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Mourn him thus l , y dc . T . h i-, id low , W ' lilc his race was scarce half run . Wc who slill the journey go , Mark'd willi grief his selling sun ! The chaiilct ' s laded from his hrow—Tho narrow house his dwelling now ! How down chc knee—hang low the head—A Waster fallen !—a Brother ( lead
!—On which occasion the Author received a vote of thanks from the Grand Lodge , and the same was ordered to bo entered on the books . LMTII April 13 . —Jin Brethren or the Ancient Lodge Canongate and Leith , Leith and Canongate , held their Annual Convivial Meeting in then- Lodge Room Constitution Street , R . W . M . Gaylor in the chair , ably supported b y an efficient band of the Brotherhood . The 1 U
nf ^ T ^\ . u ° f . 01 "" ™ 6 * Z ° ' ' M out of respect to the memory of he Right Honourable the Earl of Rothes , late Grand Master for Scotland , it was postponed to the present occasion . Exactly at ei < dit o clock , the spirit-stn-i-iiig strains of Brother Anderson struck- ,, n tlm
anuiem , sacred to the "Brothers of the Mystic Tie : " and by nine ftnm tirTf T r r nc ^ - \ the hal 1 ' lowing deputations 1 , nl ^ 1 w % ° r l- f Edln ^» 'S h had » rwed , viz ., ° St . Andrew ' s , beaded by il . AF . M . Simpson ; St . James ' s , R . W . M . Dunn- St Ste Sfe ri- - l ' R \ v ^ ; n ?? sive B ^/ K . W . M ColquhJnn and ™ f f Cel Ic # \ £ U , ; M D « "wU « m . Besides the customary Masonic * ' M ei P lkl a raarked euIium to of
? V » T- T ; ' ° S * e memory , 1 , 1 ; , P " ? ¦ i i y ! ' ¦ " i ^ f f few montl ! s a » ° P resided at the St . Anhew Festival , high in health , and full of vigour , and since then had been taken away to " the narrow house , " in the prime of his years . I he memory of the Earl of Rothes was thereafter drunk with silent of rLr"' ^ coun « the eveniM & the growing prosperity l )„ Hn ^ ' i eSff yaS regal'ded Poetical Masonry , was alluded to . Thim ? rf tW ° J - ™> u ™ churches ( one the munificent ift of
. w g mnTrt ! r ^ . Esq . ) had been built ; and the splendid stweture upon the Great Junction Road , lately opened for cheap education , had given immortality to the name of Dr . Bell . The improvements at the Iier were also noticed , as doing honour to the Dock ancl Harbour Commissioners . The meeting , which was a very harmonious one , broke up at the high twelve , not only of Masonic , but of chronological
M ° ™ £ « ii NI ° SAL - V Apnl 2 — Edinburgh and Leith Celtic . Masonic Ball came oiF with great Mat in the AVaterloo Rooms . There was a very full attendance . The R . W . Master , along with a number oi the Brethren , appeared m the full Hi ghland costume , and the ladies in compliment to their Masonic partners , had their dresses ornamented wmi the clan tartan of the Lodge and other emblems of a national ciiaraeter . Ihe grand entrance was fitted up as a hall , wherein was stahoned the of the Lod
piper ge ( Brother M'Kay ) , playing the merry icel , or less rapid strathspey to the kilted dancers . The ball and sup-| ) tT rooms were beautifully decorated with Masonic flags and other nsigma of the Craft . Brother Slirivall presided at the pianoforte in tiie ante-room , and , along witii several amateurs of the Lodge , <; ave some excellent songs , which added much to the variety of the ( TvJmiis ' s entertainments . I he arrangements altogether gave entire satisfaction , ancl tiie company separated at an early hour of the morniii " . Brother
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mourn him thus l , y dc . T . h i-, id low , W ' lilc his race was scarce half run . Wc who slill the journey go , Mark'd willi grief his selling sun ! The chaiilct ' s laded from his hrow—Tho narrow house his dwelling now ! How down chc knee—hang low the head—A Waster fallen !—a Brother ( lead
!—On which occasion the Author received a vote of thanks from the Grand Lodge , and the same was ordered to bo entered on the books . LMTII April 13 . —Jin Brethren or the Ancient Lodge Canongate and Leith , Leith and Canongate , held their Annual Convivial Meeting in then- Lodge Room Constitution Street , R . W . M . Gaylor in the chair , ably supported b y an efficient band of the Brotherhood . The 1 U
nf ^ T ^\ . u ° f . 01 "" ™ 6 * Z ° ' ' M out of respect to the memory of he Right Honourable the Earl of Rothes , late Grand Master for Scotland , it was postponed to the present occasion . Exactly at ei < dit o clock , the spirit-stn-i-iiig strains of Brother Anderson struck- ,, n tlm
anuiem , sacred to the "Brothers of the Mystic Tie : " and by nine ftnm tirTf T r r nc ^ - \ the hal 1 ' lowing deputations 1 , nl ^ 1 w % ° r l- f Edln ^» 'S h had » rwed , viz ., ° St . Andrew ' s , beaded by il . AF . M . Simpson ; St . James ' s , R . W . M . Dunn- St Ste Sfe ri- - l ' R \ v ^ ; n ?? sive B ^/ K . W . M ColquhJnn and ™ f f Cel Ic # \ £ U , ; M D « "wU « m . Besides the customary Masonic * ' M ei P lkl a raarked euIium to of
? V » T- T ; ' ° S * e memory , 1 , 1 ; , P " ? ¦ i i y ! ' ¦ " i ^ f f few montl ! s a » ° P resided at the St . Anhew Festival , high in health , and full of vigour , and since then had been taken away to " the narrow house , " in the prime of his years . I he memory of the Earl of Rothes was thereafter drunk with silent of rLr"' ^ coun « the eveniM & the growing prosperity l )„ Hn ^ ' i eSff yaS regal'ded Poetical Masonry , was alluded to . Thim ? rf tW ° J - ™> u ™ churches ( one the munificent ift of
. w g mnTrt ! r ^ . Esq . ) had been built ; and the splendid stweture upon the Great Junction Road , lately opened for cheap education , had given immortality to the name of Dr . Bell . The improvements at the Iier were also noticed , as doing honour to the Dock ancl Harbour Commissioners . The meeting , which was a very harmonious one , broke up at the high twelve , not only of Masonic , but of chronological
M ° ™ £ « ii NI ° SAL - V Apnl 2 — Edinburgh and Leith Celtic . Masonic Ball came oiF with great Mat in the AVaterloo Rooms . There was a very full attendance . The R . W . Master , along with a number oi the Brethren , appeared m the full Hi ghland costume , and the ladies in compliment to their Masonic partners , had their dresses ornamented wmi the clan tartan of the Lodge and other emblems of a national ciiaraeter . Ihe grand entrance was fitted up as a hall , wherein was stahoned the of the Lod
piper ge ( Brother M'Kay ) , playing the merry icel , or less rapid strathspey to the kilted dancers . The ball and sup-| ) tT rooms were beautifully decorated with Masonic flags and other nsigma of the Craft . Brother Slirivall presided at the pianoforte in tiie ante-room , and , along witii several amateurs of the Lodge , <; ave some excellent songs , which added much to the variety of the ( TvJmiis ' s entertainments . I he arrangements altogether gave entire satisfaction , ancl tiie company separated at an early hour of the morniii " . Brother