Article REVIEW OF LITERATURE, &c. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Review Of Literature, &C.
The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , Vol . iii . Nos . 2 , 3 ,. - ) , 6 , and 7 , Boston ( U . S . ) Our contemporary continues to stand forth as the champion of the Order ; as an investigator of facts , a reporter of events , and as a literary biographer ; ive most heartily wish the Magazine may continue to exercise its wholesome influence not only over the wide field of our own community , but over the world . A press of subjects prevents us at present from making extracts , but we hope in our next to do so ; ancl take this opportunity of thanking the editor for having transplanted from our own columns many flowers that will flourish anew in his own luxuriant soil .
Explication du Tableau intitule Sapientia Generalis . By D . Rosenberg . Paris . Spencer , London . This work shows the manner of following the systematic course of a tableau , drawn by the erudite author , and comprehending the emblems that are displayed , with the references to all the various subjects . Like all the former tableaux of the author , it is unique , and may take a foremost rank with them ; it is Masonic as far as regards the high attributes . of supreme poiver , but it may be termed a truly Christian work , teaching the great moral , to rely through Jesus Christ , on the power and mercy of God . The author is a Hungarian Jew—does the reader start ?
Suggestions to the Jews . By a Jew . London : Galabin . This brochure is intended to direct the attention of the Jews to improvement in reference to their charities , education and general government ; and if a clear and candid statement of circumstances can effect so desirable an object , the " Suggestions" will be thankfully received . The author conceals nothing . He states the Jews are not a united body that they require a headwith a corresponding governing power
, , and that the mere confinement of certain members to a synagogue is insufficient to effect the moral view of " means to an end ; " in fact , that there is a want of moral union and co-operation . It is also well observed , that until a proper reform shall take place in such respects , they must continue to labour under the unmerited opprobium with ivhich so many of the Christian world visit them , ancl that they must show a greater desire for intellectual culturein order to disabuse the minds of their
neih-, g bours from prejudice . It appears that the charities of the Jewish nation ought to be amalgamated , and a system of improvement generally adopted . That the author is sincere there can be no doubt ; the brochure is well written , and we heartily wish that its benevolent views may be adopted by those for whose moral comfort it is intended .
On the Use- ofthe Sympathetic Nerve and its Ganglions . By T . B . Prockter , M . D . ( with Drawings . ) Highley , London . The author of this Treatise on a most important medical subject has dedicated it to the memory of the late Baron Dupuytren , to whom he pays a very grateful mark of respect . The nervous system of the human economy appears to be less understood than the muscular , vascular , and respiratory systems , which the author attributes , among other reasons , to the difficulty attending experiments , owing to the too probable destruction of essential parts . In
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Review Of Literature, &C.
The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , Vol . iii . Nos . 2 , 3 ,. - ) , 6 , and 7 , Boston ( U . S . ) Our contemporary continues to stand forth as the champion of the Order ; as an investigator of facts , a reporter of events , and as a literary biographer ; ive most heartily wish the Magazine may continue to exercise its wholesome influence not only over the wide field of our own community , but over the world . A press of subjects prevents us at present from making extracts , but we hope in our next to do so ; ancl take this opportunity of thanking the editor for having transplanted from our own columns many flowers that will flourish anew in his own luxuriant soil .
Explication du Tableau intitule Sapientia Generalis . By D . Rosenberg . Paris . Spencer , London . This work shows the manner of following the systematic course of a tableau , drawn by the erudite author , and comprehending the emblems that are displayed , with the references to all the various subjects . Like all the former tableaux of the author , it is unique , and may take a foremost rank with them ; it is Masonic as far as regards the high attributes . of supreme poiver , but it may be termed a truly Christian work , teaching the great moral , to rely through Jesus Christ , on the power and mercy of God . The author is a Hungarian Jew—does the reader start ?
Suggestions to the Jews . By a Jew . London : Galabin . This brochure is intended to direct the attention of the Jews to improvement in reference to their charities , education and general government ; and if a clear and candid statement of circumstances can effect so desirable an object , the " Suggestions" will be thankfully received . The author conceals nothing . He states the Jews are not a united body that they require a headwith a corresponding governing power
, , and that the mere confinement of certain members to a synagogue is insufficient to effect the moral view of " means to an end ; " in fact , that there is a want of moral union and co-operation . It is also well observed , that until a proper reform shall take place in such respects , they must continue to labour under the unmerited opprobium with ivhich so many of the Christian world visit them , ancl that they must show a greater desire for intellectual culturein order to disabuse the minds of their
neih-, g bours from prejudice . It appears that the charities of the Jewish nation ought to be amalgamated , and a system of improvement generally adopted . That the author is sincere there can be no doubt ; the brochure is well written , and we heartily wish that its benevolent views may be adopted by those for whose moral comfort it is intended .
On the Use- ofthe Sympathetic Nerve and its Ganglions . By T . B . Prockter , M . D . ( with Drawings . ) Highley , London . The author of this Treatise on a most important medical subject has dedicated it to the memory of the late Baron Dupuytren , to whom he pays a very grateful mark of respect . The nervous system of the human economy appears to be less understood than the muscular , vascular , and respiratory systems , which the author attributes , among other reasons , to the difficulty attending experiments , owing to the too probable destruction of essential parts . In