Article ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
CHORUS . To God our highest praise be given . Hark ! the echo sounds from heaven . Let every voice in concert raise Loud hallelujahs to His praise .
Praise the Lord ! Hallelujah ! Ameu . The CHAIEMAN rose . He felt quite at a loss IIOAV to address them ; but the touching spectacle now before them Avould have—must havefar greater effect than anything he could say . How could they be niggardly with such a scene before them ? ( cheers ) . Could they refuse to assist an Institution which afforded to these dear little ones a
humble but happy home ? How much was implied in that one word "home ! " It Avas one of the sources of our national greatness that family ties should be respected and cemented . All the domestic affections rallied round our English hearths . It was the mother who first taught us our duty to God and to each other . It Avas the Avife Avho succeeded their mothers , and assisted them in every perplexity .
It was their Avives and daughters who smoothed their pillows when on the bed of sickness , and their wives and daughters would Aveep the bitterest tears over their graves ( much cheering ) . It was therefore of the greatest importance that the early culture of the Avives and mothers of the next generation should be carefully attended to ( cheers ) . These children showed what might be done by care and attention ; and great praise was due to that estimable lady who , for 50 years , had been at the head of the establishment , and to the other ladies , who had passed all their lives in the School , and had exerted
themselves to the utmost in this sphere of usefulness . He felt he ought to say no more , but leave it to themselves , asking them , however , to drink " Prosperity to this admirable Institution , the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children . " ( This toast was drunk , as usual , with great enthusiasm . ) Bro . BEADON then brought forward Rhoda Davis , and stated that it now became his dutyas one of the Trustees and Vice-Presidents
, of the School , to present to his Lordship Rhoda Davis , who had distinguished herself beyond all others of her fellows as Avorthy to receive the medal which had been placed in his Lordship ' s hands . It Avould be a gratification to all to know that she had not only conducted herself in a manner to be selected for this honour by her young schoolfellows , but to the satisfaction of the matron and the House
Committee . She had endeared herself to them all ( loud cheering ) . She Avas a London girl , and if she persevered in her good conduct there Avas little doubb but that she would be successful in life , and reap the benefits arising from this excellent Institution . He had HOAV to ask his Lordship to present her with the medal . The CHAIEMAN , in doing this , thus addressed her -. — " My dear little girl , I am a father myself , aud it gives pleasure to my heart to see one so young , so good ( cheers ) . Bear in mind that those who have assisted in your bringing-up will Avatch your future life . Remember
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
CHORUS . To God our highest praise be given . Hark ! the echo sounds from heaven . Let every voice in concert raise Loud hallelujahs to His praise .
Praise the Lord ! Hallelujah ! Ameu . The CHAIEMAN rose . He felt quite at a loss IIOAV to address them ; but the touching spectacle now before them Avould have—must havefar greater effect than anything he could say . How could they be niggardly with such a scene before them ? ( cheers ) . Could they refuse to assist an Institution which afforded to these dear little ones a
humble but happy home ? How much was implied in that one word "home ! " It Avas one of the sources of our national greatness that family ties should be respected and cemented . All the domestic affections rallied round our English hearths . It was the mother who first taught us our duty to God and to each other . It Avas the Avife Avho succeeded their mothers , and assisted them in every perplexity .
It was their Avives and daughters who smoothed their pillows when on the bed of sickness , and their wives and daughters would Aveep the bitterest tears over their graves ( much cheering ) . It was therefore of the greatest importance that the early culture of the Avives and mothers of the next generation should be carefully attended to ( cheers ) . These children showed what might be done by care and attention ; and great praise was due to that estimable lady who , for 50 years , had been at the head of the establishment , and to the other ladies , who had passed all their lives in the School , and had exerted
themselves to the utmost in this sphere of usefulness . He felt he ought to say no more , but leave it to themselves , asking them , however , to drink " Prosperity to this admirable Institution , the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children . " ( This toast was drunk , as usual , with great enthusiasm . ) Bro . BEADON then brought forward Rhoda Davis , and stated that it now became his dutyas one of the Trustees and Vice-Presidents
, of the School , to present to his Lordship Rhoda Davis , who had distinguished herself beyond all others of her fellows as Avorthy to receive the medal which had been placed in his Lordship ' s hands . It Avould be a gratification to all to know that she had not only conducted herself in a manner to be selected for this honour by her young schoolfellows , but to the satisfaction of the matron and the House
Committee . She had endeared herself to them all ( loud cheering ) . She Avas a London girl , and if she persevered in her good conduct there Avas little doubb but that she would be successful in life , and reap the benefits arising from this excellent Institution . He had HOAV to ask his Lordship to present her with the medal . The CHAIEMAN , in doing this , thus addressed her -. — " My dear little girl , I am a father myself , aud it gives pleasure to my heart to see one so young , so good ( cheers ) . Bear in mind that those who have assisted in your bringing-up will Avatch your future life . Remember