Article PERSECUTION ← Page 14 of 21 →
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" To His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ., $ c , SIR , —Having been informed by the Right Worshipful Brother W . II . White , G . S ., that your Royal Highness is fully cognizant of the complaint , or charge , preferred against myself and others , and that the Board of General Purposes had directed our attendance this day , I feel it my duty to inform your Royal Plighness that we did so attend , and that I took exception to two members of tbe Board , viz ., Bros . F . AV . Bossy and J . C . M'Mullen ,
as having disqualified from sitting in judgment upon the case , hy reason of their having publicly declared that the charges are all true ; thereby proving that they cannot bring an unbiassed judgment upon a question involving the great principle of " character . " The consideration of the Cause is postponed until Saturday . Tbe Board having decided that the Brethren named are competent to this duty , I venture to claim , as a Mason , the protection of your Royal Highness as our Grand Master , and most dutifully solicit that I may not be
deprived , in Masonry , of the privilege which the meanest English subject can boldly claim in the face of his country—to challenge on justifiable grounds . I await , wdth equal anxiety and confidence , the gracious intervention of your Royal Highness , unless I am protected , the Cause cannot be justly examined . —I beg to subscribe myself , most respectfully , Your Royal Highness's dutiful and devoted humble servant , R . T . CRUCEFIX , P . G . D . " Lancaster Place , 28 th Jan . 1840 .
" To the Worshipful Brother R . T . Cruceficc , P . J . G . D . WORSHIPFUL BROTHER , —I have received the Grand Master's commands to acknowdedge the receipt of your letter addressed to His Royal Highness , and I am directed by the Grand Master to lay the same before the Board of General Purposes without any comment whatsoever , as from the nature of the charges , the honour , and interests , and character of the Grand Master , are more or less implicated in the inquiry ; and he is determined most strictly to avoid any influence whicli might be thrown upon the conduct of the Board ,
either by a remark or any opinion of his . The Grand Master further directs me to call your attention to the fact of your having made a direct appeal to him as Grand Master , and that all communications of that nature are under the seal of secrecy , and cannot be circulated or told out of the precincts of a Lodge , nor otherwise than under the Masonic obligation , and , consequently , that any attempt to disobey such injunction , the Grand Master would feel himself justified in bringing against the Brother as a breach of his Masonic obligation and duties ; * to which circumstance the Grand Master has more than once alluded in the Grand Lodge .
I am , Worshipful Brother , fraternally , Your obedient servant , Freemasons" Hall , London , WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " 1 st Feb . 1840 . " -To the Very Worshipful Bo-other W . H . White , G . S . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER ^ —I am duly favoured by a further summons to attend the Board of General Purposes on the charges ( 1 ) preferred against myself and others . I have to request from you some explanation upon the letter addressed to me under date the 1 st instant .
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" To His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M ., $ c , SIR , —Having been informed by the Right Worshipful Brother W . II . White , G . S ., that your Royal Highness is fully cognizant of the complaint , or charge , preferred against myself and others , and that the Board of General Purposes had directed our attendance this day , I feel it my duty to inform your Royal Plighness that we did so attend , and that I took exception to two members of tbe Board , viz ., Bros . F . AV . Bossy and J . C . M'Mullen ,
as having disqualified from sitting in judgment upon the case , hy reason of their having publicly declared that the charges are all true ; thereby proving that they cannot bring an unbiassed judgment upon a question involving the great principle of " character . " The consideration of the Cause is postponed until Saturday . Tbe Board having decided that the Brethren named are competent to this duty , I venture to claim , as a Mason , the protection of your Royal Highness as our Grand Master , and most dutifully solicit that I may not be
deprived , in Masonry , of the privilege which the meanest English subject can boldly claim in the face of his country—to challenge on justifiable grounds . I await , wdth equal anxiety and confidence , the gracious intervention of your Royal Highness , unless I am protected , the Cause cannot be justly examined . —I beg to subscribe myself , most respectfully , Your Royal Highness's dutiful and devoted humble servant , R . T . CRUCEFIX , P . G . D . " Lancaster Place , 28 th Jan . 1840 .
" To the Worshipful Brother R . T . Cruceficc , P . J . G . D . WORSHIPFUL BROTHER , —I have received the Grand Master's commands to acknowdedge the receipt of your letter addressed to His Royal Highness , and I am directed by the Grand Master to lay the same before the Board of General Purposes without any comment whatsoever , as from the nature of the charges , the honour , and interests , and character of the Grand Master , are more or less implicated in the inquiry ; and he is determined most strictly to avoid any influence whicli might be thrown upon the conduct of the Board ,
either by a remark or any opinion of his . The Grand Master further directs me to call your attention to the fact of your having made a direct appeal to him as Grand Master , and that all communications of that nature are under the seal of secrecy , and cannot be circulated or told out of the precincts of a Lodge , nor otherwise than under the Masonic obligation , and , consequently , that any attempt to disobey such injunction , the Grand Master would feel himself justified in bringing against the Brother as a breach of his Masonic obligation and duties ; * to which circumstance the Grand Master has more than once alluded in the Grand Lodge .
I am , Worshipful Brother , fraternally , Your obedient servant , Freemasons" Hall , London , WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " 1 st Feb . 1840 . " -To the Very Worshipful Bo-other W . H . White , G . S . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER ^ —I am duly favoured by a further summons to attend the Board of General Purposes on the charges ( 1 ) preferred against myself and others . I have to request from you some explanation upon the letter addressed to me under date the 1 st instant .