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Freemasonry In Europe During The Past Century.
he did not fare so well in the disputes of tire party itself , although Iris guidance ivas admitted , and also his title of Superior of all the higher degrees ; his installation to the latter was publicly celebrated , with great pomp , on the 2 Sth of October , 1773 . This prince was beheaded on the 6 th of November , 1793 , ami during the revolution the Lodges were closed .
The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France was so far assimilated to the English , that all Lodges were there represented , and every Lodge , no matter what its mode of work , or separate laws , was obliged to be registered in the books of the Grand Secretary ; among the registered were Arch and Templar degrees . With the re-establishment of good order the Masonic meetings took place , and , although gradually , yet firmly , were the ramifications of the Craft extended . From 1805 to IS 12
1200 French Lodges were established ( of which about 130 existed in Paris ) , under Joseph Buonaparte and his Deputy , Cambaceres . It is not , we think , demonstrable where or when the King of Spain , the above named Joseph Buonaparte , was made a Mason , indeed doubts are entertained if he ever answered to his own free will and accord ; one thing is certain , that Napoleon , jealous of shadows , managed to inoculate his spy and police system into Freemasonryand one or more of
, his emissaries were present at every Lodge ; it is therefore not strange that he should cause his brother to be appointed the head of so extensive a body , it is no less certain that he never had any cause to interfere by legal enactment , or from personal motives , with the meetings of the Brethren . Interruptions , caused by the political events of 1814 , and 1815 , are not to be wondered at , yet they had no material influence on
the Fraternity , beyond the suspension for a time of the assemblings . Joseph Buonaparte left the kingdom of Spain and head of the Craft for the shores of America , and the superintendence was vested in a triumvirate , consisting of the Duke of 'Parent ( Macdonald ) , Marquis Bournouville ( Peer of France , and one of the ministry ) , and the Marquis of Valence ( likeivise a Peer , and Marshal of France . ) The Grand Council of Charlestown , in America , granted to the Count
Grassi Tilly permission to give the degrees of the Superior Order in any places he might visit ; he availed himself of it , by forming in all the towns he hael opportunities , Lodges and Chapters up to the 33 d degree , agreeably with his Charter . In the year 1804 , after his return to France , he joined with Brothers Pyron and Hacquet , for the purpose of spreading on the Continent of Europe these hitherto unknown secrets , but called " the old English system ; " the Supreme Council was established in
Paris , at which he presided as chief until 1806 , then Cambaceres was elected . All the degrees to the 18 th were under the control of the Grand Orient of France , but the next 15 ivere under the dictatorship of the Grand Council , by this means opening the way to continual differences , bickerings , and quarrels , which continued until 1841 . AVe hope the feelings of party spirit are now merged in the elesire to benefit the Order , and extend its assistance and charity to the Craft at large .
HOLLAND . In modern parlance we should call the first Loelge held in Holland a Lodge of Emergency , the Freemasons being called together at the Hague to witness the initiation of the Duke of Tuscany , afterwards Francis the First , and husband of Maria Theresa , which ceremony was performed by the Earl of Chesterfield in 1731 ; the Lodge was then closed . VOL . II . V
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Freemasonry In Europe During The Past Century.
he did not fare so well in the disputes of tire party itself , although Iris guidance ivas admitted , and also his title of Superior of all the higher degrees ; his installation to the latter was publicly celebrated , with great pomp , on the 2 Sth of October , 1773 . This prince was beheaded on the 6 th of November , 1793 , ami during the revolution the Lodges were closed .
The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France was so far assimilated to the English , that all Lodges were there represented , and every Lodge , no matter what its mode of work , or separate laws , was obliged to be registered in the books of the Grand Secretary ; among the registered were Arch and Templar degrees . With the re-establishment of good order the Masonic meetings took place , and , although gradually , yet firmly , were the ramifications of the Craft extended . From 1805 to IS 12
1200 French Lodges were established ( of which about 130 existed in Paris ) , under Joseph Buonaparte and his Deputy , Cambaceres . It is not , we think , demonstrable where or when the King of Spain , the above named Joseph Buonaparte , was made a Mason , indeed doubts are entertained if he ever answered to his own free will and accord ; one thing is certain , that Napoleon , jealous of shadows , managed to inoculate his spy and police system into Freemasonryand one or more of
, his emissaries were present at every Lodge ; it is therefore not strange that he should cause his brother to be appointed the head of so extensive a body , it is no less certain that he never had any cause to interfere by legal enactment , or from personal motives , with the meetings of the Brethren . Interruptions , caused by the political events of 1814 , and 1815 , are not to be wondered at , yet they had no material influence on
the Fraternity , beyond the suspension for a time of the assemblings . Joseph Buonaparte left the kingdom of Spain and head of the Craft for the shores of America , and the superintendence was vested in a triumvirate , consisting of the Duke of 'Parent ( Macdonald ) , Marquis Bournouville ( Peer of France , and one of the ministry ) , and the Marquis of Valence ( likeivise a Peer , and Marshal of France . ) The Grand Council of Charlestown , in America , granted to the Count
Grassi Tilly permission to give the degrees of the Superior Order in any places he might visit ; he availed himself of it , by forming in all the towns he hael opportunities , Lodges and Chapters up to the 33 d degree , agreeably with his Charter . In the year 1804 , after his return to France , he joined with Brothers Pyron and Hacquet , for the purpose of spreading on the Continent of Europe these hitherto unknown secrets , but called " the old English system ; " the Supreme Council was established in
Paris , at which he presided as chief until 1806 , then Cambaceres was elected . All the degrees to the 18 th were under the control of the Grand Orient of France , but the next 15 ivere under the dictatorship of the Grand Council , by this means opening the way to continual differences , bickerings , and quarrels , which continued until 1841 . AVe hope the feelings of party spirit are now merged in the elesire to benefit the Order , and extend its assistance and charity to the Craft at large .
HOLLAND . In modern parlance we should call the first Loelge held in Holland a Lodge of Emergency , the Freemasons being called together at the Hague to witness the initiation of the Duke of Tuscany , afterwards Francis the First , and husband of Maria Theresa , which ceremony was performed by the Earl of Chesterfield in 1731 ; the Lodge was then closed . VOL . II . V