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remai-K ^ biJvir ; ^ Tfi I * ? diu , n ' f erila P s the intrusion , of these lemaiks , but where can I find a time or place so fitting for the expression ° ssenWv ° " ir / COnrlen - ^ MaSOniC **«»«^ *> in the ' presen assembly ? Besides I enjoy the innate gratification of knowino- that poor and obscure indeed as I feel myself to be , that a Masonic opiidon or sent . ment coming from me is not the less acceptable to my Bre hren on at account AVe all meet d this "
may never roun board . again ; incteec , sn , the heart of him who now addresses you may be the first to be compressed into a clod of the valley ; but I aianWLd with a fervent hope rlfy , Z "T ? , deav ? ^ square my life and actions to the principles I have here stated , to be able calmly to meet the approach of our common enemy , and when removed from " this mortal Grand Lod-e I maybe admitted to a 'Lodge , ' not built by human hands , but eternal n the heavens , where the Grancl Lod ge of God will be opened , neve , to be closed , and where the Great Architect of the universe ^ shal hve and reign for ever .
CHUNAB , DECKMBER , 1840—Brother Major Macdonald has been iiert , and as may be supposed , Masonic meetings have been frequent Ihe Brother arrived from Cawnpoor , two hundred miles distant on the morning ofthe 15 th by dawk , and having been for some days expected , Lodge Sincere Friendshi p , No . 3 SL workiimhere held that evening an adjourned meeting , at which Bro . Macdonald presided , for the purpose of giving instruction in the M M degree -whicn vvorked bthis talented Past
was y Master with a fluency and ability such as has not been seen for years within these doors 1 he explanations of the several parts of the Degree , both ceremonial and 12 T ? ' g ? f ln A flUent * ? pkin ] an SMge , calculated to meet the undeis andmg of all A second meeting was held the following evening when the ceremonial was repeated : the AV . M . elect , Bro . Capt Stewart ' being placed m the chair for practice , Uro . Macdonald officiating as one of he Deacons for the more particular instruction of those officers in ma ters which could not be communicated in any other manner than 1 , v
orai instruction given m open Lodge . Bro . Macdonald assumino- the chair , instructed m the ceremony of working the degrees of Ark and Mark Master , by initiation of five Brethren into those Mason c degree among whom was the W . M . elect . «< -giees , The third day of the major ' s sojourn among us , while his dawk was preparing , was also devoted to Masonry , by the admission of a candidate by Bro . Ma cdS ^ Cerem ° " ° initiati ° Was » % P «* mned
, ¦ „ £ A 1 ^ l =- ' Bl 0- ^^ William Stewart , was then installed into the chair of Sincere Friendship , No . 381 , as AV . M . for the ensuin " 1 >„ * Vr ? ' lVIacd ° nald officiating as Inslalling Master , assisted by other -pf , ^ r l P , ™ ed the beautiful and solemn ceremony with effect Ihe W . M . thanked the Brethren for the honour which they had done him , in an address m which eloquence was combined with kindness of leeiing ; and towards its close he paid a very handsome compliment to the 1 8 fx rdinal Masonic
B ™ M f ^ iT' ; ' : ra" " y knowled ge , evinced by Bio . Macdonald , concluding by . movmg that a public vote of thanks to him should be made and entered on the minutes , and a copy be tr-ins nutted to the Hrotlier as a humble return for the invaluable aid which he lias rendered to the Lodge . In compliment to the occasion , the installation of a new AV . M . Bro Macdonald wore the handsomel y-embroidered apron , collar , and Past
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
remai-K ^ biJvir ; ^ Tfi I * ? diu , n ' f erila P s the intrusion , of these lemaiks , but where can I find a time or place so fitting for the expression ° ssenWv ° " ir / COnrlen - ^ MaSOniC **«»«^ *> in the ' presen assembly ? Besides I enjoy the innate gratification of knowino- that poor and obscure indeed as I feel myself to be , that a Masonic opiidon or sent . ment coming from me is not the less acceptable to my Bre hren on at account AVe all meet d this "
may never roun board . again ; incteec , sn , the heart of him who now addresses you may be the first to be compressed into a clod of the valley ; but I aianWLd with a fervent hope rlfy , Z "T ? , deav ? ^ square my life and actions to the principles I have here stated , to be able calmly to meet the approach of our common enemy , and when removed from " this mortal Grand Lod-e I maybe admitted to a 'Lodge , ' not built by human hands , but eternal n the heavens , where the Grancl Lod ge of God will be opened , neve , to be closed , and where the Great Architect of the universe ^ shal hve and reign for ever .
CHUNAB , DECKMBER , 1840—Brother Major Macdonald has been iiert , and as may be supposed , Masonic meetings have been frequent Ihe Brother arrived from Cawnpoor , two hundred miles distant on the morning ofthe 15 th by dawk , and having been for some days expected , Lodge Sincere Friendshi p , No . 3 SL workiimhere held that evening an adjourned meeting , at which Bro . Macdonald presided , for the purpose of giving instruction in the M M degree -whicn vvorked bthis talented Past
was y Master with a fluency and ability such as has not been seen for years within these doors 1 he explanations of the several parts of the Degree , both ceremonial and 12 T ? ' g ? f ln A flUent * ? pkin ] an SMge , calculated to meet the undeis andmg of all A second meeting was held the following evening when the ceremonial was repeated : the AV . M . elect , Bro . Capt Stewart ' being placed m the chair for practice , Uro . Macdonald officiating as one of he Deacons for the more particular instruction of those officers in ma ters which could not be communicated in any other manner than 1 , v
orai instruction given m open Lodge . Bro . Macdonald assumino- the chair , instructed m the ceremony of working the degrees of Ark and Mark Master , by initiation of five Brethren into those Mason c degree among whom was the W . M . elect . «< -giees , The third day of the major ' s sojourn among us , while his dawk was preparing , was also devoted to Masonry , by the admission of a candidate by Bro . Ma cdS ^ Cerem ° " ° initiati ° Was » % P «* mned
, ¦ „ £ A 1 ^ l =- ' Bl 0- ^^ William Stewart , was then installed into the chair of Sincere Friendship , No . 381 , as AV . M . for the ensuin " 1 >„ * Vr ? ' lVIacd ° nald officiating as Inslalling Master , assisted by other -pf , ^ r l P , ™ ed the beautiful and solemn ceremony with effect Ihe W . M . thanked the Brethren for the honour which they had done him , in an address m which eloquence was combined with kindness of leeiing ; and towards its close he paid a very handsome compliment to the 1 8 fx rdinal Masonic
B ™ M f ^ iT' ; ' : ra" " y knowled ge , evinced by Bio . Macdonald , concluding by . movmg that a public vote of thanks to him should be made and entered on the minutes , and a copy be tr-ins nutted to the Hrotlier as a humble return for the invaluable aid which he lias rendered to the Lodge . In compliment to the occasion , the installation of a new AV . M . Bro Macdonald wore the handsomel y-embroidered apron , collar , and Past