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Xn Press, And Speedily Loillbe Published...
Testimonies ofthe Press in favour ofthe former Edition of this Work , GENTLEMAN ' S MAGAZINE . The Work is learned , curious , and ingenious . IMPERIAL MAGAZINE . A Work from which we do not doubt but our readers will derive considerable amusement
and reap a proportionate degree of instruction . WEEKLY REVIEW . No Masonic library can be complete which does not contain this most curious volume . Many other testimonies were contained in the Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals of the day .
Brother Spencer begs further to announce that he has made arrangements with the Rev , Dr . Oliver , who edited the fourteenth edition of ' Preston's Illustrations of Masonry , fori History of the Craft from the closing period of that volume to the present time . As a new edition of that celebrated work has just made its appearance without any continuation of the History ; it is anticipated that this design will be peculiarly acceptable to the Craft , as it embraces a period of more than common interest;—a period of stirring energy , which has produced incidents and transactions in every quarter of the globe , that have placed Freemasonry before tlie public in a new and imposing form .
The " Illustrations" of Preston , though embracing a fund of information on the general usages of the Order , are chiefly valuable for the comprehensive Historical Account of Freemasonry in England , which occupies the better portion of the volume . This History , in the present edition , is incomplete , because it is divested of those important facts which have occurred during a season when associations for the general advancement of science have formed a distinguishing feature in the moral economy of society ; and Freemasonry , having been submitted to the ordeal of scientific investigation , has acquired additional value from the test .
During the last ten years Freemasonry has become firmly established , in public opinion , as a science of benevolence and usefulness . It has attracted the notice , and received the commendation of good and worthy men in all classes of the community ; its benevolent institutions have been augmented ; its resources increased ; and its general utility indubitably
confirmed . Great public questions have been resolved ; and the provinces have recruited their strength , and promoted its interests with all their energy and all their zeal . Philosophy has become the object of Masonic research ; and moral worth , the test of introduction to the sacred floor of a Mason ' s Lodge . In a word , a great and beneficial change " has come over the spirit" of the Order , and many invaluable benefits will undoubtedly result from the noble designs and moral lessons accomplished by the Craft , during the times in which we live . Under these circumstances , so interesting and so momentous to every class of Free and
Accepted Masons , a faithful record of events cannot fail to be highly acceptable . Aud Brother Spencer rests confidently assured that the established reputation of the Author , as a literary character , a man , and a Mason , will be considered a sufficient guarantee by the Brethren that the undertaking will be executed with fidelity as to the facts , and impartiality as to the inferences and conclusions . It will be printed in duodecimo for the accommodation of those who are in possession of the fourteenth or fifteenth edition of Preston ; with which it may either be bound up , or serve as a separate book of reference for the period whose history and transactions it is intended to exemplify .
Orders received for these Works by all Provincial Booksellers , also by addressing , post paid , ( accompanied by a remittance ) lo Brother S . SPENCER , Masonic Library , 314 , Ihg h Holborn .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Xn Press, And Speedily Loillbe Published...
Testimonies ofthe Press in favour ofthe former Edition of this Work , GENTLEMAN ' S MAGAZINE . The Work is learned , curious , and ingenious . IMPERIAL MAGAZINE . A Work from which we do not doubt but our readers will derive considerable amusement
and reap a proportionate degree of instruction . WEEKLY REVIEW . No Masonic library can be complete which does not contain this most curious volume . Many other testimonies were contained in the Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals of the day .
Brother Spencer begs further to announce that he has made arrangements with the Rev , Dr . Oliver , who edited the fourteenth edition of ' Preston's Illustrations of Masonry , fori History of the Craft from the closing period of that volume to the present time . As a new edition of that celebrated work has just made its appearance without any continuation of the History ; it is anticipated that this design will be peculiarly acceptable to the Craft , as it embraces a period of more than common interest;—a period of stirring energy , which has produced incidents and transactions in every quarter of the globe , that have placed Freemasonry before tlie public in a new and imposing form .
The " Illustrations" of Preston , though embracing a fund of information on the general usages of the Order , are chiefly valuable for the comprehensive Historical Account of Freemasonry in England , which occupies the better portion of the volume . This History , in the present edition , is incomplete , because it is divested of those important facts which have occurred during a season when associations for the general advancement of science have formed a distinguishing feature in the moral economy of society ; and Freemasonry , having been submitted to the ordeal of scientific investigation , has acquired additional value from the test .
During the last ten years Freemasonry has become firmly established , in public opinion , as a science of benevolence and usefulness . It has attracted the notice , and received the commendation of good and worthy men in all classes of the community ; its benevolent institutions have been augmented ; its resources increased ; and its general utility indubitably
confirmed . Great public questions have been resolved ; and the provinces have recruited their strength , and promoted its interests with all their energy and all their zeal . Philosophy has become the object of Masonic research ; and moral worth , the test of introduction to the sacred floor of a Mason ' s Lodge . In a word , a great and beneficial change " has come over the spirit" of the Order , and many invaluable benefits will undoubtedly result from the noble designs and moral lessons accomplished by the Craft , during the times in which we live . Under these circumstances , so interesting and so momentous to every class of Free and
Accepted Masons , a faithful record of events cannot fail to be highly acceptable . Aud Brother Spencer rests confidently assured that the established reputation of the Author , as a literary character , a man , and a Mason , will be considered a sufficient guarantee by the Brethren that the undertaking will be executed with fidelity as to the facts , and impartiality as to the inferences and conclusions . It will be printed in duodecimo for the accommodation of those who are in possession of the fourteenth or fifteenth edition of Preston ; with which it may either be bound up , or serve as a separate book of reference for the period whose history and transactions it is intended to exemplify .
Orders received for these Works by all Provincial Booksellers , also by addressing , post paid , ( accompanied by a remittance ) lo Brother S . SPENCER , Masonic Library , 314 , Ihg h Holborn .