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GiiAVESEND , June 11 . —Tlic Lodge of Sympathy held their annual meeting , in their room at the Literary Institution , this day , to wliich they invited the D . P . G . AI . Bro . Ashley , who attended with some of the Chatham Brethren . There were also present some other visiting friends , and among them Bro . Crucefix , who assisted Bro . Heather in the installation of the Alaster elect , Bro . Johnson . There was a fair specimen of operative work in the lodge-room under ground , and at the banquet , which took place in the large assembly room above ; there was such a
rivalry in the agremens of the table , & c . as evidently tended to enliven the social hours , during which song , toast , and address , followed each other , greatly to the delight of above thirty Brethren , who bade "good night" in hopes " to meet again . "
HERTFORD , April 4 . —The Provincial Grand Alaster for Hertfordshire , W . Stuart , Esq ., held his annual Grancl Lodge at the Shire Hall in this town , which was numerously attended by the most influential Brethren of the several lodges in this district . OxFOiiD , April 9 . —The Alasonic Brethren of this Province attended in large numbers at the Alasonic Hall in this City , for the purpose of installing Bro . Charles Ridley , of University Collegein the hih office
, g of Prov . Grand Alaster . The Lodge presented a very animated and splendid appearance , as , in addition to the Prov . Officers , there were also present several distinguished Officers and Brothers from the G . Lodge of England , Berkshire , and other Lodges . Among those present who assisted at the ceremony , were , Bro . B . Cabbell , P . G . W . ; J . AA arren Hayes , G . Chaplain ; R . Gibson , P . Registrar ; J . Billing , P . G . S . AV . ; J . J . BlandyD . P . G . M . ; E . SherwoodAV . JLLodsre 597 W . Evans
, , , ; , P . AL , Lodge 118 ; Bro . Holme , P . AL , Lodge 40 ; & c . & c . Immediately on the conclusion of the Installation , the P . G . AL proceeded to appoint his officers for the year . As soon as the various officers had been invested with their decorations , and bad entered on their duties , the Lodge was closed in due form and order , and the Brethren separated . In the evening the Brethren re-assembledwhen a lendid banquet
, sp was provided , and about eighty sat down to honour tbe P . G . M . who presided on the occasion . On the removal of the cloth , the P . G . AL proposed in succession , tbe "Queen and the Craft , " "Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal Family , " the "Grand Alaster of England , the Earl of Zetland , " who was distinguished for his Alasonic zeal ancl knowledge , and whose appointment to that high office had given such universal satisfaction . ( Drank
with the fullest Masonic honours ) . The P . G . M . said , there was a name identified with English history and England ' s naval glory—it was Howe ( cheers)—there was a name also connected with Masonry , and beloved by the Craft , and that too was Howe ( cheers ) , the Deputy Grand Alaster of England ; and it was only necessary to mention it to awaken that respect and honour due to it . Though as Masons it was their peculiar province to extend the blessings of peace rather than to encourage war , still they were not unmindful of one whose achievements had shed a lustre on his name and country , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GiiAVESEND , June 11 . —Tlic Lodge of Sympathy held their annual meeting , in their room at the Literary Institution , this day , to wliich they invited the D . P . G . AI . Bro . Ashley , who attended with some of the Chatham Brethren . There were also present some other visiting friends , and among them Bro . Crucefix , who assisted Bro . Heather in the installation of the Alaster elect , Bro . Johnson . There was a fair specimen of operative work in the lodge-room under ground , and at the banquet , which took place in the large assembly room above ; there was such a
rivalry in the agremens of the table , & c . as evidently tended to enliven the social hours , during which song , toast , and address , followed each other , greatly to the delight of above thirty Brethren , who bade "good night" in hopes " to meet again . "
HERTFORD , April 4 . —The Provincial Grand Alaster for Hertfordshire , W . Stuart , Esq ., held his annual Grancl Lodge at the Shire Hall in this town , which was numerously attended by the most influential Brethren of the several lodges in this district . OxFOiiD , April 9 . —The Alasonic Brethren of this Province attended in large numbers at the Alasonic Hall in this City , for the purpose of installing Bro . Charles Ridley , of University Collegein the hih office
, g of Prov . Grand Alaster . The Lodge presented a very animated and splendid appearance , as , in addition to the Prov . Officers , there were also present several distinguished Officers and Brothers from the G . Lodge of England , Berkshire , and other Lodges . Among those present who assisted at the ceremony , were , Bro . B . Cabbell , P . G . W . ; J . AA arren Hayes , G . Chaplain ; R . Gibson , P . Registrar ; J . Billing , P . G . S . AV . ; J . J . BlandyD . P . G . M . ; E . SherwoodAV . JLLodsre 597 W . Evans
, , , ; , P . AL , Lodge 118 ; Bro . Holme , P . AL , Lodge 40 ; & c . & c . Immediately on the conclusion of the Installation , the P . G . AL proceeded to appoint his officers for the year . As soon as the various officers had been invested with their decorations , and bad entered on their duties , the Lodge was closed in due form and order , and the Brethren separated . In the evening the Brethren re-assembledwhen a lendid banquet
, sp was provided , and about eighty sat down to honour tbe P . G . M . who presided on the occasion . On the removal of the cloth , the P . G . AL proposed in succession , tbe "Queen and the Craft , " "Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal Family , " the "Grand Alaster of England , the Earl of Zetland , " who was distinguished for his Alasonic zeal ancl knowledge , and whose appointment to that high office had given such universal satisfaction . ( Drank
with the fullest Masonic honours ) . The P . G . M . said , there was a name identified with English history and England ' s naval glory—it was Howe ( cheers)—there was a name also connected with Masonry , and beloved by the Craft , and that too was Howe ( cheers ) , the Deputy Grand Alaster of England ; and it was only necessary to mention it to awaken that respect and honour due to it . Though as Masons it was their peculiar province to extend the blessings of peace rather than to encourage war , still they were not unmindful of one whose achievements had shed a lustre on his name and country , and