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bans , of Edgbaston , and he having presented to our Institution twenty copies of the said work" Resolved—That highly approving of the same , the most grateful thanks of the Governors be , and the same arc hereby , presented to our said Bro . Ribbans , for his said donation . " GRAND MASONIC BALL , May 7 . —The members of the ancient and esteemed Order
of Freemasonry , gave to their friends a ball ancl supper , at the Rotunda , which equalled , if it did not surpass in magnificence , any of their previous displays of hospitality . The rounclroorn was appropriated to the purposes of dancing ancl promenading , and it was hung round with various Masonic banners ancl devices , painted b y Mr . Phillips ; but although their application mi ght have been onl y known to the initiated , all could notice the brilliant effect which
they imparted to the scene . The draperies were by Mr . Campbel , under the direction of Bro . Saunders , and the lighting was by the Hibernian Gas Company . In the ante-room the Stewards were marshalled , bearing their white wands of office , and wearing varied Masonic costumes , some of them truly splendid ; ancl to them was delegated the pleasing duty—a labour of love , no doubt—of conducting and introducing the ladies to the presence ofthe Grancl Master . His Grace , with the Duchess of Leinster and the Ladies Fitzgerald , arrived early , and tne following Masonic officers ancl members of the committee were in waiting to receive the Grand Master on his arrival : —
brothers Gilbert Saunders , AVilliam Andrews , P . M ., Lod ° -e IV Thomas Keck , P . M ., IV . ; Edward Moore , K . H . ; Evory Carmichael ' M ., SO ; John M'Causland , George James Baldwin , K . H . ; Thomas Murphy , K . H . ; AA'illiam T . Lloyd , Robert Stewart , Michael Barry Henry Nott , M ., 2 ; Edward Tandy , Thomas Snowe , P . M . ; Malachy Fitzpatrick S . AV ., 153 ; Connell AV ^ . M'Namara , J . D ., IV . ; Michael f urnell , D . L . ; Robert Corbet ; John Orme ; Edward Carleton M ., 494 ; Croker Barrington ; George Fitton , P . M . ; Thomas C . Quinton , K . H . x -
Attended b y these gentlemen , his Grace proceeded to the throne a magnificentl y decorated one , where he took his seat , ancl remained for a considerable portion of the evening , the presentations being so numerous . At twelve o ' clock nearly seven hundred personages were present , and the room presented a most striking appearance , from the variety and attractiveness of the ladies' dresses , ancl the diversity of Masonic ornaments exhibited b y the Brotherhood . The dancing which under the of
was superintendance Bro . Newcombe , was kept up with untiring animation : and during the evening an adjoining refreshmentroom was used , where ices , lemonade , & c , were supplied with the utmost profusion . The bands of the Carbineers and 09 th Regiments played the waltzes , and Kelly ' s quadrille band also attended . At one 0 clock supper was announced . It was laid out in the long-room , and the tables were judiciously disposed , to enable all to command an uninterrupted view of the entThe
apartm . Duke of Leinster presided . 1 he AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., sat on his right and next to him was the Duchess . The high sheriffs were to the left of the chair . From the numbers present , an inner room was laid out for two hundred and fifty of the guests . AVhen supper had been concluded , the healths of " The Queen and Prince Albert " were proposed , and drunk with every due demonstration of applause .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
bans , of Edgbaston , and he having presented to our Institution twenty copies of the said work" Resolved—That highly approving of the same , the most grateful thanks of the Governors be , and the same arc hereby , presented to our said Bro . Ribbans , for his said donation . " GRAND MASONIC BALL , May 7 . —The members of the ancient and esteemed Order
of Freemasonry , gave to their friends a ball ancl supper , at the Rotunda , which equalled , if it did not surpass in magnificence , any of their previous displays of hospitality . The rounclroorn was appropriated to the purposes of dancing ancl promenading , and it was hung round with various Masonic banners ancl devices , painted b y Mr . Phillips ; but although their application mi ght have been onl y known to the initiated , all could notice the brilliant effect which
they imparted to the scene . The draperies were by Mr . Campbel , under the direction of Bro . Saunders , and the lighting was by the Hibernian Gas Company . In the ante-room the Stewards were marshalled , bearing their white wands of office , and wearing varied Masonic costumes , some of them truly splendid ; ancl to them was delegated the pleasing duty—a labour of love , no doubt—of conducting and introducing the ladies to the presence ofthe Grancl Master . His Grace , with the Duchess of Leinster and the Ladies Fitzgerald , arrived early , and tne following Masonic officers ancl members of the committee were in waiting to receive the Grand Master on his arrival : —
brothers Gilbert Saunders , AVilliam Andrews , P . M ., Lod ° -e IV Thomas Keck , P . M ., IV . ; Edward Moore , K . H . ; Evory Carmichael ' M ., SO ; John M'Causland , George James Baldwin , K . H . ; Thomas Murphy , K . H . ; AA'illiam T . Lloyd , Robert Stewart , Michael Barry Henry Nott , M ., 2 ; Edward Tandy , Thomas Snowe , P . M . ; Malachy Fitzpatrick S . AV ., 153 ; Connell AV ^ . M'Namara , J . D ., IV . ; Michael f urnell , D . L . ; Robert Corbet ; John Orme ; Edward Carleton M ., 494 ; Croker Barrington ; George Fitton , P . M . ; Thomas C . Quinton , K . H . x -
Attended b y these gentlemen , his Grace proceeded to the throne a magnificentl y decorated one , where he took his seat , ancl remained for a considerable portion of the evening , the presentations being so numerous . At twelve o ' clock nearly seven hundred personages were present , and the room presented a most striking appearance , from the variety and attractiveness of the ladies' dresses , ancl the diversity of Masonic ornaments exhibited b y the Brotherhood . The dancing which under the of
was superintendance Bro . Newcombe , was kept up with untiring animation : and during the evening an adjoining refreshmentroom was used , where ices , lemonade , & c , were supplied with the utmost profusion . The bands of the Carbineers and 09 th Regiments played the waltzes , and Kelly ' s quadrille band also attended . At one 0 clock supper was announced . It was laid out in the long-room , and the tables were judiciously disposed , to enable all to command an uninterrupted view of the entThe
apartm . Duke of Leinster presided . 1 he AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., sat on his right and next to him was the Duchess . The high sheriffs were to the left of the chair . From the numbers present , an inner room was laid out for two hundred and fifty of the guests . AVhen supper had been concluded , the healths of " The Queen and Prince Albert " were proposed , and drunk with every due demonstration of applause .