Article MASONIC OFFERING TO THE REV. GEO. OLIVER, D.D. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE PHESENTATION. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Offering To The Rev. Geo. Oliver, D.D.
tifiable pride ; lie cannot be unconscious of his own exalted merit . Lincolnshire , his homestead , should lead , London should adopt , and the world should confirm the testimony of our order to its most distinguished member-, by the purest wreath that should grace the brow of the Freemason of all time There should be a Provincial Committee in Lincoln to co-operate ivith a London Committee , and all foreign and district Grand Lodges should be addressed .
"The presentation can take place at the Provincial Grand Lodge at Lincoln in the summer of 1843 . " Brother Nicholson ' s reply ivas couched in the most affectionate acknowledgement of DJ-. Oliver ' s worth , but regretted that his own indisposition , and the still severer affliction of Mrs . Nicholson ivould prevent him from taking an active part in so important an object . Bro . Sir Eel . Bromhead ivas consulted ; and here again a serious
obstacle presented itself . Sir Edward was afflicted ivith so serious an affection in the eyes as to preclude him also from taking the lead . At length a Central Committee ivas formed at Lincoln , ivith whom the London Brethren put themselves into immediate communication . The Chairman of the Central Committee , Bro . Hebb , ( Mayor of Lincoln , ) died during last year , and sometime elapsed before the appointment of his successor the Hev . J . O . Dakeyne . Much delay having thus of
necessity occurred , some further time was required to address the fraternity in tbe East and West Indies , and other distant places . The result , hoivever , has been a triumphant testimony of the love , gratitude , and veneration felt for the distinguished Dr . Oliver , which , hoivever , exhibited in tbe complimentary offering , deiives a higher value from the correspondence that lias flowed in from Brethren of social rank and Masonic influence in all parts of the world . We have seen letters
which , if published , would form a volume of a most interesting character . It is important for reasons of obvious delicacy , that the attention of our readers should be drawn to the date of tbe first suggestion of the offering ivhich was in January 1842 , UOAV more than two years since ; next , that the delay Avas accidental ; and thirdly , that until the subscriptions should be remitted from the distant hemisphere , the "Offering " itself conld not bave been commenced .
The Phesentation.
The Witham Lodge , No . 37-1 , in ivhich it had been determined to conduct the proceedings , ivas opened about one o ' clock , by the AV . M . Bro . the Iteverend J . Osmond Dakeyne ; at which ivere present , in addition to tlie Alembers of the Lodge , a considerable number of Visiting Brethren from Lincolnshire and the adjoining provinces , as well as from London . The subject of the Meeting was alluded to and after an observation from the AV . M . that the presentation of thc Offering ivould take place after the Banquet , the Junior -Warden called the Brethren from labour to refreshment . "
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Masonic Offering To The Rev. Geo. Oliver, D.D.
tifiable pride ; lie cannot be unconscious of his own exalted merit . Lincolnshire , his homestead , should lead , London should adopt , and the world should confirm the testimony of our order to its most distinguished member-, by the purest wreath that should grace the brow of the Freemason of all time There should be a Provincial Committee in Lincoln to co-operate ivith a London Committee , and all foreign and district Grand Lodges should be addressed .
"The presentation can take place at the Provincial Grand Lodge at Lincoln in the summer of 1843 . " Brother Nicholson ' s reply ivas couched in the most affectionate acknowledgement of DJ-. Oliver ' s worth , but regretted that his own indisposition , and the still severer affliction of Mrs . Nicholson ivould prevent him from taking an active part in so important an object . Bro . Sir Eel . Bromhead ivas consulted ; and here again a serious
obstacle presented itself . Sir Edward was afflicted ivith so serious an affection in the eyes as to preclude him also from taking the lead . At length a Central Committee ivas formed at Lincoln , ivith whom the London Brethren put themselves into immediate communication . The Chairman of the Central Committee , Bro . Hebb , ( Mayor of Lincoln , ) died during last year , and sometime elapsed before the appointment of his successor the Hev . J . O . Dakeyne . Much delay having thus of
necessity occurred , some further time was required to address the fraternity in tbe East and West Indies , and other distant places . The result , hoivever , has been a triumphant testimony of the love , gratitude , and veneration felt for the distinguished Dr . Oliver , which , hoivever , exhibited in tbe complimentary offering , deiives a higher value from the correspondence that lias flowed in from Brethren of social rank and Masonic influence in all parts of the world . We have seen letters
which , if published , would form a volume of a most interesting character . It is important for reasons of obvious delicacy , that the attention of our readers should be drawn to the date of tbe first suggestion of the offering ivhich was in January 1842 , UOAV more than two years since ; next , that the delay Avas accidental ; and thirdly , that until the subscriptions should be remitted from the distant hemisphere , the "Offering " itself conld not bave been commenced .
The Phesentation.
The Witham Lodge , No . 37-1 , in ivhich it had been determined to conduct the proceedings , ivas opened about one o ' clock , by the AV . M . Bro . the Iteverend J . Osmond Dakeyne ; at which ivere present , in addition to tlie Alembers of the Lodge , a considerable number of Visiting Brethren from Lincolnshire and the adjoining provinces , as well as from London . The subject of the Meeting was alluded to and after an observation from the AV . M . that the presentation of thc Offering ivould take place after the Banquet , the Junior -Warden called the Brethren from labour to refreshment . "