Article ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
depend upon it he would do so then ( cheers ) . They Avere not met for long speeches ; in the Court of Chancery where he practised , they did make long speeches , but here his speeches should be as brief and terse as possible ; he was proud to preside over the Province of Kent . Masonry was now extending its benefits to every part of the world ; they had a Turkish Lodge at
Constantinople , and the benefits of English Craft Masonry would soon be extended to every part of Asia , and be ventured to repeat AA hat he had said some time ago , that he did not despair of one day seeing the Emperor of Russia himself made a Mason ( loud laughter ) . So great Avas the desire among the officers in the army to become Masons , that he had constantl y apjilications made to him to initiate
such officers under twenty-one years of age ( loud cheering ) . Bro . COOPEE again rose . He was sure they Avould listen Avith attention when they heard the toast he was about to propose , and if any Brother did not receive it with respect and silence , if he belonged to his Province , he should not scruple to reprimand him , and to intimate that he was unworthy of belonging to the Craft . The toast vrhich he was about to proposeAvas the health of a
noble-, man of rank , and Avhat Avas more , a nobleman of merit , and what Avas still more , a nobleman who was a good Mason , one who regarded them all as his Brethren , although in point of rank , station , influence , and property , he surpassed every one of them ; he was satisfied there was not a Brother who , if he performed his duty , would not receive
his Lordship ' s countenance and attention ; he had to propose the health of Lord Londesborough ( loud cheering ) , Avho had kindly undertaken to preside over them on this occasion . He had not been prepared to propose his Lordship ' s health , but of course he had no difficulty in doing so , because his Lordship's merits as a nobleman , a member of the legislature , a landlord in one of the Ridings of Torkwere known by report to all of them ( loud cheers ) .
, His Lordship had done his utmost to promote the interests of our institution in the county of Tork and he knew from his OAvn lips that no man was more alive to or had a higher opinion of the benefits to be derived from English Craft Masonry , than Lord Londesborough ( cheers ) . He knew also from report as well as personally , having had the honour of being his guest , that no man more regularly
practised those virtues which were ever approved of by the most excellent and enlightened Masons . He Avas the patron of science , of literature , and the fine arts ; in fact , Avhether he looked at the county of Tork , whether he looked at the great metropolis , or in his OAvn Proviuce of Kent or everywhere he Avas knoAvn , his Lordship Avas always looked up to with affection and respect . He was a nobleman of Avhom every one might be proud . He concluded by
proposing the health of Lord Londesborough , Avhich was received with great applause . The CHAIEMAN , in returning thanks , observed that he felt he AVUS but a steward of those talents which had been committed to his charge ; and he also felt that , Avith all his attempts , it was very diffi-
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
depend upon it he would do so then ( cheers ) . They Avere not met for long speeches ; in the Court of Chancery where he practised , they did make long speeches , but here his speeches should be as brief and terse as possible ; he was proud to preside over the Province of Kent . Masonry was now extending its benefits to every part of the world ; they had a Turkish Lodge at
Constantinople , and the benefits of English Craft Masonry would soon be extended to every part of Asia , and be ventured to repeat AA hat he had said some time ago , that he did not despair of one day seeing the Emperor of Russia himself made a Mason ( loud laughter ) . So great Avas the desire among the officers in the army to become Masons , that he had constantl y apjilications made to him to initiate
such officers under twenty-one years of age ( loud cheering ) . Bro . COOPEE again rose . He was sure they Avould listen Avith attention when they heard the toast he was about to propose , and if any Brother did not receive it with respect and silence , if he belonged to his Province , he should not scruple to reprimand him , and to intimate that he was unworthy of belonging to the Craft . The toast vrhich he was about to proposeAvas the health of a
noble-, man of rank , and Avhat Avas more , a nobleman of merit , and what Avas still more , a nobleman who was a good Mason , one who regarded them all as his Brethren , although in point of rank , station , influence , and property , he surpassed every one of them ; he was satisfied there was not a Brother who , if he performed his duty , would not receive
his Lordship ' s countenance and attention ; he had to propose the health of Lord Londesborough ( loud cheering ) , Avho had kindly undertaken to preside over them on this occasion . He had not been prepared to propose his Lordship ' s health , but of course he had no difficulty in doing so , because his Lordship's merits as a nobleman , a member of the legislature , a landlord in one of the Ridings of Torkwere known by report to all of them ( loud cheers ) .
, His Lordship had done his utmost to promote the interests of our institution in the county of Tork and he knew from his OAvn lips that no man was more alive to or had a higher opinion of the benefits to be derived from English Craft Masonry , than Lord Londesborough ( cheers ) . He knew also from report as well as personally , having had the honour of being his guest , that no man more regularly
practised those virtues which were ever approved of by the most excellent and enlightened Masons . He Avas the patron of science , of literature , and the fine arts ; in fact , Avhether he looked at the county of Tork , whether he looked at the great metropolis , or in his OAvn Proviuce of Kent or everywhere he Avas knoAvn , his Lordship Avas always looked up to with affection and respect . He was a nobleman of Avhom every one might be proud . He concluded by
proposing the health of Lord Londesborough , Avhich was received with great applause . The CHAIEMAN , in returning thanks , observed that he felt he AVUS but a steward of those talents which had been committed to his charge ; and he also felt that , Avith all his attempts , it was very diffi-