Article QUARTERLY CONVOCATION. —May 6. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE CHARITIES. Page 1 of 4 →
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Quarterly Convocation. —May 6.
Companion Sangster moved that tbe sum of ten guineas be granted to the Asylum . Dr . Crucefix rose to second the motion , which was objected to by Comps . Burckhardt , Henderson , ancl Plarrison . Some explanation took place between the Companions , ancl ultimately Comp . Sangster , in a very handsome manner , withdrew his motion , * The Committee of Laws reported that their labours had terminated ,
but that the report would not be laid before the Grancl Chapter until the next meeting . The following E . Companions were then elected as the Committee of General Purposes : — The three Grand Principals and the Pro-Grand Z . E . Comps . R . L . AVilson R . T . Crucefix D . Kincaid I . Fortune AV . T . Hope J . Henderson . J . C . Burckhardt H . Phillips The Grand Chapter was then closed .
The Charities.
GIRLS' SCHOOL . —GENERAL COURT , April 9 . —Present , Dr . Crucefix , M . D ., in the Chair . The minutes of the several meetings of the General Committee were read and confirmed . Resolved , — " That the Audit Committee be desired to render their accounts to the next General Committee . " A motion by Dr . Crucefix , that in future the meetings of the General Committee be held at the hour of twelve at noon , was carried .
On a motion by Dr . Crucefix , the following address of condolence to the Marquis of Hastings , was carried unanimously with a request that the treasurer , B . B . Cabbell , Esq ., should sign the same , and transmit it forthwith . " To the Most Honourable the Marquis of Hastings , on the lamented decease of the late Dowager Marchioness , a Vice-Patroness .
" MY LORD , —The decease of your lamented parent , the late Dowager Marchioness of Hastings , having left a blank in the records of the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children—of which the deceased lady was a Vice-Patroness—we beg , very respectfully , to offer our sincere condolence upon the loss you have sustained . " AA e are forcibly reminded at this moment how cheerfully the late Marchioness shared the labours of your distinguished father , our revered
Brother , whose memory , as well as that of his amiable relict , is endeared to all who estimate the virtues that adorn humanity ; and we pray the Great Architect that their noble descendants may be blessed with health and happiness . "
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Quarterly Convocation. —May 6.
Companion Sangster moved that tbe sum of ten guineas be granted to the Asylum . Dr . Crucefix rose to second the motion , which was objected to by Comps . Burckhardt , Henderson , ancl Plarrison . Some explanation took place between the Companions , ancl ultimately Comp . Sangster , in a very handsome manner , withdrew his motion , * The Committee of Laws reported that their labours had terminated ,
but that the report would not be laid before the Grancl Chapter until the next meeting . The following E . Companions were then elected as the Committee of General Purposes : — The three Grand Principals and the Pro-Grand Z . E . Comps . R . L . AVilson R . T . Crucefix D . Kincaid I . Fortune AV . T . Hope J . Henderson . J . C . Burckhardt H . Phillips The Grand Chapter was then closed .
The Charities.
GIRLS' SCHOOL . —GENERAL COURT , April 9 . —Present , Dr . Crucefix , M . D ., in the Chair . The minutes of the several meetings of the General Committee were read and confirmed . Resolved , — " That the Audit Committee be desired to render their accounts to the next General Committee . " A motion by Dr . Crucefix , that in future the meetings of the General Committee be held at the hour of twelve at noon , was carried .
On a motion by Dr . Crucefix , the following address of condolence to the Marquis of Hastings , was carried unanimously with a request that the treasurer , B . B . Cabbell , Esq ., should sign the same , and transmit it forthwith . " To the Most Honourable the Marquis of Hastings , on the lamented decease of the late Dowager Marchioness , a Vice-Patroness .
" MY LORD , —The decease of your lamented parent , the late Dowager Marchioness of Hastings , having left a blank in the records of the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children—of which the deceased lady was a Vice-Patroness—we beg , very respectfully , to offer our sincere condolence upon the loss you have sustained . " AA e are forcibly reminded at this moment how cheerfully the late Marchioness shared the labours of your distinguished father , our revered
Brother , whose memory , as well as that of his amiable relict , is endeared to all who estimate the virtues that adorn humanity ; and we pray the Great Architect that their noble descendants may be blessed with health and happiness . "