Article MASONIC CHARITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Charities.
ROTAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . The annual meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to this excellent Institution , established to grant annuities to aged Freemasons and their Widows , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , May 19 . In the absence of the M . W . the G . M ., the Earl of ZetlandAvho sent a letter apologising for his non-attendancein
con-, , sequence of the pressure of private business , Bro . E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and one of the Vice-Presidents , was called to the Chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Report of the auditors was read , from which it appeared that on the male fund there had been brought forward from the last account £ 328 . 19 s . Wd . ; there had been since receivedin donations and
, subscriptions , £ 1 , 738 . Is . 4 iZ . ; making a total of £ 2 , 067 . Is . 2 d . The disbursements had amounted to £ 1 , 278 . 19 s . 2 d ., and there had been invested in Three per Cent . Stock £ 412 . 9 s . ; leaving a balance in hand of £ 375 . 13 s . On the WidoAVs' Fund there was a balance
brought from the last year ' s account of £ 2 . 17 s ., and there had since been received £ 574 . 7 s . 10 < Z ., making a total of £ 577 . 4 s . Wd . The disbursements had amounted to £ 220 . 2 s ., leaving a balance in hand of £ 357 . 2 s . lOd . On account of the Building Fund the balance on the year in favour of the fund Avas £ 804 . 8 s . 3 d . Bro . WILLIAM FAENEIELD , the Secretary , next proceeded to read the Report of the Committee of Management , AA-hich stated that the
Institution still continued to receive very general support from the Brethren , but , in consequence of an alteration in the rules last year , by which a fixed annuity was given in all cases to the annuitants , according to age , and which had had the effect of augmenting the expenditure of the Institution , the number of annuitants could not for the present be increased . At the period of the last annual meeting the number of annuitants was fifty-three , of Avhom seven had
since died ; and it Avas UOAV proposed to elect six more from the list of thirty-one candidates , which would make the number of male annuitants on the funds of the Institution fifty-tAVO . Of the fiftythree annuitants on the funds last year , forty-one had been members of country Lodges , and had received 849 Z ., Avhilst twelve had belonged to London , and received 250 Z . There Avere eleven widows on the fundsAvho had received during the past year 190 Z . and it was
, , now proposed to add tAvo more to the number from the list of nine candidates . During the past year the legacy of 500 Z . towards the Building Fund from the late Bro . Colvile Brown had been received , and the Grand Lodge of England had voted 350 Z . to the same purpose , which , however , would not become payable until after the con-
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Masonic Charities.
ROTAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . The annual meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to this excellent Institution , established to grant annuities to aged Freemasons and their Widows , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , May 19 . In the absence of the M . W . the G . M ., the Earl of ZetlandAvho sent a letter apologising for his non-attendancein
con-, , sequence of the pressure of private business , Bro . E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and one of the Vice-Presidents , was called to the Chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Report of the auditors was read , from which it appeared that on the male fund there had been brought forward from the last account £ 328 . 19 s . Wd . ; there had been since receivedin donations and
, subscriptions , £ 1 , 738 . Is . 4 iZ . ; making a total of £ 2 , 067 . Is . 2 d . The disbursements had amounted to £ 1 , 278 . 19 s . 2 d ., and there had been invested in Three per Cent . Stock £ 412 . 9 s . ; leaving a balance in hand of £ 375 . 13 s . On the WidoAVs' Fund there was a balance
brought from the last year ' s account of £ 2 . 17 s ., and there had since been received £ 574 . 7 s . 10 < Z ., making a total of £ 577 . 4 s . Wd . The disbursements had amounted to £ 220 . 2 s ., leaving a balance in hand of £ 357 . 2 s . lOd . On account of the Building Fund the balance on the year in favour of the fund Avas £ 804 . 8 s . 3 d . Bro . WILLIAM FAENEIELD , the Secretary , next proceeded to read the Report of the Committee of Management , AA-hich stated that the
Institution still continued to receive very general support from the Brethren , but , in consequence of an alteration in the rules last year , by which a fixed annuity was given in all cases to the annuitants , according to age , and which had had the effect of augmenting the expenditure of the Institution , the number of annuitants could not for the present be increased . At the period of the last annual meeting the number of annuitants was fifty-three , of Avhom seven had
since died ; and it Avas UOAV proposed to elect six more from the list of thirty-one candidates , which would make the number of male annuitants on the funds of the Institution fifty-tAVO . Of the fiftythree annuitants on the funds last year , forty-one had been members of country Lodges , and had received 849 Z ., Avhilst twelve had belonged to London , and received 250 Z . There Avere eleven widows on the fundsAvho had received during the past year 190 Z . and it was
, , now proposed to add tAvo more to the number from the list of nine candidates . During the past year the legacy of 500 Z . towards the Building Fund from the late Bro . Colvile Brown had been received , and the Grand Lodge of England had voted 350 Z . to the same purpose , which , however , would not become payable until after the con-