Article EltEEMASUNUY. W. E V A N S, MASONIC JEWE... Page 1 of 1 Article EREEMASONRY BROTHER W. POVEY, MASONIC BO... Page 1 of 1 Article f> OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only g... Page 1 of 1
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Elteemasunuy. W. E V A N S, Masonic Jewe...
EltEEMASUNUY . W . E V A N S , MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , 3 MO . 6 , GSSAT STEWPOBT ST 3 EBT , XiOWG- ACRE , Pour Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , London , removed from No . 28 , New Street
Covent Garden . BROTHER WILLIAM EVANS returns his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for their patronage and support , and begs respectfully to solicit a continuance of their favours , which it will be his constant study to merit . Brother EVANS being really the manufacturer of every description of work appertaining to Masonic Paraphernalia , is enabled to supply the members of the Craft , aud Lodgeson most advantageous terms .
, Every article may be depended upon as strictly in conformity with the constitutions . An extensive collection of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , Sashes , Clothing , Working Tools , Banners , and Furniture , & c . & c . suitable for the several degrees of Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , always ready for sale . Masonic furniture of every description manufactured to order , on the shortest possible notice . Letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be
punctually answered . A cash remittance , or an order for payment ( in London ) , is requested to accompany all orders from the country ; and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care in the perfect execution of the same . The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on the most reasonable terms , consistent with a fair profit . Brother EVANS will feel obliged by Post Office Orders being made payable at Charing Cross .
Ereemasonry Brother W. Povey, Masonic Bo...
EREEMASONRY BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER AND BADGE CASE MAKER , 120 , FETTER LANE , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . - **• Books neatly and elegantly bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments .
W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Penny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may have any Orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention .
F> Obinson's Patent Barley Is The Only G...
f > OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article hy which pure - * - * Barley Water can be made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; and in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is au ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which
the Patent Barley may be applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings , Thickening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New Milk for Breakfast . It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and country , in Packets of ( id ., Is ., and in Family Canisters , at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and BELVILLE , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also of the Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , G 4 , Red Lion Street , Holborn , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Elteemasunuy. W. E V A N S, Masonic Jewe...
EltEEMASUNUY . W . E V A N S , MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , 3 MO . 6 , GSSAT STEWPOBT ST 3 EBT , XiOWG- ACRE , Pour Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , London , removed from No . 28 , New Street
Covent Garden . BROTHER WILLIAM EVANS returns his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for their patronage and support , and begs respectfully to solicit a continuance of their favours , which it will be his constant study to merit . Brother EVANS being really the manufacturer of every description of work appertaining to Masonic Paraphernalia , is enabled to supply the members of the Craft , aud Lodgeson most advantageous terms .
, Every article may be depended upon as strictly in conformity with the constitutions . An extensive collection of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , Sashes , Clothing , Working Tools , Banners , and Furniture , & c . & c . suitable for the several degrees of Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , always ready for sale . Masonic furniture of every description manufactured to order , on the shortest possible notice . Letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be
punctually answered . A cash remittance , or an order for payment ( in London ) , is requested to accompany all orders from the country ; and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care in the perfect execution of the same . The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on the most reasonable terms , consistent with a fair profit . Brother EVANS will feel obliged by Post Office Orders being made payable at Charing Cross .
Ereemasonry Brother W. Povey, Masonic Bo...
EREEMASONRY BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER AND BADGE CASE MAKER , 120 , FETTER LANE , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . - **• Books neatly and elegantly bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments .
W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Penny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may have any Orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention .
F> Obinson's Patent Barley Is The Only G...
f > OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article hy which pure - * - * Barley Water can be made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; and in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is au ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which
the Patent Barley may be applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings , Thickening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New Milk for Breakfast . It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and country , in Packets of ( id ., Is ., and in Family Canisters , at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and BELVILLE , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also of the Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , G 4 , Red Lion Street , Holborn , London .