Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
of the priests than by the will of the government . AVe are enabled to see this , and also how deplorable the condition of the Brethren must have been there , by a new rescript , published in the name of the king on the 28 th January , 1783 , to the president Marchese Cito . It is therein said— " The king , our gracious lord , caused to be laid before him the two so very different memorials which the ministers of state have caused to be preparedconcerning the accusations brought against
, Dr . Januarius Pallas , in connexion with the suppressed Freemason ' s Lodge . The king ' s majesty perceiving the difference of opinion which exists , even among his ministers themselves , upon a case of itself so important , and finding from the nature of the accusations that it is impossible to come to any decision , with that clearness and certainty which are the most necessary properties of a just judgment , and without which the conscience must ever remain disturbed by the fear of having
pronounced an unjust sentence , the principal evidence being extremely doubtful . The king having reflected , with paternal compassion , upon the miseries which so man y men have suffered through imprisonment , fines , and other heavy losses , after having invoked the assistance of the Holy Spirit , hath finally determined to put an end to the prosecution , with that grace , justice , and mercy with which God has inspired him . He willsthereforethat all fines and imprisonmentwhich have arisen
, , , out of this case , shall be entirely abrogated ; and that any crimes which may peradventure have been committed by the accused parties shall be forgiven ; and that they shall not be subject to any further damage or disgrace . But as he knows how much the sect of Freemasons may be suspected of plotting against religion and the state , so he wills and
commands , that the junta should closely and continually watch over the same , to prevent or severely punish any disturbances it may give rise to . " "When Naples was under the usurpation of Napoleon Bonaparte the Lodges were re-opened , but they were afterwards obliged to close them . There was formerly an English Lodge at Messina , in Sicily , and another called de la Reconciliation . In the city of Naples there were also an English and five other Lodges . Neuplatoniker . New or Modem Platonicks . —This was a
theosophical school , formed from the mysteries of all nations and the works of all the philosophers of antiquity which professed to possess the pure hermetical sciences , and through those the most sacred mysteries of theurgy and magic ; and , enlightened or dazzled by a supernatural light , boasted of being able to practise the most exalted virtues , or to perform
the most godlike actions , lhis school originated in the times of heathenism , went over unto Christianity , found acceptance every where , and when it was finally persecuted , found a refuge in the cloisters of the monks . New Platonism originated in Alexandria in Egypt , and its founder was Ammonias , surnamed Sakkas of Alexandria , who lived between the second and third centuries . He was born of and educated by Christian parents , but his love of philosophy causing him diligently to attend the schools of the heathen hilosophershe soon gave himself
p , up entirely to them , and went from the religion of his parents to heathenism . He then commenced a school of his own , which he called a Platonic school , for which reason his scholars were called Platonics , and we call them Modern Platonics , to distinguish them from the true disciples of Plato . From his adherents he required a solemn oath that they would not disclose to any one the truths he taught them , neither did he commit anything to writing . The concourse unto him was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Lexicon.
of the priests than by the will of the government . AVe are enabled to see this , and also how deplorable the condition of the Brethren must have been there , by a new rescript , published in the name of the king on the 28 th January , 1783 , to the president Marchese Cito . It is therein said— " The king , our gracious lord , caused to be laid before him the two so very different memorials which the ministers of state have caused to be preparedconcerning the accusations brought against
, Dr . Januarius Pallas , in connexion with the suppressed Freemason ' s Lodge . The king ' s majesty perceiving the difference of opinion which exists , even among his ministers themselves , upon a case of itself so important , and finding from the nature of the accusations that it is impossible to come to any decision , with that clearness and certainty which are the most necessary properties of a just judgment , and without which the conscience must ever remain disturbed by the fear of having
pronounced an unjust sentence , the principal evidence being extremely doubtful . The king having reflected , with paternal compassion , upon the miseries which so man y men have suffered through imprisonment , fines , and other heavy losses , after having invoked the assistance of the Holy Spirit , hath finally determined to put an end to the prosecution , with that grace , justice , and mercy with which God has inspired him . He willsthereforethat all fines and imprisonmentwhich have arisen
, , , out of this case , shall be entirely abrogated ; and that any crimes which may peradventure have been committed by the accused parties shall be forgiven ; and that they shall not be subject to any further damage or disgrace . But as he knows how much the sect of Freemasons may be suspected of plotting against religion and the state , so he wills and
commands , that the junta should closely and continually watch over the same , to prevent or severely punish any disturbances it may give rise to . " "When Naples was under the usurpation of Napoleon Bonaparte the Lodges were re-opened , but they were afterwards obliged to close them . There was formerly an English Lodge at Messina , in Sicily , and another called de la Reconciliation . In the city of Naples there were also an English and five other Lodges . Neuplatoniker . New or Modem Platonicks . —This was a
theosophical school , formed from the mysteries of all nations and the works of all the philosophers of antiquity which professed to possess the pure hermetical sciences , and through those the most sacred mysteries of theurgy and magic ; and , enlightened or dazzled by a supernatural light , boasted of being able to practise the most exalted virtues , or to perform
the most godlike actions , lhis school originated in the times of heathenism , went over unto Christianity , found acceptance every where , and when it was finally persecuted , found a refuge in the cloisters of the monks . New Platonism originated in Alexandria in Egypt , and its founder was Ammonias , surnamed Sakkas of Alexandria , who lived between the second and third centuries . He was born of and educated by Christian parents , but his love of philosophy causing him diligently to attend the schools of the heathen hilosophershe soon gave himself
p , up entirely to them , and went from the religion of his parents to heathenism . He then commenced a school of his own , which he called a Platonic school , for which reason his scholars were called Platonics , and we call them Modern Platonics , to distinguish them from the true disciples of Plato . From his adherents he required a solemn oath that they would not disclose to any one the truths he taught them , neither did he commit anything to writing . The concourse unto him was