Article Shortly will be published, in 12mo., a n... Page 1 of 1 Article WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, &c. "DERSONS of a... Page 1 of 1 Article 02, FLEET STREET. A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEE... Page 1 of 1 Article •^TOOD'S CIGA R ESTABLISHMENT, No. 69, K... Page 1 of 1
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Shortly Will Be Published, In 12mo., A N...
Shortly will be published , in 12 mo ., a new Volume of Sermons . "J ACOB'S LADDER ; the Ascent to Heaven plainly pointed out , in a series of " practical Addresses , delivered in familiar language from the Pulpit , by the Ilev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . & C . The Contents : —Introductory Address ; the Vision of Jacob ; Address on the Basis of the Ladder ; the Hol y Bible . The First Principal Step of the Ladder : —Faith , subdivided into five intermediate steps , viz . —1 , the Word incarnate ; 2 , Faith in Jesus ; 3 , Conscience ; 4 , Confidence ; 5 , Trust in God . The
Second Principal Step : —Hope . Intermediate steps : 6 , Watchfulness ; 7 , Solicitation ; S , Caution ; 9 , Courage ; 10 , Remission . The Third Principal Step : —Charity . Intermediate steps ; 11 , Christ ' s love to Man ; 12 , Love of God and our neighbour ; 13 , Glorifying the Redeemer ; 14 , Reward ; 15 , Salvation . Address on the summit ofthe Ladder—Heaven . Orders received by R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , London ; B . S . Oliver , Nottingham ; J . Bridgen , Wolverhampton ; Smedley , Sleaford ; Brooke , Lincoln ; and all other booksellers .
Writing, Book-Keeping, &C. "Dersons Of A...
WRITING , BOOK-KEEPING , & c . "DERSONS of any age , however bad their WRITING , may , in Eight Lessons , acquire - * - permanently an elegant and flowing style of Penmanship , adapted either to professional pursuits or private correspondence . Arithmetic on a method requiring only onethird the time and mental Jabour usually requisite . Book-keeping as practised in the Government , Banking , and Merchants' Offices . Short-hand , & c . " Under such instructors as Mr . SMARTPenmanshihas been reduced to a Science
, p , and the acquisition , therefore , of what is called a ' good hand , ' rendered but— ' the labour of an hour !"'—Polytechnic Journal . Apply to MR . SMART , at the Institution , 7 , NEW-STREET , COVENT-GARDEtf , leading to St . MARTIN'S-LANE .
02, Fleet Street. A New Discovery In Tee...
02 , FLEET STREET . A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . MR . HOWARD , Surgeon-Dentist , 52 , Fleet-street , has introduced an ENTIRELY iVi NEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they will NEVER CHANGE COLOUR OR DECAYand will be found very superior to any teeth ever before used . This method
, does not require the extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and are guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication ; and , that Mr . Howard's improvement may he within reach of the most economical , he has fixed his charges at the lowest scale possible . Decayed teeth rendered sound and useful in mastication . 52 , FLEET STREET . At home from Ten till Five .
•^Tood's Ciga R Establishment, No. 69, K...
•^ TOOD'S CIGA R ESTABLISHMENT , No . 69 , King William-street , City . —EDWIN Woon begs to inform the admirers of a genuine Havannah Cigar , that they will find at this Establishment the Largest and Choicest Assortment in London , selected with great care by an experienced agent in Havannah , and consigned direct to the advertiser ; comprising the first qualities from all the most approved Manufacturers . Genuine Havannahs 18 * . Superior ditto 22 * .
The finest imported 26 * . Genuine Old Principes 24 * . British Havannahs 11 * . to 16 * . Ditto Cheroots 9 * . to 12 * . & c . The " far-famed" Old Cubas 12 * . An inspection of the Stock is respectfully solicited , when it will be evident that the advantages offered , both in quality and price , are far superior to any other house in the trade . G oods delivered free within ten miles of London daily . 09 , King William-street , City .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Shortly Will Be Published, In 12mo., A N...
Shortly will be published , in 12 mo ., a new Volume of Sermons . "J ACOB'S LADDER ; the Ascent to Heaven plainly pointed out , in a series of " practical Addresses , delivered in familiar language from the Pulpit , by the Ilev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . & C . The Contents : —Introductory Address ; the Vision of Jacob ; Address on the Basis of the Ladder ; the Hol y Bible . The First Principal Step of the Ladder : —Faith , subdivided into five intermediate steps , viz . —1 , the Word incarnate ; 2 , Faith in Jesus ; 3 , Conscience ; 4 , Confidence ; 5 , Trust in God . The
Second Principal Step : —Hope . Intermediate steps : 6 , Watchfulness ; 7 , Solicitation ; S , Caution ; 9 , Courage ; 10 , Remission . The Third Principal Step : —Charity . Intermediate steps ; 11 , Christ ' s love to Man ; 12 , Love of God and our neighbour ; 13 , Glorifying the Redeemer ; 14 , Reward ; 15 , Salvation . Address on the summit ofthe Ladder—Heaven . Orders received by R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , London ; B . S . Oliver , Nottingham ; J . Bridgen , Wolverhampton ; Smedley , Sleaford ; Brooke , Lincoln ; and all other booksellers .
Writing, Book-Keeping, &C. "Dersons Of A...
WRITING , BOOK-KEEPING , & c . "DERSONS of any age , however bad their WRITING , may , in Eight Lessons , acquire - * - permanently an elegant and flowing style of Penmanship , adapted either to professional pursuits or private correspondence . Arithmetic on a method requiring only onethird the time and mental Jabour usually requisite . Book-keeping as practised in the Government , Banking , and Merchants' Offices . Short-hand , & c . " Under such instructors as Mr . SMARTPenmanshihas been reduced to a Science
, p , and the acquisition , therefore , of what is called a ' good hand , ' rendered but— ' the labour of an hour !"'—Polytechnic Journal . Apply to MR . SMART , at the Institution , 7 , NEW-STREET , COVENT-GARDEtf , leading to St . MARTIN'S-LANE .
02, Fleet Street. A New Discovery In Tee...
02 , FLEET STREET . A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . MR . HOWARD , Surgeon-Dentist , 52 , Fleet-street , has introduced an ENTIRELY iVi NEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they will NEVER CHANGE COLOUR OR DECAYand will be found very superior to any teeth ever before used . This method
, does not require the extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and are guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication ; and , that Mr . Howard's improvement may he within reach of the most economical , he has fixed his charges at the lowest scale possible . Decayed teeth rendered sound and useful in mastication . 52 , FLEET STREET . At home from Ten till Five .
•^Tood's Ciga R Establishment, No. 69, K...
•^ TOOD'S CIGA R ESTABLISHMENT , No . 69 , King William-street , City . —EDWIN Woon begs to inform the admirers of a genuine Havannah Cigar , that they will find at this Establishment the Largest and Choicest Assortment in London , selected with great care by an experienced agent in Havannah , and consigned direct to the advertiser ; comprising the first qualities from all the most approved Manufacturers . Genuine Havannahs 18 * . Superior ditto 22 * .
The finest imported 26 * . Genuine Old Principes 24 * . British Havannahs 11 * . to 16 * . Ditto Cheroots 9 * . to 12 * . & c . The " far-famed" Old Cubas 12 * . An inspection of the Stock is respectfully solicited , when it will be evident that the advantages offered , both in quality and price , are far superior to any other house in the trade . G oods delivered free within ten miles of London daily . 09 , King William-street , City .