Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 17 →
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Right . Hon . the Viscount Combermere , P . G . M ., Cheshire ; Hon . AVellington Cotton , and Stephen Blair , Esq ., D . P . G . M . ; Right Hon . the Countess of Ellesmere , Right Hon . A'iscountcss Combermere , Hon . Mrs . AV . Cotton . The company numbered about three hundred . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , when fair forms threaded the intricacies of the quadrille , whirled through the giddy round of the waltz , and revelled in the all-absorbing polka . This is the first Masonic ball
which has been given in Manchester for fifty years , and was regarded by the uninitiated as quite a novelty . The diversified appearance of the Masonic costumes of the various degrees , added to the valuable and sparkling jewels worn by several of the Brethren , presented a coup d ' ceil at once novel and attractive to the brilliant eyes of the gentler sex who honoured the ball with their enlivening presence . The arrangements were in every respect most excellentand reflected great credit upon the
, committee for their good management . As this Masonic reunion has met with such unqualified approbation from all parties , it is intended annually to hold one of these meetings , in hopes it will prove a source of income for such a benevolent purpose . June 18 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , and a banquet at the Free Trade Hal !; the particulars reached us too late for insertion .
KETTERING , May 19 . —The Prov . G . M . for the provinces of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire , the Right Hon . the Earl of Aboyne , held his annual Provincial Grand Lodge in this town , in the room belonging to the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 666 , which was elegantly decorated . The P . G . M . presided , supported by Bro . Ewart , the D . P . G . M . ; Bro . the Rev . — Downes , the P . G . C . ; Bro . Wm . Strickland , P . G . S . ; and a numerous muster of the P . G . officers , and other members of the Craft .
The minutes of the Prov . G . L . having been read , and other business transacted , the appointment of the officers was proceeded with . The Grand Lodge having been called off , the Brethren proceeded to view the fine old church of Kettering , standing most advantageously upon a gentle eminence , the west front , over which rises the magnificent tower , being approached by a carriage-drive , whence a flight of steps leads to a gothic doorway of the thirteenth century . Some of the Brethren appeared much interested in an old painting , discovered on
the north wall , when the white-wash was partially removed about thirty years back . A curious old oak chest , and an antique desk , to which the covers of a Bible and Prayer-book still remain chained , also excited much attention . At four o ' clock , after a blessing had been craved by the P . G . C . in a most eloquent , appropriate , and impressive manner , the Brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , at the George . The cloth being drawn ,
the R . AV . G . M . rose , and , after a few remarks , proposed , as the first toast , " The Queen , " and other loyal and Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically cheered . The P . S . G . W . Bro . INNS then rose , and in a very neat speech proposed the health of the It . AV . P . G . M . the Earl of Aboyne , and from the affectionate manner in which it was received , and the plaudits which hailed every allusion to his lordship ' s love of Masonry and exertions for its welfare , testified most strongly to the estimation in wliich he is so justly held in the province .
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Right . Hon . the Viscount Combermere , P . G . M ., Cheshire ; Hon . AVellington Cotton , and Stephen Blair , Esq ., D . P . G . M . ; Right Hon . the Countess of Ellesmere , Right Hon . A'iscountcss Combermere , Hon . Mrs . AV . Cotton . The company numbered about three hundred . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , when fair forms threaded the intricacies of the quadrille , whirled through the giddy round of the waltz , and revelled in the all-absorbing polka . This is the first Masonic ball
which has been given in Manchester for fifty years , and was regarded by the uninitiated as quite a novelty . The diversified appearance of the Masonic costumes of the various degrees , added to the valuable and sparkling jewels worn by several of the Brethren , presented a coup d ' ceil at once novel and attractive to the brilliant eyes of the gentler sex who honoured the ball with their enlivening presence . The arrangements were in every respect most excellentand reflected great credit upon the
, committee for their good management . As this Masonic reunion has met with such unqualified approbation from all parties , it is intended annually to hold one of these meetings , in hopes it will prove a source of income for such a benevolent purpose . June 18 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , and a banquet at the Free Trade Hal !; the particulars reached us too late for insertion .
KETTERING , May 19 . —The Prov . G . M . for the provinces of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire , the Right Hon . the Earl of Aboyne , held his annual Provincial Grand Lodge in this town , in the room belonging to the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 666 , which was elegantly decorated . The P . G . M . presided , supported by Bro . Ewart , the D . P . G . M . ; Bro . the Rev . — Downes , the P . G . C . ; Bro . Wm . Strickland , P . G . S . ; and a numerous muster of the P . G . officers , and other members of the Craft .
The minutes of the Prov . G . L . having been read , and other business transacted , the appointment of the officers was proceeded with . The Grand Lodge having been called off , the Brethren proceeded to view the fine old church of Kettering , standing most advantageously upon a gentle eminence , the west front , over which rises the magnificent tower , being approached by a carriage-drive , whence a flight of steps leads to a gothic doorway of the thirteenth century . Some of the Brethren appeared much interested in an old painting , discovered on
the north wall , when the white-wash was partially removed about thirty years back . A curious old oak chest , and an antique desk , to which the covers of a Bible and Prayer-book still remain chained , also excited much attention . At four o ' clock , after a blessing had been craved by the P . G . C . in a most eloquent , appropriate , and impressive manner , the Brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , at the George . The cloth being drawn ,
the R . AV . G . M . rose , and , after a few remarks , proposed , as the first toast , " The Queen , " and other loyal and Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically cheered . The P . S . G . W . Bro . INNS then rose , and in a very neat speech proposed the health of the It . AV . P . G . M . the Earl of Aboyne , and from the affectionate manner in which it was received , and the plaudits which hailed every allusion to his lordship ' s love of Masonry and exertions for its welfare , testified most strongly to the estimation in wliich he is so justly held in the province .