Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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To Correspondents.
PAT—should have paused ere he addressed such a party , who cannot In . * straight forward ; in Lincolnshire they would be termed "Shm-ky . " liKi . b THH CAT . —We doubt the moral course of our correspondent Some th . it are obliged to wear the hell , muffle the clapper , and thus bring reformers into trouble , and Freemasmiry into disgrace . A PROVINCIAL WARDEN is too hard ou the condescension of his thief , v ; hn , if Vv ; tvts ou A point that martinets consider infra dig , still he shows so much kiudhear . eduess that would excuse even serious errors . OKIPOKI . —The late * * * has returned , hut has not publicly stated under what , burner he intends to rank . He did uot remain long enough at H . K . f . > r his tail to grow , which accounts for his not bringing over some of the Chinese Triads .
H . —We regret his being inveigled into the dishonest scheme , which no time can purify . We could wish , for the sake of the duped , that thedupers should meet early exposure . The piratical grades are privateers , buccaneers , pirates . HEADER . —No apology is needed ; name and address would have entitled tho Avorthy Urofher to a letter of explanation . The article was extracted from the "Jewish Chronicle . " CITY OF LONDON MASONIC HALL . —Letters and opinions from anonymous correspondents are rejected as unworthy of n . nice . ' The project is alike worthy the gratitude ami support of an enlightened age . Dr . Olivtr , in his " Golden Remains , " highly approves of Masonic Halls . Tide p . Mitt . vol . ii . GHRONUS . —We give no opinion on Maekay ' s Lexicon , having not as yet received a copy . A SUHSCIURER . —We are duly obliged by the three numbers of the Jewish ChronicleAVO
; genera'ly rcc . ive that p .-riodical , but were minus those sent by a subscriber . MRS . D . —Many thanks for much kindness . ELIZA . —The pot-try was not rejected , but returned for obvious necessary corrections as to thi' peculiar fact . A PAST GRAND OFFIOKR —Si-nd a request for the return of your MSS ., decently worded , UYwl vnn ^ I U rj . fiMivii ii witlir . ul wnnl nr i * rm > -mr « nfr . R » it \&\ vntir lVirr-nt lip Wtit ill f * x wntlf » Tl .
ami we will publish not a garbled , malignant , and false statement , but an elaborate , dispassionate , and truthful expo-G . P . G . O . is truly contemptible ; the hide of the rhinoceros may he impenetrable to the . goose-quill when di :-charged arrow fashion , but only dip the quill in ink , and give it a thoughtful direction , and what would become of poor Philip . Lucie BR . MATCH . —All in good time—caustic severity and admonition do not harmonize * , explosion attends such collision . THK MASDXIC NOSEGAY h . is point and frolic , bnt the satire is not clear ; the words should he , " which ever aud anon he gave his nose " THE FOX AND THE JACKDAW . —Inadmissible , as ciarse and pointless . CHRONICLKS OF THE LODGE UNDER GEUJUXD . —We will consider .
MASOXIC STAR CHAMBER AND FTS JEF FRI BS . —deferred . L . A— DOUBLE U . —with some fun and more wit c-m attbrd to wait . A HAMPSHIRE BROTHKR . —Not having received Mr . Anti-Humbug ' s lucubration , we do not think proper to give the reply thereto . P . M . ( Manchester ) will perceive that wc have complied with the request . A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS SCHOOLS AND THE TWO INSTITUTIONS FOR THE OGKD . —We know no reason why the Asylum was not on the toast-list on the Oth . The Be . ievolent Fund was given and received with a hearty cheer at the Asylum festival . A COUNTRY MASON . — We have heard of the informality as to name , and agree in the propriety of taking the next highest ou the list . The ten nominated acted wisely in uot opposing thefouiteen elected , in the Vice-presidentship . The fuU attendance of the * ' purple" iv . is , howi ver , significant of thoir intention to carry the point had they been in the majority—in fact , they had fixed on Bro . Jennings . AN ADMIRER . —We understand that General Cooke has heen requested to sit for his bust , to be placed in the new temple .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . G . U . —Nn election for joining or re-joining am be valid until due notice shall have been given by circular , and the ballot subsequently takt-n in open Lodge . ' 1 he confirmation of irregular minutes cannot make them regular , but may lead to the suspension of the Lodge during investigation . B . ^ . —The ritual practised by the late Bro . Gilkes is , on the whole , the best to lie observed , more especially by all new Lodge ? . Any chailatamicrie of the Lite " Finch" should be disregarded , and the publications of the " apostate" burnt . Let the tyros of every Lodge be cautioned against them as dishonourable and dishonest . CRAVAT may appear in black or white at the P . G . L . Fashion and etiquette at present favour the white cravat . The martinet only will question what he cannot exclude . Breeches
ami buckles are now matters of history . A Puov . G . M . is most sincerely thanked for his communication ; it is the brightest jcwi-I that has gli iered in the diadem of Masonic independence since the days of the Karl of Jvuiham . We reserve its publication for a more fitting opportunity , just now its truthful seventy would lie misunderstood , when fawning sycophancy threatens to lead the Grand Master into danger . At the fitting hour the letter may save the Grand Master and tlie Grand Lodge from possible divarication . TEMPLARS . ALPHA —The best reply to an ill-natured inquiry is , that the party is appointed by patent . A GRAND OFFICER . —General Cooke will , we hope , be appointed as Represen . alive in the Grand Kneampment of New York .
