Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Chit Chat.
been written on the event , which we regret that want of space prevents our inserting . * l REVIVAL OP AN ANCIENT ORDER OF KNIGHTHOOD . — The Hamburgh Correspondent , under date , Berlin , 24 th ult , states that it was m contemplation to restore the order of St . John of Jerusalem By a return lately made , it appears that there are still thirty-two- members of the Order insistence . The last reception of the Order took
place at Sonnenburg in the year 1800 , when several Knights were created and amongst others Leopold , the present King of the Belgians , ancl « n hmest of Hesse Pl'Hippsthal Barchfeld . " DECREE FOR THE FOUNDATION OF THE RESTORED ORDER OP ST JOHN OF JERUSALEM IN ITALY . —We , Ferdinand the First , by the grace of God , Emperor of Austria , King of Hungary . Bohemia . T .
nm-Darcly and Venice , Gahcia , & c . & c , do hereby declare for ourselves , our heirs , and successors—-t , " ? , vhereas it was an object of constant care to our late father of illustrious memory , to protect , and , as far as possible , to preserve undiminished the Christian Order of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , which did such good service to a large portion of Europe , and which suffered so much b y the course of events . We , being animated with the same desireand
, being convinced that the establishment of the said Order must be serviceable and desirable to the nobility of our Lombardo-Venetian kingdom have been pleased to grant the prayer addressed to us by the Deputy Grand Master , Bailli Carlo Candida , and to allow of the erection of a special priory of the Order of St . John in the Lompff P ?; ! w ^ o ™ - J being , therefore , our gracious will to give thf d n f thlSPri 0 hereb
wi ? . £ . Tw ° - ry > we y decree a "J o ^ in as follows—Firstly , We appropriate as an endowment for the aforesaid priory the former church of the Order of St . John , together with the M £ Z XWTw ^ r parish 0 f St - ftancaco della Vigna , in the district of St . Antonio ( Nos . 3 , 772 , 3 , 200 , and 9 , 201 of the urovisovv tax
anc- register ) , at Venice , to become the property of the Order , ancl that the sinking fund of the Lombardo-Venetian Monte shall be indemnified for the same from the State treasury . Secondly , It is our gracious pleasure that every Grand Prior , from the clay of his approval by ourselves and our successors , and as long as he holds the office of Prior , shall receive a yearly allowance of 2 , 000 florins , to be paid in monthly rates against receiptsin the usual formThirdl
, . y , We allow all such noble families m our Lombardo-Venetian kingdom , as maybe so dis-Lfi ;/ " m * { " dat ; ons m this Order , and to confer respecting the conditions attached to them with the superiors of this Order promising that , without special reasons , we will not refuse our gracious assent to the said stipulations , that the priory thus founded by us mav acouire
oy degrees a suitable extension . Fourthl y , We ordain that only Austrian subjects shall be elected as Priors of the Order , and reserve to ourselves ancl our successors the especial ri ght of approving ancl rejecting the persons chosen , m which latter case the new election is equally de ? pendent on our approval . It is understood as a matter of course that the regulations issued by us for the Order of St . John , or which may hereafter be issued bus or our must be
y successors , punctually observed , fifthly , It is our gracious will ancl pleasure that the Order of St , John , as proprietor of the aforesaid Church and Priory , do affix this foundat on char er to the common books of registry of its immoveable possessions and that all the conditions herein expressed maybe inviolably maintained . We have affixed our sign manual to two original and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Chit Chat.
been written on the event , which we regret that want of space prevents our inserting . * l REVIVAL OP AN ANCIENT ORDER OF KNIGHTHOOD . — The Hamburgh Correspondent , under date , Berlin , 24 th ult , states that it was m contemplation to restore the order of St . John of Jerusalem By a return lately made , it appears that there are still thirty-two- members of the Order insistence . The last reception of the Order took
place at Sonnenburg in the year 1800 , when several Knights were created and amongst others Leopold , the present King of the Belgians , ancl « n hmest of Hesse Pl'Hippsthal Barchfeld . " DECREE FOR THE FOUNDATION OF THE RESTORED ORDER OP ST JOHN OF JERUSALEM IN ITALY . —We , Ferdinand the First , by the grace of God , Emperor of Austria , King of Hungary . Bohemia . T .
nm-Darcly and Venice , Gahcia , & c . & c , do hereby declare for ourselves , our heirs , and successors—-t , " ? , vhereas it was an object of constant care to our late father of illustrious memory , to protect , and , as far as possible , to preserve undiminished the Christian Order of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , which did such good service to a large portion of Europe , and which suffered so much b y the course of events . We , being animated with the same desireand
, being convinced that the establishment of the said Order must be serviceable and desirable to the nobility of our Lombardo-Venetian kingdom have been pleased to grant the prayer addressed to us by the Deputy Grand Master , Bailli Carlo Candida , and to allow of the erection of a special priory of the Order of St . John in the Lompff P ?; ! w ^ o ™ - J being , therefore , our gracious will to give thf d n f thlSPri 0 hereb
wi ? . £ . Tw ° - ry > we y decree a "J o ^ in as follows—Firstly , We appropriate as an endowment for the aforesaid priory the former church of the Order of St . John , together with the M £ Z XWTw ^ r parish 0 f St - ftancaco della Vigna , in the district of St . Antonio ( Nos . 3 , 772 , 3 , 200 , and 9 , 201 of the urovisovv tax
anc- register ) , at Venice , to become the property of the Order , ancl that the sinking fund of the Lombardo-Venetian Monte shall be indemnified for the same from the State treasury . Secondly , It is our gracious pleasure that every Grand Prior , from the clay of his approval by ourselves and our successors , and as long as he holds the office of Prior , shall receive a yearly allowance of 2 , 000 florins , to be paid in monthly rates against receiptsin the usual formThirdl
, . y , We allow all such noble families m our Lombardo-Venetian kingdom , as maybe so dis-Lfi ;/ " m * { " dat ; ons m this Order , and to confer respecting the conditions attached to them with the superiors of this Order promising that , without special reasons , we will not refuse our gracious assent to the said stipulations , that the priory thus founded by us mav acouire
oy degrees a suitable extension . Fourthl y , We ordain that only Austrian subjects shall be elected as Priors of the Order , and reserve to ourselves ancl our successors the especial ri ght of approving ancl rejecting the persons chosen , m which latter case the new election is equally de ? pendent on our approval . It is understood as a matter of course that the regulations issued by us for the Order of St . John , or which may hereafter be issued bus or our must be
y successors , punctually observed , fifthly , It is our gracious will ancl pleasure that the Order of St , John , as proprietor of the aforesaid Church and Priory , do affix this foundat on char er to the common books of registry of its immoveable possessions and that all the conditions herein expressed maybe inviolably maintained . We have affixed our sign manual to two original and