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Asylum For Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
you in so noble a cause —( cheers ) . I am sure you have received with ' as much gratification as I do the announcement made by Bro . Crucefix , that it is intended to proceed immediately to erect tiie Asylum —( cheers ) . I hope you will be successful in adding to your funds , that you may be enabled to erect an Asylum , which , while it will show the munificence of the Brethren , will be amply sufficient to accommodate such of them as shall be compelled to resort to it . I do not wish that
any other institution should suffer by the erection of the Asylum ; and while , therefore , I do not wish to take anything from the Annuity Fund , I wish to proceed with the Asylum —( cheers ) . Gentlemen , it has been my good fortune to enjoy the particular regard of our noble Grand Master , and I am sure that it is to that circumstance
more than to any merits of my own , that I have been able in some degree to advance the cause of Masonry . I have to thank you . most warmly and cordially for the honour you have done me , and I can only again assure you that you can always reckon on my assistance—( cheers ) . Brother BREWSTER . —Brethren and gentlemen , at this lalehour I will not detain youbut at once propose the health of the Past Chairmen of
, the anniversary festivals , who have discharged their duties with so much ability —( cheers ) . In particular , however , I must mention Bro . Bond Cabbell . I thank him for becoming a trustee—I thank him for presiding as chairman—and I also thank him for not forgetting to mention us on the 9 th instant , in his speech at the festival of the Annuity Fund . — Drunk with three times three . Brother BELL . —I am most unexpectedly called upon to respond to
the toast which has just been proposed to you . I have long been a steady supporter of this institution , and I have regularly attended here through good report and evil report , for we have had to contend with evil reports , but I have never shrunk from giving my support to the society ; and it is greater pleasure to me to know that the gentlemen connected with the institution have strenuously performed their duty . Gentlemen , I beg to return you my best thanks for the kind manner in which you have drunk the toast .
The CHAIRMAN . —Brethren and gentlemen , after all that has been said , I am sure that I need not say one word to you to recommend to you the toast I am now about to propose . We have met for the purposes of charity , and connected with our own institution there are others . I have , now to propose to you " The Boys and Girls' Schools , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and may prosperity attend them "—( cheers ) . Drunk with applause . The CHAIRMAN . —As the time is so far advanced I must be brief ;
I will therefore without further preface give you the " Health of the Ladies present , " many of whom have been such liberal contributors to to the charity —( immense cheering)—and I am sure you authorize me to tell them that we are truly truly thankful to them—( cheers ) . Drunk amidst most enthusiastic cheering . Brother HODGKINSON , in a neat and appropriate speech , proposed the " Plealth of the Clerical Brethren who had honoured them with their presence , " and to whom they were on all occasions so much indebted .
He adverted especially to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , the historian of the Craft , who . had so nobly sustained the honour of Freemasonry . Drunk with all the honours . Brother the Rev . ERSKINE NEALE , in an eloquent speech , returned
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Asylum For Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
you in so noble a cause —( cheers ) . I am sure you have received with ' as much gratification as I do the announcement made by Bro . Crucefix , that it is intended to proceed immediately to erect tiie Asylum —( cheers ) . I hope you will be successful in adding to your funds , that you may be enabled to erect an Asylum , which , while it will show the munificence of the Brethren , will be amply sufficient to accommodate such of them as shall be compelled to resort to it . I do not wish that
any other institution should suffer by the erection of the Asylum ; and while , therefore , I do not wish to take anything from the Annuity Fund , I wish to proceed with the Asylum —( cheers ) . Gentlemen , it has been my good fortune to enjoy the particular regard of our noble Grand Master , and I am sure that it is to that circumstance
more than to any merits of my own , that I have been able in some degree to advance the cause of Masonry . I have to thank you . most warmly and cordially for the honour you have done me , and I can only again assure you that you can always reckon on my assistance—( cheers ) . Brother BREWSTER . —Brethren and gentlemen , at this lalehour I will not detain youbut at once propose the health of the Past Chairmen of
, the anniversary festivals , who have discharged their duties with so much ability —( cheers ) . In particular , however , I must mention Bro . Bond Cabbell . I thank him for becoming a trustee—I thank him for presiding as chairman—and I also thank him for not forgetting to mention us on the 9 th instant , in his speech at the festival of the Annuity Fund . — Drunk with three times three . Brother BELL . —I am most unexpectedly called upon to respond to
the toast which has just been proposed to you . I have long been a steady supporter of this institution , and I have regularly attended here through good report and evil report , for we have had to contend with evil reports , but I have never shrunk from giving my support to the society ; and it is greater pleasure to me to know that the gentlemen connected with the institution have strenuously performed their duty . Gentlemen , I beg to return you my best thanks for the kind manner in which you have drunk the toast .
The CHAIRMAN . —Brethren and gentlemen , after all that has been said , I am sure that I need not say one word to you to recommend to you the toast I am now about to propose . We have met for the purposes of charity , and connected with our own institution there are others . I have , now to propose to you " The Boys and Girls' Schools , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and may prosperity attend them "—( cheers ) . Drunk with applause . The CHAIRMAN . —As the time is so far advanced I must be brief ;
I will therefore without further preface give you the " Health of the Ladies present , " many of whom have been such liberal contributors to to the charity —( immense cheering)—and I am sure you authorize me to tell them that we are truly truly thankful to them—( cheers ) . Drunk amidst most enthusiastic cheering . Brother HODGKINSON , in a neat and appropriate speech , proposed the " Plealth of the Clerical Brethren who had honoured them with their presence , " and to whom they were on all occasions so much indebted .
He adverted especially to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , the historian of the Craft , who . had so nobly sustained the honour of Freemasonry . Drunk with all the honours . Brother the Rev . ERSKINE NEALE , in an eloquent speech , returned