Article GRAND FESTIVAL , ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Grand Festival ,
not sit down to the banquet , was then duly given by the Grand Master , with three times three . A glee followed . His ROYAL HIGHNESS then said , he had the pleasure of proposing as a toast the health of a noble Brother , who , after having happily presided over a province , had at length been promoted to the high station of Deputy Grand Master—( cheers ) . He was satisfied of the good intentions of that noble Brotherthat he was fair and firm in rincile
, p p , and that , in his mind , he would do every thing to promote the harmony of the Order—( hear ) . For what he had already done thanks were clue to him ; ancl those who joined in the toast would prove that they fully participated in that feeling —( cheers ) . He therefore gave the " Deputy Grancl Master , " with three times three .
I he MARQUIS OP SALISBURY declared that he felt some difficulty in returning thanks suitably , after the flattering expressions that had been used in introducing the toast , and the kind manner in which it had been received . He was , liowever , extremely grateful for both . The onl y thing for which he coulcl presume to take any degree of credit was , for having , to the best of his ability , promoted the working of the Order . Having been to some extent successful in this , H . R H . had been pleased
to appoint him a Provincial Grand Master , which was certainl y an act of great kindness , consummated as that had been by the subsequent addition to his Masonic dignity of the office of D . G . M . —( cheers ) . The duties of that office it would ahvays give him pleasure to perform —( cheers ) . "The Duke of Leinster and Grand Lodge of Ireland , " with three times three , was responded to by Bro . Sirr , recently appointed representative ; and "The Grand Lodge of Berlin , " by Bro . Habeler . Bro . Lewis acknowledged the compliment of ' The Provincial Grand Masters . "
Then followed " The Grand AVardens , and other Grand Officers of England . " The HON . HENRY FITZROY , S . G . W ., returned thanks in an address of considerable length , chiefly laudatory of the principles of Freemasonry . For himself , he declared that his efforts in the cause , for the short period of his affiliation , had been rewarded beyond their value b y the honours conferred upon him by H . R . H . ; but that the recollection
of this would always stimulate him to support H . R . H . in upholding and enforcing the laws and regulations of the Craft , whatever obloquy might befall him in the performance of that duty . And after expressing his very earnest desire that the principles of the Craft , as exhibited in universal benevolence and universal good feeling , might so far gain upon public opinion that Freemasons , instead of being numbered by thousands , might be numbered by millions—a wish which can only be consummated b
y due publicity — the eloquent speaker concluded b y thanking the G . M ., and the meeting also , for the notice taken of the other Grancl Officers *—( cheers ) . Other routine toasts having been disposed of , " The Ladies" were pledged in bumpers , amidst continued cheers , at the conclusion of which H . R . H . retired . In the gallery there was quite a galaxy of beauty . After those
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Grand Festival ,
not sit down to the banquet , was then duly given by the Grand Master , with three times three . A glee followed . His ROYAL HIGHNESS then said , he had the pleasure of proposing as a toast the health of a noble Brother , who , after having happily presided over a province , had at length been promoted to the high station of Deputy Grand Master—( cheers ) . He was satisfied of the good intentions of that noble Brotherthat he was fair and firm in rincile
, p p , and that , in his mind , he would do every thing to promote the harmony of the Order—( hear ) . For what he had already done thanks were clue to him ; ancl those who joined in the toast would prove that they fully participated in that feeling —( cheers ) . He therefore gave the " Deputy Grancl Master , " with three times three .
I he MARQUIS OP SALISBURY declared that he felt some difficulty in returning thanks suitably , after the flattering expressions that had been used in introducing the toast , and the kind manner in which it had been received . He was , liowever , extremely grateful for both . The onl y thing for which he coulcl presume to take any degree of credit was , for having , to the best of his ability , promoted the working of the Order . Having been to some extent successful in this , H . R H . had been pleased
to appoint him a Provincial Grand Master , which was certainl y an act of great kindness , consummated as that had been by the subsequent addition to his Masonic dignity of the office of D . G . M . —( cheers ) . The duties of that office it would ahvays give him pleasure to perform —( cheers ) . "The Duke of Leinster and Grand Lodge of Ireland , " with three times three , was responded to by Bro . Sirr , recently appointed representative ; and "The Grand Lodge of Berlin , " by Bro . Habeler . Bro . Lewis acknowledged the compliment of ' The Provincial Grand Masters . "
Then followed " The Grand AVardens , and other Grand Officers of England . " The HON . HENRY FITZROY , S . G . W ., returned thanks in an address of considerable length , chiefly laudatory of the principles of Freemasonry . For himself , he declared that his efforts in the cause , for the short period of his affiliation , had been rewarded beyond their value b y the honours conferred upon him by H . R . H . ; but that the recollection
of this would always stimulate him to support H . R . H . in upholding and enforcing the laws and regulations of the Craft , whatever obloquy might befall him in the performance of that duty . And after expressing his very earnest desire that the principles of the Craft , as exhibited in universal benevolence and universal good feeling , might so far gain upon public opinion that Freemasons , instead of being numbered by thousands , might be numbered by millions—a wish which can only be consummated b
y due publicity — the eloquent speaker concluded b y thanking the G . M ., and the meeting also , for the notice taken of the other Grancl Officers *—( cheers ) . Other routine toasts having been disposed of , " The Ladies" were pledged in bumpers , amidst continued cheers , at the conclusion of which H . R . H . retired . In the gallery there was quite a galaxy of beauty . After those