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Grand Conclave Of Masonic Knights Templar,
HELD ON FRIDAY , May 12 , 1854 . Fr . Col . Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M . ; W . Stuart , Very High and Eminent D . GlM . ; Rev . Edward Moore , Grand Prelate ; M . DaAves , V . E . P . G . C . for Lancashire ; Lieut . Col . G . A . Vernon , V . E . P . G . C . for Staffordshire ; H . H . Burchell , Past 1 st G . Capt . as 1 st G . Capt . ; Capt . A . Q . Hopper 2 nd G . Capt . ; J .
, Masson , Past 1 st G . Capt . ; H . Udall , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; H . Luxmore , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; R . J . Spiers , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; IT . Emly , G . Chancellor ; J . H . Law , G . Vice-Chancellor ; George Wackerbarth , G . Tr . ; J . Ward , 1 st G . Ex . ; J . N . Tomkyns , Past 1 st G . Ex . ; J . Elliott , Past 2 nd G . Ex . ; W . W . Beach , 1 st G . Stand . Bearer ; M . H . Shuttleworth , G . Almoner ; G . B . Cole , as Director
of Ceremonies pro tern . ; EdAvd . Snell , 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp ; F . Dee , 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp ; Rev . J . E . Cox , P . 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp ; Rev . C . H . Pettatt , 1 st G . Capt . of Lines ; Capt . Maher , G . Sword Bearer ; R . Spencer , G . Banner Bearer , and several other Fratres . The Grand Conclave Avas opened in due form , and Avith solemn prayer . The M . E . and S . G . M . directed alms to be collected , pursuant to the Statutes of the Order , and during the collection of them by tbe G . Almoner , the G . Prelate read the usual exhortations . The minutes of the last Grand Conclave were read .
The following Report of the Committee for General Purposes Avas read : — "To the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the JRoyal , Exalted , JReli g ious , and Military Order of Masonie Knights Templar in England and Wales , the Grand Officers , and Fratres in Grand- Conclave assembled .
" Your Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the Treasurer ' s accounts for the years 1853 and 1854 , and find the same correct . The receipts of the past year , together with the sum of 317 ? . 8 s . Id . in hand at the last Grand Conclave , amount to the aggregate sum of 4202 . 7 s . & d ., of which there has been disbursed and expended during the same period , the sum of 911 . 12 s . lid ., leaving in the hands of the Grand Treasurer on the present occasion a balance of 3282 . 14 « . 9 d . "They have great pleasure and satisfaction in congratulating the Grand
Conclave on the increase of the Order , which has taken place during the past year . Six Warrants for new Encampments have been granted since the last Grand Conclave , namely , the Observance at Madias , the Almeric de St . Maur at Bolton , the Godefroi de Bouillon , Stoke-upon-Trent , the Hugh de Payens , Kingston , Canada West , the St . George ' s Encampment , Oldham , and the Geoffery de St . Omer , Manchester . "The Statutes of the Order have been printed , and have been for some time in circulation ,, and may be had at a moderate price on application to Fr . Spencer , 114 , High Holborn . And the Committee urge on Encampments and individual members the propriety of making themselves acquainted with these landmarks of the Order . " The Jewels for the Officers of the Grand Conclave have been completed , and
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Grand Conclave Of Masonic Knights Templar,
HELD ON FRIDAY , May 12 , 1854 . Fr . Col . Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M . ; W . Stuart , Very High and Eminent D . GlM . ; Rev . Edward Moore , Grand Prelate ; M . DaAves , V . E . P . G . C . for Lancashire ; Lieut . Col . G . A . Vernon , V . E . P . G . C . for Staffordshire ; H . H . Burchell , Past 1 st G . Capt . as 1 st G . Capt . ; Capt . A . Q . Hopper 2 nd G . Capt . ; J .
, Masson , Past 1 st G . Capt . ; H . Udall , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; H . Luxmore , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; R . J . Spiers , Past 2 nd G . Capt . ; IT . Emly , G . Chancellor ; J . H . Law , G . Vice-Chancellor ; George Wackerbarth , G . Tr . ; J . Ward , 1 st G . Ex . ; J . N . Tomkyns , Past 1 st G . Ex . ; J . Elliott , Past 2 nd G . Ex . ; W . W . Beach , 1 st G . Stand . Bearer ; M . H . Shuttleworth , G . Almoner ; G . B . Cole , as Director
of Ceremonies pro tern . ; EdAvd . Snell , 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp ; F . Dee , 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp ; Rev . J . E . Cox , P . 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp ; Rev . C . H . Pettatt , 1 st G . Capt . of Lines ; Capt . Maher , G . Sword Bearer ; R . Spencer , G . Banner Bearer , and several other Fratres . The Grand Conclave Avas opened in due form , and Avith solemn prayer . The M . E . and S . G . M . directed alms to be collected , pursuant to the Statutes of the Order , and during the collection of them by tbe G . Almoner , the G . Prelate read the usual exhortations . The minutes of the last Grand Conclave were read .
The following Report of the Committee for General Purposes Avas read : — "To the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the JRoyal , Exalted , JReli g ious , and Military Order of Masonie Knights Templar in England and Wales , the Grand Officers , and Fratres in Grand- Conclave assembled .
" Your Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the Treasurer ' s accounts for the years 1853 and 1854 , and find the same correct . The receipts of the past year , together with the sum of 317 ? . 8 s . Id . in hand at the last Grand Conclave , amount to the aggregate sum of 4202 . 7 s . & d ., of which there has been disbursed and expended during the same period , the sum of 911 . 12 s . lid ., leaving in the hands of the Grand Treasurer on the present occasion a balance of 3282 . 14 « . 9 d . "They have great pleasure and satisfaction in congratulating the Grand
Conclave on the increase of the Order , which has taken place during the past year . Six Warrants for new Encampments have been granted since the last Grand Conclave , namely , the Observance at Madias , the Almeric de St . Maur at Bolton , the Godefroi de Bouillon , Stoke-upon-Trent , the Hugh de Payens , Kingston , Canada West , the St . George ' s Encampment , Oldham , and the Geoffery de St . Omer , Manchester . "The Statutes of the Order have been printed , and have been for some time in circulation ,, and may be had at a moderate price on application to Fr . Spencer , 114 , High Holborn . And the Committee urge on Encampments and individual members the propriety of making themselves acquainted with these landmarks of the Order . " The Jewels for the Officers of the Grand Conclave have been completed , and