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The Patent Brandy. Betts & Co. Patent Br...
THE PATENT BRANDY . BETTS & Co . PATENT BRANDY DISTILLERS , 7 , SMITHFIELD BARS , have placed the produce of this country , the grain grown upon British soil , ancl malted and distilled b y native industry , upon an
equality with the produce and skill of ihe Continent . Their PALE AND COLOURED PATENT BRANDY is a pure , wholesome , and palatable spirit ; free from acid ; ancl equal in quality to the best Cognac , at about half the price . It is prescribed by the highest Medical Authorities , at Guy ' s , St . George ' s , and the Westminster Hospitals ; and at other principal Hospitals ancl Infirmaries , throughout
the kingdom . Quantities of not less than Two Gallons , in stone jars at 18 s . per Gallon , jar excluded ; and in bottles , six to the Gallon , at 20 s . per Gallon , ( or 3 s . 6 d . per bottle , ) the bottles and packages included . A single bottle may be had from the most respectable dealers in . town and country , of whose names lists may be obtained from the Patentees . The hi gh character attained by this Superior S p irit , was founded , at an early
period , upon its own intrinsic merits , as the following , from among many similar testimonials in its favour , will satisfactoril y attest : — 58 Aldersgate Street , Nov . 13 th , 1 S 29 . Sin , —THE sample of Patent French Distilled Brandy you sent me , I have accurately examined ; ancl having instituted a series of experiments on it , and on the finest French Brandy , I bave , in these comparative trials , been able to discover so little difference , either in their composition or effects , that they may be considered as identical ; excepting that your Brandy is free from uncombined acid ancl astringent matter , ivhich exists , more or less , in most of the Brandies imported from France .
I remain , Sir , yours respectfully , To Mr . Belts . JOHN THOMAS COOPER , Lecturer on Chemistry . Long-Acre , Nov . 14 th , 1829 . SIR , . —HAVING examined and analyzed several Samples of genuine French Brandy , ancl compared them with the Brandy of your own manufacture , I am bound to say , ancl do asseit it with confidence , that for purity of Spirit , this cannot be surpassed , and that your Patent Brandy is also quite free from those acidswhichthough minute in quantity
, , , always contaminate the Foreign Spirit . In obedience to your request I have sealed several bottles of your Brandy , which I shall preserve , for the purpose of comparison , should this be required at any future period . I remain , Sir , your obedient Servant , To J . T . Betts , Esq . JOSEPH 11 UME , Chemist to his Majesty . 38 , Upper Gower Street , Nov . 17 th , 1829-SIR , —I HAVE carefully analyzed the specimen of Patent French Distilled Brandy
, which you sent me for examination ; and do not hesitate to express my conviction , that it is fully as free from eveiy thing injurious to health , and contains as pure a Spirit , as the best varieties of Foreign Brandy . In accordance with your wishes I have sealed and preserved several bottles of your Brandy , which may be referred to at any future time , if necessary . I remain , Sir , your most obediant Servant , John T . BettsEsq . EDWARD TURNER
, , Professor of Chemistry in the University of London . To prevent fraud , every bottle has the cork and mouth secured by the Patent Metallic Capsules , ( not Tin Foil , ) embossed with the words "BETTS' PATENT BRANDY , 7 , SMITHFIELD BARS . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Patent Brandy. Betts & Co. Patent Br...
THE PATENT BRANDY . BETTS & Co . PATENT BRANDY DISTILLERS , 7 , SMITHFIELD BARS , have placed the produce of this country , the grain grown upon British soil , ancl malted and distilled b y native industry , upon an
equality with the produce and skill of ihe Continent . Their PALE AND COLOURED PATENT BRANDY is a pure , wholesome , and palatable spirit ; free from acid ; ancl equal in quality to the best Cognac , at about half the price . It is prescribed by the highest Medical Authorities , at Guy ' s , St . George ' s , and the Westminster Hospitals ; and at other principal Hospitals ancl Infirmaries , throughout
the kingdom . Quantities of not less than Two Gallons , in stone jars at 18 s . per Gallon , jar excluded ; and in bottles , six to the Gallon , at 20 s . per Gallon , ( or 3 s . 6 d . per bottle , ) the bottles and packages included . A single bottle may be had from the most respectable dealers in . town and country , of whose names lists may be obtained from the Patentees . The hi gh character attained by this Superior S p irit , was founded , at an early
period , upon its own intrinsic merits , as the following , from among many similar testimonials in its favour , will satisfactoril y attest : — 58 Aldersgate Street , Nov . 13 th , 1 S 29 . Sin , —THE sample of Patent French Distilled Brandy you sent me , I have accurately examined ; ancl having instituted a series of experiments on it , and on the finest French Brandy , I bave , in these comparative trials , been able to discover so little difference , either in their composition or effects , that they may be considered as identical ; excepting that your Brandy is free from uncombined acid ancl astringent matter , ivhich exists , more or less , in most of the Brandies imported from France .
I remain , Sir , yours respectfully , To Mr . Belts . JOHN THOMAS COOPER , Lecturer on Chemistry . Long-Acre , Nov . 14 th , 1829 . SIR , . —HAVING examined and analyzed several Samples of genuine French Brandy , ancl compared them with the Brandy of your own manufacture , I am bound to say , ancl do asseit it with confidence , that for purity of Spirit , this cannot be surpassed , and that your Patent Brandy is also quite free from those acidswhichthough minute in quantity
, , , always contaminate the Foreign Spirit . In obedience to your request I have sealed several bottles of your Brandy , which I shall preserve , for the purpose of comparison , should this be required at any future period . I remain , Sir , your obedient Servant , To J . T . Betts , Esq . JOSEPH 11 UME , Chemist to his Majesty . 38 , Upper Gower Street , Nov . 17 th , 1829-SIR , —I HAVE carefully analyzed the specimen of Patent French Distilled Brandy
, which you sent me for examination ; and do not hesitate to express my conviction , that it is fully as free from eveiy thing injurious to health , and contains as pure a Spirit , as the best varieties of Foreign Brandy . In accordance with your wishes I have sealed and preserved several bottles of your Brandy , which may be referred to at any future time , if necessary . I remain , Sir , your most obediant Servant , John T . BettsEsq . EDWARD TURNER
, , Professor of Chemistry in the University of London . To prevent fraud , every bottle has the cork and mouth secured by the Patent Metallic Capsules , ( not Tin Foil , ) embossed with the words "BETTS' PATENT BRANDY , 7 , SMITHFIELD BARS . "