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3y Her Majesty's Jr^S%L^&J^S^C^^ Royal P...
3 y Her Majesty ' s jr ^ S % l ^& J ^ S ^ C ^^ Royal Patent . THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE ROOFING ,
AND PROTECTIVE MATERIAL FOR PLANTS . WITH WHICH THE WSooJc of tl » e Coiaraiiltee ISoosais of tlie lew Mosases oi " iS ? an * li » fiaB . e ! a 4 arc covea'ctl , UNDER THE DIRECTION OF C . BARRY , ESQ ., R . A .
8 , LAURENCE POUNTXEY HILL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , Begs to call tlie attention of Noblemen , Gentlemen , the Trade , and the Public , to the sole PATENT ASPHALTE F & LT , FOR HOOFING , As improved by the Original Inventor and Patentee , and patronized by many members of
© Dc Stomal Agricultural Societies of lEnglant ) , Jbtotlanti , anil ErclanD . Her Majesty ' s Woods and Forests . The Leeds and Manchester , The Royal Agricultural Society of England . The Liverpool and Manchester , The Royal Hrrticultural Society ' s Gardens , The Chester and Holyhead , Chiswick . The London and Worth Western , The Duke of Buccleugh . The Norfolk and other Railways . The Marquis of Anglesey . And the Corporation of the City of Edinburgh . Tho Swiss Gardens , Shorehara , Sussex .
''PHIS FELT is greatly superior to every other description of Felt in the market , being - " - principally made of Hair , and saturated entirely with Asphalte , without any mixture of Pitch , Tar , or Rosin , and is consequently much more durable , and a much better nonconductor of Heat , and is guaranteed to be the only " Patented Asphalte Felt . " For COVERING Conservatories and Garden Sheds and Frames , being ( from its imperviousness to frost ) a protective material for PlantsSeedsFlowers & cand for Thatching
, , , , Corn and Hay Ricks , making a permanent covering for many years , and thereby effecting an annual saving of Straw . Price—One Penny per Square Foot . y THOMAS JOHN CROGGON respectfully requests that his Address may be
particularly noted , as the only means of liaving orders executed promptly—and with the ... Patent Asphalte Felt . ' 8 , LAUIIKNCE PoUNTNBY HlLL , : CANNON SritutiT , LONDON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3y Her Majesty's Jr^S%L^&J^S^C^^ Royal P...
3 y Her Majesty ' s jr ^ S % l ^& J ^ S ^ C ^^ Royal Patent . THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE ROOFING ,
AND PROTECTIVE MATERIAL FOR PLANTS . WITH WHICH THE WSooJc of tl » e Coiaraiiltee ISoosais of tlie lew Mosases oi " iS ? an * li » fiaB . e ! a 4 arc covea'ctl , UNDER THE DIRECTION OF C . BARRY , ESQ ., R . A .
8 , LAURENCE POUNTXEY HILL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , Begs to call tlie attention of Noblemen , Gentlemen , the Trade , and the Public , to the sole PATENT ASPHALTE F & LT , FOR HOOFING , As improved by the Original Inventor and Patentee , and patronized by many members of
© Dc Stomal Agricultural Societies of lEnglant ) , Jbtotlanti , anil ErclanD . Her Majesty ' s Woods and Forests . The Leeds and Manchester , The Royal Agricultural Society of England . The Liverpool and Manchester , The Royal Hrrticultural Society ' s Gardens , The Chester and Holyhead , Chiswick . The London and Worth Western , The Duke of Buccleugh . The Norfolk and other Railways . The Marquis of Anglesey . And the Corporation of the City of Edinburgh . Tho Swiss Gardens , Shorehara , Sussex .
''PHIS FELT is greatly superior to every other description of Felt in the market , being - " - principally made of Hair , and saturated entirely with Asphalte , without any mixture of Pitch , Tar , or Rosin , and is consequently much more durable , and a much better nonconductor of Heat , and is guaranteed to be the only " Patented Asphalte Felt . " For COVERING Conservatories and Garden Sheds and Frames , being ( from its imperviousness to frost ) a protective material for PlantsSeedsFlowers & cand for Thatching
, , , , Corn and Hay Ricks , making a permanent covering for many years , and thereby effecting an annual saving of Straw . Price—One Penny per Square Foot . y THOMAS JOHN CROGGON respectfully requests that his Address may be
particularly noted , as the only means of liaving orders executed promptly—and with the ... Patent Asphalte Felt . ' 8 , LAUIIKNCE PoUNTNBY HlLL , : CANNON SritutiT , LONDON .