initiations so satisfactorily explained . The ceremonies are detailed with a minuteness that could only be acquired by a most laborious research into the metaphysical writings of Greece and Rome , and the entire process in every country , from the first preparation of a candidate , until his final enlightenment , is described with equal spirit and truth . The Notes are very numerous ,
discursive , and entertaining , and add considerably to the value and usefulness of the work . Having been many years out of print , great numbers of Brethren have not had the advantage of perusing its pages ; and copies have been disposed of at very considerable prices .
Under these circumstances , applications have been repeatedly made to the Rev . Author , to allow a new edition to he printed . And Brother Spencer has now the pleasure to inform the Masonic Public , that Dr . Oliver has at length been induced to undertake a thorough revision of the work . The arrangement will be entirely new ; and it will be so modified as to correspond with his former popular volume of Signs and Symbols , and the forthcoming work on the Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry ; and without omitting any important portion of the original , he will so re-model the materials , as to comprise the whole Text and Notes , with
the addition of several sheets of entire new matter ( the results of his extended reading ) in Twelve Lectures , which will tend to illustrate more clearly the nature and design of the ancient initiations . In this edition no expense ivill be spared to render it worthy the acceptance of the Craft . Added to a superior type and paper , the binding will be decorated with Masonic tooling in the first style of the art . And the publisher begs leave to announce that it is his intention to strike off a limited number of copies on royal paper , which may not be unworthy of introduction into the libraries of our noble and wealthy Brethren , who may be desirous of honouring with their patronage , a subject of surpassing interest with the Freemasons of the present day . I TURN OVER-