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL 33 D DEGREE . MISRAIM . —We doubt the claim to the title , and decline to give publicity to anonymous abuse , even ofthe Scoto-Gallus . JACQUES DK MOLAY is out of keeping with either the 33 d or even with the miserable attempt to foist " Misraim" on ihe credulity of Jiasons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
PAT—should have paused ere he addressed such a party , who cannot In . * straight forward ; in Lincolnshire they would be termed "Shm-ky . " liKi . b THH CAT . —We doubt the moral course of our correspondent Some th . it are obliged to wear the hell , muffle the clapper , and thus bring reformers into trouble , and Freemasmiry into disgrace . A PROVINCIAL WARDEN is too hard ou the condescension of his thief , v ; hn , if Vv ; tvts ou A point that martinets consider infra dig , still he shows so much kiudhear . eduess that would excuse even serious errors . OKIPOKI . —The late * * * has returned , hut has not publicly stated under what , burner he intends to rank . He did uot remain long enough at H . K . f . > r his tail to grow , which accounts for his not bringing over some of the Chinese Triads .
H . —We regret his being inveigled into the dishonest scheme , which no time can purify . We could wish , for the sake of the duped , that thedupers should meet early exposure . The piratical grades are privateers , buccaneers , pirates . HEADER . —No apology is needed ; name and address would have entitled tho Avorthy Urofher to a letter of explanation . The article was extracted from the "Jewish Chronicle . " CITY OF LONDON MASONIC HALL . —Letters and opinions from anonymous correspondents are rejected as unworthy of n . nice . ' The project is alike worthy the gratitude ami support of an enlightened age . Dr . Olivtr , in his " Golden Remains , " highly approves of Masonic Halls . Tide p . Mitt . vol . ii . GHRONUS . —We give no opinion on Maekay ' s Lexicon , having not as yet received a copy . A SUHSCIURER . —We are duly obliged by the three numbers of the Jewish ChronicleAVO
; genera'ly rcc . ive that p .-riodical , but were minus those sent by a subscriber . MRS . D . —Many thanks for much kindness . ELIZA . —The pot-try was not rejected , but returned for obvious necessary corrections as to thi' peculiar fact . A PAST GRAND OFFIOKR —Si-nd a request for the return of your MSS ., decently worded , UYwl vnn ^ I U rj . fiMivii ii witlir . ul wnnl nr i * rm > -mr « nfr . R » it \&\ vntir lVirr-nt lip Wtit ill f * x wntlf » Tl .
ami we will publish not a garbled , malignant , and false statement , but an elaborate , dispassionate , and truthful expo-G . P . G . O . is truly contemptible ; the hide of the rhinoceros may he impenetrable to the . goose-quill when di :-charged arrow fashion , but only dip the quill in ink , and give it a thoughtful direction , and what would become of poor Philip . Lucie BR . MATCH . —All in good time—caustic severity and admonition do not harmonize * , explosion attends such collision . THK MASDXIC NOSEGAY h . is point and frolic , bnt the satire is not clear ; the words should he , " which ever aud anon he gave his nose " THE FOX AND THE JACKDAW . —Inadmissible , as ciarse and pointless . CHRONICLKS OF THE LODGE UNDER GEUJUXD . —We will consider .
MASOXIC STAR CHAMBER AND FTS JEF FRI BS . —deferred . L . A— DOUBLE U . —with some fun and more wit c-m attbrd to wait . A HAMPSHIRE BROTHKR . —Not having received Mr . Anti-Humbug ' s lucubration , we do not think proper to give the reply thereto . P . M . ( Manchester ) will perceive that wc have complied with the request . A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS SCHOOLS AND THE TWO INSTITUTIONS FOR THE OGKD . —We know no reason why the Asylum was not on the toast-list on the Oth . The Be . ievolent Fund was given and received with a hearty cheer at the Asylum festival . A COUNTRY MASON . — We have heard of the informality as to name , and agree in the propriety of taking the next highest ou the list . The ten nominated acted wisely in uot opposing thefouiteen elected , in the Vice-presidentship . The fuU attendance of the * ' purple" iv . is , howi ver , significant of thoir intention to carry the point had they been in the majority—in fact , they had fixed on Bro . Jennings . AN ADMIRER . —We understand that General Cooke has heen requested to sit for his bust , to be placed in the new temple .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . G . U . —Nn election for joining or re-joining am be valid until due notice shall have been given by circular , and the ballot subsequently takt-n in open Lodge . ' 1 he confirmation of irregular minutes cannot make them regular , but may lead to the suspension of the Lodge during investigation . B . ^ . —The ritual practised by the late Bro . Gilkes is , on the whole , the best to lie observed , more especially by all new Lodge ? . Any chailatamicrie of the Lite " Finch" should be disregarded , and the publications of the " apostate" burnt . Let the tyros of every Lodge be cautioned against them as dishonourable and dishonest . CRAVAT may appear in black or white at the P . G . L . Fashion and etiquette at present favour the white cravat . The martinet only will question what he cannot exclude . Breeches
ami buckles are now matters of history . A Puov . G . M . is most sincerely thanked for his communication ; it is the brightest jcwi-I that has gli iered in the diadem of Masonic independence since the days of the Karl of Jvuiham . We reserve its publication for a more fitting opportunity , just now its truthful seventy would lie misunderstood , when fawning sycophancy threatens to lead the Grand Master into danger . At the fitting hour the letter may save the Grand Master and tlie Grand Lodge from possible divarication . TEMPLARS . ALPHA —The best reply to an ill-natured inquiry is , that the party is appointed by patent . A GRAND OFFICER . —General Cooke will , we hope , be appointed as Represen . alive in the Grand Kneampment of New York .
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL 33 D DEGREE . MISRAIM . —We doubt the claim to the title , and decline to give publicity to anonymous abuse , even ofthe Scoto-Gallus . JACQUES DK MOLAY is out of keeping with either the 33 d or even with the miserable attempt to foist " Misraim" on ihe credulity of Jiasons .