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registry of the Grand Lodge of England , assembled at the Sagessee Lodge , where several visiting unattached Brethren also attended . The Lodge was opened by AAr orshipful Bro . AI'Hugh , Alaster of the Sagessee . The procession being formed , the Brethren proceeded to the residence of their late Brother , where the usual ceremony was gone through ; after which the procession was formed as before , two-and-two . At some distance from the church the corpse was met by the Rev . E . J . Hawkinswho took his place immediately before the coffinand
, , commenced the beautiful service of the established church , all being uncovered . At the same time the procession was joined by His Excellency Colonel Hay and Colonel Deane . On the conclusion of the service in the church , the Brethren , formed as before , proceeded to the grave , forming a circle around it ; when the Rev . Mr . Hawkins continued the solemn service of the church , which being ended , the AArorshipful Master of the Sagessee , Bro . AI'Hugh , proceeded to deliver an occasional oration ,
teeming with pathos and those high sentiments of morality and religion hy which the Craft has for time immemorial been ever characterized . This was followed by a prayer and the usual invocations , offered up in an impressive tone by Bro . Seon ; the responses being made bv all the
Brethren . Bro . Seon then delivered the usual address ; and , upon a given signal from the AVorshipful Alaster of the Sagessee , the Secretaries threw in their scrolls . , and all the Brethren their right-hand gloves and a sprig of evergreen . The Alasonic service was concluded by the AVorshipful Master of the Sagessee in the following words : — " Friend of our hearts , there rest in peace . Raised by the Grand Master ' s Word , mayest thou share the blessing of immortal life and unfading glory . So mote
it be ! " The Brethren then retired to the Sagessee Lodge-room , where the Lodge was closed in due form . It is due to all parties that we should remark here , that the greatest decorum and order pervaded the whole proceeding—the ceremonies being performed with all regularity and solemn bearing , whilst the utmost respectfulness marked the deportment of the populace , attracted by the novelty of a Alasonic funeral . NEW BRUNSWICK . —The Hibernian Lodge of Freemasons of St . John ' s contributed 30 / . for the relief of their Brethren in Ireland .
Ihe Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place : and Alessrs . THACKER & Co :, St Andrew ' s Library . Our correspondence from the sunny East is almost nil . AVe have not even any officialreport of the return ofthe Provincial Grand Master , the R . W . Bro . John Grant .
The Brethren of Bengal will , however , be pleased to hear that their agent , Bro . Alexander Grant was at his post in London on the 29 th of April , when he attended the especial Grand Lodge on the occasion of tlie installation of the Grand Master . AVe have the pleasure of stating that he paid to the Treasurer of the Asylum for Aged Masons a donation from the Lodge of Kindred Hope , 721 , at Nusserabad . ¦
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registry of the Grand Lodge of England , assembled at the Sagessee Lodge , where several visiting unattached Brethren also attended . The Lodge was opened by AAr orshipful Bro . AI'Hugh , Alaster of the Sagessee . The procession being formed , the Brethren proceeded to the residence of their late Brother , where the usual ceremony was gone through ; after which the procession was formed as before , two-and-two . At some distance from the church the corpse was met by the Rev . E . J . Hawkinswho took his place immediately before the coffinand
, , commenced the beautiful service of the established church , all being uncovered . At the same time the procession was joined by His Excellency Colonel Hay and Colonel Deane . On the conclusion of the service in the church , the Brethren , formed as before , proceeded to the grave , forming a circle around it ; when the Rev . Mr . Hawkins continued the solemn service of the church , which being ended , the AArorshipful Master of the Sagessee , Bro . AI'Hugh , proceeded to deliver an occasional oration ,
teeming with pathos and those high sentiments of morality and religion hy which the Craft has for time immemorial been ever characterized . This was followed by a prayer and the usual invocations , offered up in an impressive tone by Bro . Seon ; the responses being made bv all the
Brethren . Bro . Seon then delivered the usual address ; and , upon a given signal from the AVorshipful Alaster of the Sagessee , the Secretaries threw in their scrolls . , and all the Brethren their right-hand gloves and a sprig of evergreen . The Alasonic service was concluded by the AVorshipful Master of the Sagessee in the following words : — " Friend of our hearts , there rest in peace . Raised by the Grand Master ' s Word , mayest thou share the blessing of immortal life and unfading glory . So mote
it be ! " The Brethren then retired to the Sagessee Lodge-room , where the Lodge was closed in due form . It is due to all parties that we should remark here , that the greatest decorum and order pervaded the whole proceeding—the ceremonies being performed with all regularity and solemn bearing , whilst the utmost respectfulness marked the deportment of the populace , attracted by the novelty of a Alasonic funeral . NEW BRUNSWICK . —The Hibernian Lodge of Freemasons of St . John ' s contributed 30 / . for the relief of their Brethren in Ireland .
Ihe Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place : and Alessrs . THACKER & Co :, St Andrew ' s Library . Our correspondence from the sunny East is almost nil . AVe have not even any officialreport of the return ofthe Provincial Grand Master , the R . W . Bro . John Grant .
The Brethren of Bengal will , however , be pleased to hear that their agent , Bro . Alexander Grant was at his post in London on the 29 th of April , when he attended the especial Grand Lodge on the occasion of tlie installation of the Grand Master . AVe have the pleasure of stating that he paid to the Treasurer of the Asylum for Aged Masons a donation from the Lodge of Kindred Hope , 721 , at Nusserabad . ¦